Putin warns NATO will be ‘at war’ with Moscow if Ukraine fires long-range missiles at Russia

Peloni:  The US threatened nuclear war with the Soviet Union simply over the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba.  Now, the US is contemplating the actual use of its missiles being used against the Russian homeland and the Russian people with reckless abandon.  Putin’s anger would appear not only justified, but actually rather subdued.  The ever escalating moves of the NATO war machine appear intent upon poking the Russian bear til it at last responds with a terrible fury at those who have been in fact making war against it thru their use of their Ukrianian proxy.  Putin has many choices to leverage in response to this reckless move by the West.  Let us hope that the Radicals in Washington are finally restrained from making this most recent radical escalation in its war to regime change and breakup Russia.


September 13, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. @stevenl

    For all practical purposes, NATO is already at war with RUSSIA!

    This is true, but the reverse, ie Russia is at war with NATO is not true, about which Putin is giving fair warning.