Rabbi Herzog: Reports on Sinwar and other regional notables

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Information from my sources.

Al-Sinwar is negotiating his exit with his family to either Turkey or South Africa in exchange for releasing 22 hostages he is holding as human shields.

A large funeral in an Arab country will change the course of history.

Queen Rania’s outburst on the media won’t help her; she’s finished.

President Sisi is facing death within a year, preceded by humiliation.

President Sisi, you betrayed your people and Israel; now you will pay the price.

His prison will be dark, cold, windowless, and underground — a tomb without death.

The assassination of a Hamas leader in an Arab country is imminent.

Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt are major centers for human organ trafficking; more will be exposed in 2025.

For three months, the media has been talking about a ceasefire in Gaza. I say, there is no ceasefire. Where is it? Believe the rabbi, for I fear God in what I say.

President Sisi’s wife, Intisar, has a billion dollars in cash, with a quarter billion in her private plane. But you won’t get a penny when your husband falls.

Unknown media personality Fajr Al-Saeed, we know you’re an Emirati intelligence agent. Your goal isn’t peace, but gathering information and spreading propaganda.

The next Hebrew year will bring curses upon governments, hypocrites, and especially Arab media hypocrites.

Iraqi journalist Layla Abdel Latif is an agent of the Illuminati in France. Unfortunately, your illness will worsen. 2026 will be your end.

Actress Elham Shaheen, you’ve been asking about me. The state security officer guiding you is also asking about me. Respect people’s rights, especially Muslims in worship. Do you hear me?

September 6, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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