Rabbi Herzog: Here’s More

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Rabbi Herzog:

A terrible cyber attack on my tweet yesterday in which I mentioned that #Mudar Zahran is the next president of the Republic of Jordan. Simple. Here’s more.

An economic, social, political and intelligence collapse in #Jordan and the king seems weaker and more lost every day. As I told you, Mudar Zahran is the ruler by the command of God coming to #Jordan and with him the Seal of Solomon striving for him by the command of God. After Zahran takes power, he will appear in a historic guise by signing a full partnership agreement between Jordan (Palestine will be Jordan) and Israel. A financial and economic defense agreement and a Mercedes for every Jordanian home soon.

Contrary to what you imagine, the Bedouins are the most loyal people to Mudar Zahran, especially those of Jewish origin, including but not all of them, the Ubaidat in the north, the Sarayra in the south, the Bedouins in Wadi Musa and the Huwaitat in Ma’an, as they are from us and with us. Shortly after Zahran took office, calamities opened up for Sisi and the Arab Rambo. Sisi’s matter is over and exposed, and his pharaonic magic seal, let him wet himself and drink his own water.

I will be brief because I do not dare to sue my master the Crown Prince, the man of the peninsula, but it is a word and I will run against God. The word is that whoever opposes #GreatSaudiArabia and thinks of exceeding its size will be destroyed. And what you will see from some of the (Arabians) of the region is an example of #Saudipower . Some Arab intelligence, I warn you that if the Israeli Pegasus program is used to hack the phone of a Jewish rabbi, your fall will be black. Understand me, Roro?

Rania Al-Yassin, the wife of the King of Jordan, reassure me about the health of your mother, Mrs. Al-Ham? Your misfortunes will come one after another, Rania.

New stupidity from the Houthis and this time the counterstrike will be more painful than the port of Hodeidah.

September is the month of wonders and the tsunami begins in Jordan, Egypt, the Emirates and Europe. You will see an academic scandal in an Arab university, but this is normal news unfortunately. Most universities have become shops except for some countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to be honest.

July 27, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. As usual, I find Rabbi Herzog’s cryptic comments difficult to decipher, but his support for Mudar and his coalition is very heartening. He seems to have a following in some Arab countries, and even though he is a bit weird, it is still a positive development that a pro-Israel Jew has acquired some influence in the Arab world.