Rabbi Herzog: I will not flatter in telling the truth.

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Today’s information. I will not flatter in telling the truth.

The destruction of Egypt came and happened at the hands of President Sisi. Egypt will not recover from what this man did. Egypt now has its Nile water wasted and will soon be banned. A despicable drought and then a deadly flood, and the reason is Sisi’s weakness. Hunger, poverty, pain and oppression, and the reason is Sisi’s arrogance.

This is the destruction of Egypt that was talked about in the bellies of ancient books and I saw the revolution came because of this man. The strange thing is that President Sisi knows this and he received a warning from the Egyptian astronomer Ahmed Shaheen, but his reliance on his magic ring made him believe that sorcery changes politics and reality. It is truly a disaster that the ruler of the largest Arab country believes in sorcery and priests.

The Jordanian people continue to starve and the food expenses in the Hashemite Palace in Jordan are $ 2,000,000 per day and the chefs are world-famous French and the budget is open and that is just food. King Abdullah lives between sedatives prescribed by a British doctor and whiskey and luxury cognac, sometimes two bottles a day. He is oblivious and will only wake up when the revolution comes to the palace door. He is the one who brought himself down and we are not betting on a loser we have pampered for a long time and nothing worked for him.

The Jordanian army is holding very dangerous and very secret meetings with the elite to talk about Jordan’s future and the king knows despite himself but cannot do anything while the Queen of Jordan is detached from reality and lives and dreams of becoming the Queen Mother like Queen Elizabeth. Of course, her dreams are worthless and the period of the monarchy in Jordan has ended forever.

Before the end of the year, there will be major shocks to three ruling houses. They will be followed by everyone except Saudi Arabia and #Qatar, which are the stable ruling houses and all the rest will be shaken and face problems and the fall of two Arab rulers in less than a year, perhaps 9 months.

The politician and sheikh Thaer Al-Bayati has a major role in the coming Iraq after the expulsion of Iran and will flee to Jordan next year because Iran intends to kill him. This man will not become the president of Iraq but he will have a major role in liberating Iraq from Iran.

A severe health setback for a very important Iraqi parliamentarian followed by the flight of many corrupt parliamentary heads.

An important convoy exploded in Iraq and we know who the victim was and who did it, but not everything that is known is said. Remember the scene that will be filmed by the international media and the burned cars are Land Cruisers.

I told you before, “A certain scene of a plane is very disturbing” and it was achieved in the strange crash of the Brazilian plane. Now I say the scene of a plane smuggling the wealth of peoples in an unsuccessful attempt to cover up. The accused is a poor Arab country and its people are dying of hunger. The password is “cockroach”.

Assassination in Tunisia.

Tunisian model Azza Suleiman causes controversy, quarrels and an electronic attack on her. The reason is simple, she refused to enter the bedroom of one of the corrupt people because she is honorable and the corrupt wants her to pay the price.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi begins to move publicly in 2025 and the rule of Libya returns to his family after a few years and the politician General Haftar goes to hell with his son Saddam.

Where are you from Sudan, O media of the Arabs and the world? Is the blood of the Sudanese Muslim cheap and that is why you do not mention the massacres in Sudan? And the genocide and displacement? Do you not fear God?

The Arab Rambo who set Sudan on fire and caused massacres, I tell you that all this will turn against you into regret and calamity, and you will lose everything you spent and you will be expelled from Sudan in the worst way and pay the price by being imprisoned in your palace, just like what happened to Al-Kabeer. 

Two scenes of a helicopter, one disturbing and sad looking, and the second of an Arab ruler being transported while he is terminally ill. Not from the Gulf.

The directors of Egyptian and Jordanian intelligence are in danger. The King of Jordan may liquidate his intelligence director, and the President of Egypt may liquidate his intelligence director as well.

August 17, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. TED-
    Do you KNOW positively or just guessing that MBS WRITES the rubbish or just guessing because of the dictatorial control MBS has over “news” Because, if he really writes this stuff he’s just as crazy as those who believe it, hard as it is to untangle with all it’s massive contradictions.

    In his last “Message” from “on High”, he said that Jordanians are flourishing and full of grub. This time they’re starving.

    We KNOW that changes are coming because since the Trump Accords several Muslim Nations have opened relations and a lot more have signalled that they will or want to. We don’t need Herzog to tell us that.

    Now The kinglet is under massive doses of Medication and dangerous drugs. Those alone should have killed him off long ago.
    How does he miraculously recover to show a calm normal appearance when he goes to Washington, as he very recently did.

    It reminds me of those two guys who used to “profgnosticate” on Youtube, the fat fish and chip vendor type guy and the solemnprofessorial type complete with old csrdigsn and a cat crawling all over him.

    Two frauds. whom you Ted believed in “because they have not been wrong yet”

    Grasping at straws when going under, or thinking you are.

  2. As I have said before MBS writes the tweet, Herzog just delivers it. MBS is sharing with us the big changes that are happening in the ME. I take him at his word. Who better than he would know.

  3. This guy is a lunatic. I don’t care if he is authorised by MBS. If he is, then MBS is not far behind him, having fallen into mysticism. he sounds even worse that the crazy Kabbalists. you know, the ones who make Golems and such like crap.

    A modern day “Walpurgis Night” nightmare.

    A very unstable ruler for the “new” Saudi Arabia.