Rabbi Herzog from August 17 & 18

See translations below tweets


Tweet from August 17:

Today’s information. Our sources are infallible. The Turkish earthquake is not the last and will be followed by ongoing political earthquakes until 2026, which may include the assassination of a very important person. Remember that I wrote twice that Turkey will be exposed to an earthquake that may not be ground-based.

French warplane crash and the killing of two pilots. Remember that I also said a warplane crash and I also talked about the crash of civilian planes and helicopters. This is the year of air disasters. They are caused by an agent, except for a few of them. God is sufficient for us and He is the best Disposer of affairs for the merchants of blood and terror.

#Saudi Arabia will quickly and militarily discipline one of the impudent neighbors. The operation will be qualitative and rapid and will be prepared in detail and at the appropriate time and the media will cover it quickly without focus. I cannot go into details, but Saudi Arabia is now relying on qualitative, surgical, painful strikes and not open war.

President Sisi sees dreams that herald the collapse of his rule and that he will be imprisoned and tried. He goes to Arab and foreign interpreters. I will summarize for you for free, Mr. President Sisi, that this will happen before the end of 2025, if not before that/give or take a little. This is a vision, not a dream.

To the Queen of #Jordan, calm down, stop being rude and abusive to the servants and entourage, and stop the arguments and shouting with the father of your children. None of this will benefit you, and remember that all international intelligence agencies hear and see from inside your palace. Stop airing your dirty laundry, and prepare yourself for retirement, especially if you have money.

The Crown Prince, son of the King of #Jordan, the idea of ??a rehabilitation center for addiction is very good and will be better. Than the one you tried previously in New York. In the end, it is useless.

You were surprised, my son, by the recent escape of a non-Gulf opposition figure from an assassination plot in Europe. The plot was uncovered by the Americans before it happened. One thing reminds you of another. At the end of 2025, information will emerge proving that the Saudi state, and especially Crown Prince His Highness Mohammed bin Salman, were not responsible for the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The evidence will reveal that Western agencies cooperating with an aggressive wing in it are the ones who arranged the entire operation and the goal was to bring down the Crown Prince. However, try to move the Sarawat Mountains or the Rockies in America, that is easier than bringing down the Saudi Crown Prince. The man behind him is an unimaginable cosmic power. Two major assassinations before the end of the year and the victims are Iranian men. One of them will be a heavyweight equivalent to Ismail Haniyeh.

The hypocritical media broadcaster #Jamal_Rayan  @jamalrayyan  I think you will face some problems entering America in the future, you three-card guy. Your Jordanian and Qatari neighborhoods will not help you.

The problems stop in #Britain and then return in a lighter form. I do not see a great danger to Arabs and Muslims in Britain, but the danger of a terrorist act is still possible, as I think of the forces of evil to tarnish the reputation of Muslims and spread instability.

Dabaiba, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood government in Libya, is exposed to a financial scandal that strikes his government, and in the end he and Haftar are down.

The season of escape for Iraqi officials has begun. Many of them will flee to Europe due to theft, looting and fear of the law.



Tweet from  August 18:

More. Information from high and special sources.

Direct intervention by #China in the #Gaza issue and nothing changes.

#Egypt is preparing for a new collapse in its currency. The Egyptian army has obtained permission to overthrow President Sisi at the specified time. It will not advance or delay, and President Sisi is a man whose time has ended and walks around thinking that everything is fine. There will come a day when he will be in an iron cell and a young officer will provide him with his food and drink.

The first lady of Egypt, Intisar al-Sisi, will try to escape to the Emirates after the fall of her husband. You will not succeed and they will prevent you from traveling and you will see what will happen to the real president of Egypt, Mahmoud al-Sisi. As you judge, you will be judged.

Mr. Gamal Mubarak. The very big ones refused to appoint you as president and now it is likely that they are President Mubarak’s son, Mr. Alaa Mubarak. Everything has been prepared for how Sisi will fall and how the army will hand over power to a civilian.

President Mubarak’s son, Alaa. If you actually become president, beware of any corruption as the old games and old moves will not be allowed. Thank God for what you have and serve your country. The account will be huge for those who commit political violations. Listen to what I say.

We do not see a big tsunami in the Mediterranean. Earthquakes are possible, but there is no major destruction. Beware of astrologers, fortune tellers and charlatans who spread fear among you. The calm before the volcano in #Jordan .

The wife of the #Jordanian Crown Prince, Rajwa, is preparing for a secret divorce. No need, believe me, the Crown Prince is unfortunately nearing his end and the entire Hashemite family will be stripped of all the money they have. Therefore, nothing is worth the struggle. A closed case. Internet problems will spread across countries, but I do not completely cross paths. The countries of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa are the most affected. Do not believe the nonsense of some astrologers that the Internet will stop completely.

Stock markets around the world will be exposed to very annoying blows, and I advise you to be careful or sell now if a good price is available. Unfortunately, there are secrets thinking of a very painful crime against Arabs and Muslims in Europe, specifically against those who are unable to defend themselves. We pray to God that it will not be.

Thwarting a terrorist act in Jerusalem and an Arab country is behind it.

August 21, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. @John Galt III
    His predictions, which I would argue are almost certainly sourced from MBS, began quite recently. Also, if you read his comments carefully, you will realize that his words are more than predictions, as they are in no small part pointed warnings to many of the major Arab actors in the region.

  2. Anyone check as to the accuracy of his predictions from a few years ago or did his predictions just start in the last few months?