Rabbi Herzog Discusses Egypt

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Rabbi Herzog:

We return with new information from the elders and from what God taught me from the sea of ??his knowledge,

the imaginary palace that Sisi is building in the administrative capital will not be inhabited, and if he does inhabit it, it will be cursed, and in both cases, its time is very short.

A date between Sisi and a terminal illness. Unfortunately, Mr. Abdel Fattah, the signs of the diseases you have are much more dangerous than you imagine. They are the sin of a group of young people in particular. I see their ghosts and souls praying to God to take revenge on you after their death. And after your illness, the platform comes again and the spacious areas.

Mrs. Intisar Al-Sisi, no matter how hard you try, there is no benefit in what you do, neither the power of the magic of the jinn nor the Arabic text of the amulets and talismans. God’s destiny will extend to you and to your loved ones. It is God’s destiny and justice. And in the Pharaoh of Egypt, you have a lesson.

Mahmoud Al-Sisi, do not dream of ruling Egypt. The Arab Rambo will not benefit you, and if it were to benefit, it would have benefited the King of Jordan and himself first. And the Russians will swallow the treasures with their competitors, and even the 140 (elephants) at the Arab Rambo will swallow them. God gave you the rule of Egypt, but you acted greedily towards the people and humiliated its people, and you also took sides with the children of Israel. Drink up now.

What remains of the Sisi family will flee to the Emirates and Europe, and they will be forgotten and impoverished.

Turkey is expelling some well-known Egyptians again and is trying to cover up the matter. London is your stable, gentlemen, and that’s it.

I warn Egyptians abroad from visiting Egypt during the next nine months. So that we can be reassured about what will happen.

A new historic famine in Egypt. This does not need information or predictions. By God, a real famine will occur amidst a strict media blackout. This will begin in November.

The lands that Sisi sold will never return to Egypt, including the lands of South Sinai.

All of Sinai will be removed from Egyptian rule. There will be no Palestinian state in Sinai. The Palestinian state will be in what is known as Jordan today, and it will have political, not military, control over all of Sinai and Gaza. Military control is ours. I do

not rule out a certain confrontation between the Jordanian army after the fall of King Abdullah and the Egyptian forces. The political confrontation will definitely happen, and if Sisi loses his mind, it will be military. The Palestinian ruler of Jordan will try to avoid that, but if Sisi’s group insists on fighting, they will suffer a historic defeat and become a laughingstock in front of the new ruler.

Advice to the next Jordanian leader: Sisi will try to be gentle with you and compliment you. Don’t trust him, he is a traitor by nature. God will protect you, and we, America and the British are behind you and around you.

It is better for honesty before God. Have mercy on poor Hadeer Abdel Razek. The video was published by a State Security officer from her personal phone, and the reason is that she is an honorable woman who refused to surrender herself to one of the bigwigs, so he decided to destroy her. She is an honorable girl, and the Egyptian State Security hacked the phones of all your wives, O Egyptians, so be careful, your turn will come. It is true, as it was said, nine-tenths of injustice is in Egypt, and the remaining tenth is the poorest of the world and returns to Egypt at the end of the night to rest.

July 25, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. @gardenofmystery
    I wish you every support in luck and providence in finding the means of bringing that statement to fruition, but I suspect that you will fail to find such support now or in any likely future which we might come to traverse.

  2. There will be no fakestinian state anywhere, Western and Northern Jordan belongs to Am Yisrael!

  3. No idea what to make of this. Here Rabbi Herzog seems to be writng from an Arab, not a Jewish perspective. Among other things, he criticizes al-Sisi for supporting “The children of Israel. Alo, references to jinn and other Arab superstitions.