Purge the poison: End Middle East Studies

By Lynne Lechter | Am Thinker | Mar 15, 2025

If you have wondered from whence this current Jew-hatred has emanated, it is decidedly not home-grown.  But it was definitely encouraged and supported by the United States government in the 1950s, in response to the Cold War and a fear of a Russian rise in influence.  Accordingly, the United States courted Middle Eastern countries as pushback to Russian competition and aggression.  Concomitantly, the government put emphasis on the training of diplomats for Middle Eastern countries.

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Slowly, the study of the Middle East was inserted into prestigious Ivy League curricula.  Harvard and Princeton were the originators; other colleges slowly followed.  With the creation of these departments came donations for their founding by Egypt and subsequently Turkey, who were ultimately joined by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Today, the largest university recipients of Arab money are Cornell, Georgetown, Texas A&M, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, and NYU.  The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard was founded in 1954!  The Center for Middle Eastern Studies was established at Berkeley in 1965.

Section 117 of the Foreign Gift and Contract Reporting of the Higher Education Act of 1965 was enacted as Arab money gifted to American Universities became more prevalent.  The act mandated that all universities have to report all foreign gifts or contracts exceeding $250,000 to the Department of Education.  Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of foreign donations have not been reported.  A total lack of transparency regarding foreign donations to American Universities has been allowed to exist, in plain sight, for decades.

It is estimated that Arab funding has reached 50 billion dollars.  Approximately one quarter, or 13.1 billion dollars, has been gifted by Arab individuals, institutions, and governments.  Qatar is the largest single government donor at $6 billion.  Qatar is followed by Saudi Arabia, which has given $3.5 billion, and the United Arab Emirates, which has forked over $1.5 billion.

In return for this economic largesse, the Arab countries have expected and have received much in return from the recipient universities, their staffs, and their students:

– Support for the program of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) of Israel, with the end goal being the demise of Israel — which failed spectacularly

– Support for radical Islamic protests on campus which have been extremely disruptive

– Admittance of Arab students into top universities regardless of qualifications

– Full support for Islamic propaganda and historical distortions.

It is obvious that the insertion of gobs of Arab money and lies into the American culture, for almost three quarters of a century, has had an extremely malignant effect on American campus life and society as a whole.  Now that the cancer has been identified, it must be excised.  There is no cure other than complete removal.

*First published on American Thinker


March 17, 2025 | 3 Comments »

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  1. Hey, Mr. Trump

    Start taxing their endowments. Harvard is just a hedge fund with a college attached anyway.

    Having gone there, I get their Harvard Alumni Magazine. It’s latest issue was crying about the fact that they apparently have money issues. Too much of their endowment was to pay for student financial aid, they whined.

    When I went to Harvard in 1978 I paid a mere $1,690 because I had served in the US Army prior to that for four years during the Vietnam War. Tuition back then was $4,400 a year and my GI Bill paid the rest. Not bad – Harvard for $1,690 a year.

    Tuition now is $76,410 per year. American inflation since 1978 would have made it $23,110 today. Where in Hell did the extra $53,300 come from? I think I know why. Hundreds if not thousands of useless new DEI administrators were hired among other things.

    Here’s another: Claudine Gay gets paid roughly $1 million a year as a professor of racial justice or something after being fired because she got caught admitting in Congressional testimony that as the President of Harvard University she had no problem with Muslim and Marxist students screaming to murder Jews. Then she was later caught plagiarizing everything she ever wrote and Harvard still kept this useless woman. So cheating is OK?

    Their endowment is now roughly $50 billion. Tax it and watch their insane tuition costs miraculously come down. Harvard and the rest of these money grubbers of Muslim money need to be taken down a few notches.

    I will enjoy their continued kvetching in my Harvard Alumni Magazine about how mean Trump is and how, “Trump hates education.”

  2. Middle East Studies – Primer:

    Islam = (colloquially) Submit, which = weasel wordage for Bend Over and do as it say, in a book written years after the death of an illiterate Warlord about him. And to be fun, it’s parables, rhyming couplets and babble-gaff.

    Now. let’s move on to more important issues at hand.

    (oh oh, here comes the fatwa)