Rabbi Herzog- A big tweet and dangerous information: Qatar, Russia, Morocco, China, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Algeria.

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A big tweet and dangerous information. Today about Qatar, Russia, Morocco, China, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Algeria.

Qatar. Oh, His Highness the Emir of Qatar. The Arab Rambo does not like you and does not wish you well. I know that you know, but he will never rest. He is now planning a new campaign against you, different from the previous ones. Although I oppose some of Qatar’s policies, the Arab Rambo will mock you, and his incitement against Qatar will backfire on him with big problems on his head.

Jordan. The King of Jordan annually needs to leave for the West and abdicate. The Queen of Jordan rejects all offers to leave safely. She is clinging to power. The Queen is plotting to pass the throne to her son, Prince Hussein, against the King’s will. She is planning a secret coup against the King. It will not succeed, and neither the Queen of Jordan nor her husband has time. Jordan’s issue is settled, and the announcement of the regime’s fall will come from the mouth of a military officer on the Kingdom’s television.

The leaders of the new Jordan carry the seal of the sword and the palm tree.

Great Saudi Arabia. The words that apply to my master, His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman, are: “Go wherever you go, for your tribute will come to me.” Everything happening in the region before the end of the year is in favor of the strength of the state and the Saudi people. Nothing changes in the region except by a direct order from Al-Yamama Palace.

Some outlaws and delusional people thought they could jump over the Saudi foot. Learn from what will happen to you soon, and you will be an example for those who do not take heed.

I told you, mourning in an Arab monarchy. And I add to it mourning in a large Arab republic. Watch how the world will turn upside down.

An Arab president in shrouds and an Arab prince in shrouds.

I am very worried about the health of my master, His Majesty the King of Morocco. There are evildoers who want to poison him with an advanced type of poison that leaves no trace, causing death while the person appears normal before death, and nothing shows up in tests. Be cautious, my master.

The decline of the Chinese economy continues, but the Chinese are overcoming it with very ambitious ideas that even the Japanese cannot match.

China takes a shocking stance regarding an issue in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia buys missile weapons from China ??. Remember, Western countries, that Saudi Arabia can buy whatever it wants from the whole world. Fear God and stop bragging.

Ongoing economic problems in Algeria and the decline of President Tebboune’s health. The military keeps him in power just as a figurehead.

Netanyahu remains in power, and the protests will not affect him, no matter how hard some may try.

A scandal in 2025 about the protests against Netanyahu in Israel involving their funding.

Russia will not be defeated in Ukraine, and Russian strikes are harsher and more painful than ever before, with new Russian use of drones in the war, the same as small cars.

My information is always correct, praise be to God. A month and a half ago, I tweeted about a strike affecting a relative of Hezbollah leaders. The assassination of the nephew of the second-in-command in Hezbollah has occurred, and it was carried out by the party itself. You know the reason.

#Rabbi_of_the_Arabian_Peninsula #Blue_of_Al-Yamama

September 14, 2024 | Comments »

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