Rabbi Herzog: Jordan, Hamas, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, and Algeria.

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Today’s Information: Jordan, Hamas, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, and Algeria.

Khaled Meshaal is at the Four Seasons Qatar. You will understand what I mean soon.

A strong blow to Prince Hussein, the son of the King of Jordan, as his business and arms smuggling to Israel, which he leads, is disrupted.

Yes, Queen of Jordan, we know that Crown Prince Hussein is the one managing the arms smuggling and that MP Imad Al-Adwan, the arms smuggler, was working for him.

The issue of Jordanian arms smuggling to Israel, orchestrated by King Abdullah and his son, Prince Hussein, will not pass unnoticed and will be the reason for international arrest warrants after their fall. I told you, Queen of Jordan, don’t destroy your family, but no one listens.

Any illness the King of Morocco suffers from is artificial, not real. It could be poisoning from traitors.

A conspiracy is in progress to bring down the King of #Morocco ?? and make him bedridden. The conspiracy has begun and will develop against Crown Prince Moulay as well.

#Morocco will face rising prices and problems caused by traitors within the royal court, controlled by a major foreign power.

Unfortunately, Morocco’s strife is coming. And it’s big.

President Bashar Al-Assad has smuggled over a trillion/one thousand billion dollars to Belarus and Russia, where he plans to retire after stepping down.

President Assad will remain until at least the end of 2025, and his turn will come after the fall of the King of Jordan and President El-Sisi.

What you call “Al-Sufyani” exists. You will soon see him in power. He has the Sword of Muhammad and the Sling of David. He will destroy the Alawites and those who support them from the Shia of Ali. No one can stop him.

Tebboune, the re-elected president of #Algeria, is just a figurehead for the military. They will get rid of him in three years.

The strife in Algeria will start after the strife in Morocco, unfortunately.

Southern Syria will be ruled by the coming Republic of Jordan by 2029 at the latest.

The Kurds face great suffering. Unfortunately, Turkey has many cards to play.

#Rabbi_of_the_Arabian_Peninsula #Blue_of_Yamama

September 11, 2024 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. Tanna, please identify “Al-Sufyani” for us. Anyone whose identity is known in the West? Anyone swho has been in the news in the USA and/or Israel?

  2. I guess Rabbi Cohon means that Rabbi Herzog necause he is a Cohen (????). But this is just a guess. Have I guessed right, Ted?

  3. @Adam

    What does “Blue of Yamama” refer to?

    It is sourced to Arabic mythology in reference to Zarqa’ al-Yamama who was claimed to be a woman able to see approaching enemies/danger from a great distance. Zarqa means blue and al-Yamama references her homeland which I believe roughly estimates some fraction of Saudi Arabia. So the term Blue of Yamana can indicate wisdom, insightfulness, or the ability to discern truth from deception. Additionally, it can used to describe someone who is perceptive or prophetic in regards to politics, intelligence or war.

  4. What does “Blue of Yamama” refer to?

    Rabbi Herzog has not been officially recognized as the Rabbi of the Arabian Peninsula by the Saudi government or any Jewish organization. He is a citizen of Israel. But while I am skeptical about his claims to high rabbinical office, most of what he writes about developments in the Middle East rings true. Especially what he writes about Jordan. In particular, The recent murder of three Israeli police officers by a truck-driver from Jordan supposedly delivering “humanitarian” supplies to Gaza certainly seems to bear out Rabbi Herzog’s accusations against AbdullahII and his son.

  5. I wonder who this Al-S……. is?

    Al-Sufyani” exists. You will soon see him in power. He has the Sword of Muhammad and the Sling of David. He will destroy the Alawites

    looks like the Sunni’s are in trouble.