Rabbi Herzog: September will bring political earthquakes in Iraq, Jordan, Judea and Samaria, Egypt, and Sudan

See Tranlation below Tweet


Queen Rania of Jordan, haven’t you noticed that all the black magic you’ve done against me hasn’t worked? The spells, talismans, and African and Moroccan magic have cost you half a million dollars so far without success. It’s over, your reign as the last Queen of Jordan is finished. Shall I sing it to you?

The dragging operations against the drug addicts and thugs in the West Bank will expand. All the terrorists in Hebron, East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nablus, Jenin, and the refugee camps of Balata, Tulkarm, and Jenin, you haven’t seen anything yet. Worse is coming. The terrorists will flee towards Jordan without returning. The Jordanian army will open the door for them, no matter what the foreign minister of the Hashemite entity, Safadi, says.

Queen of Jordan is trying to impose sanctions on Israeli politicians in Europe. Queen of Jordan, you will pay the price for this with poverty, hunger, and mental health institutions. May God have mercy on you, you who used to wear dresses worth two thousand dinars.

The protests in Israel are backed by some hired mercenaries in the West, along with a couple of rich Arab countries. Two countries, specifically. You will pay the price in ruin, destruction, and the downfall of your thrones. You’ve forgotten yourselves.

I told you that ISIS would reappear in Iraq with the support of the intelligence services of Iran, Iraq, and Jordan, and that the Americans would strike them down quickly. This is what happened. The U.S. forces are attacking an ISIS cell in Iraq. See the picture with this tweet. I told you, I only speak the truth.

These people are sick. The sickness of Prince Hussein, the son of the King of Jordan, has begun, even though he doesn’t feel it yet. His time is very short. Pray for the safety of Her Majesty the Queen of Morocco. But God’s command will prevail. The last illness of the greatest Arab ruling figure now. You have done well, my lord, and we are sorrowful for your departure in 2025.

This September will bring political earthquakes in Iraq, Jordan, the West Bank (Judea and Samaria), Egypt, and Sudan. There will be sorrow, broken hearts, and anger in Abu Dhabi. Each one will suffer according to their share of the calamity.

Scandal: The Egyptian people discover that donkey meat has been regularly used in their food, including canned beef. There is no power nor strength except in God.

I advise immediate withdrawal from investment in U.S. stocks.

A sudden drop in property prices in London is reaching collapse levels. I advise selling immediately before the big crash.

The 2008 banking disaster may strongly repeat.

A newly discovered treatment for autism has been found, but will the forces of evil allow the world to use it? Only God knows.

Joke: A little-known dumb commentator threatens me with the deep state. You have nothing, not even what my grandmother had. No one important in Washington or Jerusalem even knows you exist.

September 2, 2024 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. TED-

    You KNOW that there is no one more keen to see this happen, so smart remarks about my expressed inner thoughts are not helpful. You have become more of a poster than an Editor in the past year.
    Glad you now have Peloni to chip in. No one more suitable is possible.

    has been described in several Internet sources as an American-Israeli, meaning that he is an American who went to live in Israel. Also as a agro-business TYCOON, meaning that he is at least a many multi-millionaired businessman. Likely his reason for going to Israel in the first place seeing his expertise in agro matters.
    He has been in Saudi Arabia a mere 2-3 years and organised the Jewish community there composed of US< European businessmen i/nto a Community. Before that thre was virtually NO Jewish Community.

    So PRESTO he becomes Chief Rabbi, perhaps the only Rabbi there.
    His rambling mystic/futuristic utterances are impossible from an American so likely from an Arab, Maybe MBS.

    I'm just repeating what I posted the other day which I can see nobody read. Maybe they should. It's all on the internet

  2. Ted,

    I am only trying to identify Rabbi Herzog. I said he was an Israeli Rabbi and you said I couldn’t be more wrong.

    The Jerusalem Post says he’s an American- Israeli Rabbi. So is he Israeli, or American-Israeli or does he have another nationality or passport?


    I am confused. Again, not arguing. Just curious. I happen to like reading him a lot.


  3. @

    Ted Belman
    September 3, 2024 at 1:56 pm

    Muse all you want .
    Within a month, Jordan will become a Republic and Mudar will be its President.

    Ted, is wagering allowed on Israpundit and are you taking bets?

  4. What I miss in all this information out of SA is any prophesy about Israel. It would be very interesting to hear if Bibi survives this round of attacks. The loto numbers for next week would be delightful but at this point I win every week by not playing.

  5. TED-

    There are about 1800 Jews in SA most of them American business men. Herzog himself is described as an “agrotycoon business man who was also a rabbi, and only in SA for the past 2-3 years..

    So maybe the mystic utterances are not from him but through him from MBS.

    MBS has committed one or two strange acts in the fairly recent past, and also that with long interbreeding some mental unbalance is not unusual.

    AND….Thinking about it, the disjointed rubbish attributed to Herzog is certainly not from the mind of a Born and US educated man. More like an Arab’s rambling.

    Just my musing.

  6. HOW IS IT-??

    That mashuggena Herzog didn’t predict the murders of the 6 hostages.??
    Maybe his crystal ball has developed a “crack” (to match his head)..

  7. As I guessed, the discovery about Autism is not a NEW TREATMENT but a finding about dopamine. It affects how future approaches to the disorder may be more effective and eventually lead to more -and so forth and so fifth..

    It’s been in the news for a week. Great “prognostication” right up to his usual standard. He has also become a dress critic I see, even sneaking under the Queen’s dresses to read the price labels….Hmmm…!!

    His Nostradoofus imitation reminds me of an old joke where in the US the Chinese houseboy one morning is seen to be grinning from ear to ear, very happy.’Asked the reason. “I’m now father of healthy young son”, “But how, you’ve been here for over 2 years”‘

    “Aha. government do it by proxy”….

  8. The only practical item I get from this Psychobabble is a discovery to treat Autism. THIS-if true_ is a massive achievement, and likely know through medical magazines.

    He says the Queen is FINISHED. Not difficult to visualise since MUDAR is gaining strength.

    But then why still refer to her as “Queen” when he says she is NO longer so.

    Has he picked out a sanitarium for her yet.

    Has he named the Kentucky Derby winner Yet….NO, the damned crazy is no damned good to we normal people.

  9. @John Galt.
    You are so wrong. Herzog is the Chief Rabbi in Saudi Arabia . The content of the tweet is written and approved by MBS. As such, the Rabbi is the Voice of MBS.

    And he is absolutely right.

    In a matter of weeks, the King will abdicate, Jordan will become a Repulic and Mudar Zahran will be its President..

  10. Basically, predictions from an Israeli Rabbi. His major them in the last ten or so posts has been that the King of Jordan’s reign will not last much longer.

    “For the last time, Jordan’s next president will be Mudar Zahran.”

    The US stock Market will crash is a new one, but I happen top concur with that analysis