Rabbi Herzog: New Information

See Translation below Tweet.  Also see translation of the source Tweet which Herzog references about scandal enveloping the family of Rania/Abdullah’s son-in-law.


New Information

Remember my words. I will visit the Jordan House Palace in Dabouq as a guest of the new president of the Jordanian Republic after his return from Europe to Amman.

Oh, Queen of Jordan, I told you that you will leave without any money, and you and your family will live in poverty, Queen of Jordan. This is the price of your arrogance, Queen of Jordan. And today, what happened with the arrest of the brother of your daughter’s husband, Princess Iman.

This is just the beginning, Queen of Jordan, and a sample of what will happen and how all your thefts will be exposed, Queen of Jordan.

We know that the brother of your daughter’s husband, Queen of Jordan, was working with your money. More is to come. Oh Hashemite rulers of Jordan, you have risen so high like Pharaoh, and your story will end like his.

Queen of Jordan, I am telling you now that your future is not only poverty but life imprisonment. If I were you, Queen of Jordan, I would have fled and lived in exile, period. But you do not accept advice.

Oh, the last Queen, the coming weeks and months will be very difficult for you.

The Yemeni missile that struck #Israel was backed by a Gulf state. Specifically, the Arab Rambo. In front of us, he says he is for peace, but behind us, he plays both sides. He thinks he is smart. Your end, Arab Rambo, will be darker than the night and will begin within weeks. Watch what happens to your old friend, the Jordanian king.

I told you in my tweets: the return of Egypt’s train problems, and it has unfortunately come true. May God have mercy on the victims and their relatives.

The new president of Jordan, Jaafar Hassan, will not enjoy his position for more than a few months.

The wonders of September will not end. You will see surprises, and October and November are the months of takeoff. You will understand my point soon.

Regarding Saudi planes. In short, if you see Saudi Arabia publicly preoccupied with something, know that it is secretly planning something big. In brief, Saudi Arabia will soon change the face of the region as it wishes, and you will see what happens to anyone who overreaches against Great Saudi Arabia, even if they are a leader or a ruler.

A major fire in an Arab country. I won’t elaborate.

I repeat: The discovery of an Arab country involved in human trafficking and child trafficking. A filthy scandal, shameful to the extreme.

Mohammed Dahlan, the Palestinian politician, I advise you to write your will. You are now in our sights, like Ismail Haniyeh.

New scandals for President Sisi.

A new attack from Sinai before the end of the year carried out by an Egyptian soldier backed by Egyptian military intelligence. They are playing the same game as the Jordanian Queen’s intelligence. They will pay a high price.

To the thugs of Balata Camp in Nablus and Nablus in general: I told you they would be turned into soft kunafa. Yesterday was the first drop and the first entrance by the heroic Israeli army, and the best is yet to come.

Thugs from all the West Bank camps collaborating with Jordanian intelligence: We will expel you to Jordan, you and your families, and let the intelligence services help you

#Rabbi_of_the_.Arabian_Peninsula #Blue_of_Al-Yamama

Translation from the @alhurranews report

Alejandro Thermotis, the brother-in-law of the King of Jordan, is accused of participating in insider trading deals involving the “MasTec” company in Florida, according to U.S. authorities.

Federico Nannini, his father, Alejandro Thermotis, and another associate were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit securities fraud and 24 other crimes.

Thermotis is the brother of the Jordanian king’s son-in-law, Jameel, who married Princess Iman, the daughter of King Abdullah, last year.

The Jordanian royal palace has not responded to a request for comment from the Associated Press.

The four accused exchanged confidential information and made profits amounting to one million dollars.

The scheme began in June 2022 when Nannini provided consulting services to “MasTec” regarding the acquisition of another company.

Federico Nannini disclosed confidential information to his father and Thermotis.

Mauro Nannini and Thermotis exploited the insider information to buy shares and make profits.

#AlHurra #Truth_First

September 17, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Pretty poor stuff that his major news tid-bit is a charge that a Jordanian prominent business man remotely tied to the royals is charge with several others of making a million dollars illegally. a MILLION…… divided by 5, makes pocket change for each. HERZOG’S dredging usually talks in hundreds of billions and even more than a trillion.

    Maybe his imagination is running out of plots as he is very VERY repetitious.

    Tiresomely so.

  2. We await
    Confirmation by reality of Great One of the Saudi Royal Shul!!

    As bystanders..
    We wonder and are confused, but the hope
    That does
    Springeth eternal, in the hearts of Jews around the world.

    We pray for Israel and all her brave soldiers
    as well as the Accords called the Abraham..

    Hoping all evil
    Is washed into the sea.