Rabbi Herzog: Secrets about the rulers of the Emirates , #Jordan , #Egypt and others.

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Secrets about the rulers of the Emirates , #Jordan , #Egypt and others. Queen Rania of #Jordan is suffering from a continuous nervous breakdown because she is certain that the regime will fall and she will return to being a normal person. The health of the King of Jordan is poor and he suffers from a heart problem. It is the same problem that will cause the death of the King of Jordan after his fall.

The King of Jordan is a whiskey addict in Aqaba Palace and does not leave his suite. He suffers from depression and cries a lot.

Queen Rania told her husband, King Abdullah, that she does not trust him and that he might sell her and her children. Therefore, the Queen of Jordan gives orders to tighten the security for herself and her children and imports French guards and others for the same purpose.

Queen Rania of #Jordan is thinking of meeting with the manager of her South African wealth to study how she will cover the money and protect it from confiscation. It is useless, Rania. We said all your money will be confiscated and we will leave you with the minimum, maybe two weeks. Don’t tire yourself.

The Emirates is on the brink of a secret #civil war between the sons of Zayed. And the dispute over the crown prince’s seat. Mohammed bin Zayed’s choice to inherit his son faces objections. This is no secret. The adults in the West see Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed as the only one qualified to rule.

The ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, is the rational and calming element. Without him, there would have been a war between the Emirates and the Sultanate of #Oman . Without him, there would have been an armed coup in Abu Dhabi.

A warning to Marwa, the daughter of President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak: You are in danger of assassination. The Egyptian State Security considers you a disgrace to the reputation of the military regime. They also want you to honor yourself so that your brother Gamal is accused of killing you and how they can destroy his reputation with this matter.

A terrorist act or an assassination attempt in Iraqi Kurdistan, behind which the intelligence of Jordan, Iraq and Iran are jointly involved. They are all trying to re-strengthen ISIS and will be prevented and exposed by the Americans.

Another platform incident will be a shock and I cannot detail before or after. You will understand everything when you see it.

International arrest warrants due to huge thefts against the rich in Dubai. And the UAE government cannot cover them up as it did before. The former director of Dubai Police, Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, is suffering from health problems. A stroke is possible. Get well soon.

Some asked me about the Sufyani. We don’t have such a name, but the very strong man is coming and no one can stop him. His power will appear in 2025. The rulers of the region know him.

An attack on the Egyptian-Israeli border is being carried out by Egyptian military intelligence and they claim it was a terrorist incident. Who are you laughing at? Your reckoning will soon be severe.

August 27, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments


    I said exactly this, but more forcibly the very first time I read the ‘Prognostications” by this charlatan. And several times sine, a half mad lunatic suddenly “prophesying”…………..like the mashuggena Ezekiel.

  2. While the content of this article may be true, it smacks of Nostradamus. You can interpret lots if things into it and easily determine later that it was prophesied.