Rabbi Herzog: “Detailed Information Today”

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Detailed information today

to Jordanians Remember these days and remember that Israel saved you from a civil war that the Queen of #Jordan was planning .

And was assisted by an Arab oil country and Jordanian intelligence. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan wants to ignite a war in the style of 1970 to prove its rule and show that it is moderate. And that all Jordanians are extremists. The human power of the Jews is the only reason we convinced the international force America and Britain to stop the Queen of Jordan. At its limit and the evidence of my words is the incitement calculations led by Jordanian intelligence against 10,000,000 Palestinians in Jordan.

On this occasion, I give Jordanians good news that change in your country is certain. The regime will go and the Queen of Jordan no longer has any power and cannot provoke a civil war.

For the millionth time, O Queen of #Jordan, you will spend the rest of your life poor, living on social security and aid in France, and you will not have a male child or a husband, O last Queen of Jordan.

I say to the Egyptians, beware of President Sisi planning dangerous, reckless actions, and I fear for the churches of Christians in #Egypt .

President Sisi, who completely lost you and laughed at you, unfortunately, is the Arab Rambo, the ruler of a Gulf state. This man promises you things he cannot do, and all your purchasing projects will not succeed. Your dream of selling him the Suez Canal to him and China will not come true. No advice will work with you, Mr. President Sisi, as your fate is overthrow, imprisonment, and then a ticket to heaven, which your son Mahmoud will also get. It is a free ticket.

The first lady, the president’s wife, will be subjected to house arrest, then transferred to detention in a small house, then worse and worse.

The sectarian regime in Lebanon will end, as I told you, but not now. Things do not happen overnight. Samir Geagea will rule, but the era of a religious minority controlling important positions is over, and the era of the armed terrorist Hezbollah controlling the Lebanese state is over. All of this will happen after changing the regime in Jordan, so focus on Jordan because it is the beginning of everything that will happen.

The failed media attack on the great Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is backed by some evil people in the West, including the Arab Rambo, who thinks he is clever. You will discover the bitter truth, Arab Rambo, and spend the rest of your short life imprisoned in your palace until the end of 2028.

By astrologer Laila Abdel Latif. You are reading from a paper from foreign intelligence and Arab Rambo laboratories. That means vote for money. Your end is near. You will see.

These central banks are bankrupt. The Central Bank of Egypt. The Central Bank of Jordan. The Central Bank of Libya for the two governments. They stole all the gold and Arab Rambo is their mediator in stealing the gold and transferring it to Switzerland and the state of Lechstein.

Their health will deteriorate greatly and soon. Arab Rambo suddenly fell ill. President Sisi is sick now and his illness is getting worse despite the filming. The King of Jordan has been sick for a long time and the Queen of Jordan has started her health problems now and she doesn’t feel it and there are also mental health problems for the Queen of Jordan that will increase significantly. The general, the ruler of eastern Libya, Khalifa Haftar, has old age diseases. The terrorist Hassan Nasrallah has been suffering from cancer for four years. Indeed, God’s wrath is severe.

As for the Russia-Ukraine war, Putin is very strong now. Whoever assumes that he will be defeated is very wrong. The war will extend to Poland and Moldova, so I warn against investing in the two countries. The subject is long.

August 24, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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