By Ted Belman
Why would anyone, but a Trump, proudly were the label, you ask. Because the birthers are right. But don’t let the scoffers define the term as one who thinks Obama was not born in Hawaii. The concern of birthers goes way beyond that into questioning his eligibility to hold the office of President.
The Editor of the Daily Pen wrote in January
OCON DOCS: Hawaii Ballot Chief…Grandma, Called Obama To Hawaii In 2008
New analysis of Democrat Party’s official 2008 Certification of Nominations for Obama reveals that reasons for his sudden trip to Hawaii in October, 2008 were to visit more than just his sick grandmother. Hawaiian election laws, media accounts and post-dated documents reveal he may have attended a private hearing with the Hawaiian Chief Elections Officer regarding his disqualification from the Hawaiian ballot due to lack of certified Constitutional eligibility.
It is a very detailed analysis of all the facts surrounding Obama’s qualifications.
Then Ann Barnhardt joins in with her take.
This is a Hawaii Birth Certificate
I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this, but I am starting to feel a teensy-weensy bit of respect for Donald Trump. Finally, someone in the mainstream is saying the things that need to be said about Obama’s fake nativity story. To clear up a lot of confusion, below is an image of EXACTLY the document that Obama needs to produce. This is the birth certificate of Susan Nordyke, one of a set of twins who were born at the Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu on August 5, 1961. Obama CLAIMS to have been born on August 6th. Therefore, this certificate form is EXACTLY THE SAME as what would have been generated for Obama.
This form gives the name, age, address, race and description of the occupation of the father. It does NOT give the religion. It gives the name, age, address, race, occupation outside of the home and last date worked of the mother.
Interestingly, IT DOES NOT LIST THE RACE OF THE CHILD. Look for yourself. There is no field at the top for race of the baby.
So, given this, there are several things we can logically conclude:
1. The word “muslim” does not appear on Obama’s BC assuming he was in fact born in Honolulu in August of 1961, because these certificates make no mention of religion at all. So that can’t be the big secret.
2. Obama himself cannot be listed as either “caucasian” or “arab” because there is no field on the certificate for the race of the child. So that can’t be the big secret, either, assuming Obama even has a Hawaii BC.
3. I doubt that the father’s field would say either “Frank Marshall Davis” or “Unknown” because the baby was named “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”. If you’re going to go to the lengths of naming a baby “Jr.”, then there is no reason not to list “Sr.” as the daddy – even if that is a lie. If you name the kid “Jr.”, you’re in for a penny, in for a pound. Again, this assumes Barry actually has a Hawaii BC.
So where does this leave us?
A. There is no Hawaii birth certificate because he wasn’t born in Hawaii. Ann Dunham was present and enrolled at the University of Washington TWO WEEKS after Obama’s alleged birth date. He could have been born just across the border in Canada, and then Granny Dunham registered his birth with the state of Hawaii, thus automatically generating the newspaper announcement. This would have been done to fraudulently obtain citizenship for Barry.
B. He could have been born months earlier. Given that Ann picked up, flew across the Pacific, enrolled and began attending classes at UW all before August 20, 1961, it seems a bit much to think that she did all this at the age of 18 with a tiny newborn baby.
C. Obama could have indeed been born in Kenya, and Granny Dunham submitted a false certificate of home birth to get him US citizenship, again, thus automatically generating the newspaper birth announcement.
D. When Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia, his original BC was altered to reflect the new name “Barry Soetoro” with Lolo listed as the father. If this is the case, Obama MUST be a dual citizen of Indonesia, because Indonesia required citizenship of adopted children. Also, unless Obama legally had his named changed back to “Barack Obama”, his name today legally remains “Barry Soetoro”. This would nullify every document he has signed. If you don’t believe me, try signing this year’s tax return with the name “Peaches McAwesome” and see if you don’t get a visit from the IRS. Finally, and I think this is the monster issue, unless Barry formally rescinded his Indonesian citizenship upon reaching the age of majority, he is AT BEST a dual citizen of the US and Indonesia. If he presented himself as an Indonesian citizen after the age of 18 either to acquire college scholarships OR traveling under an Indonesian passport after the age of 18, then there is no way in God’s Green Earth that he can be the President of the United States. No person who has EVER, under any circumstance, claimed citizenship to any country other than the United States as an adult be eligible for the Presidency.
That’s just common sense. The LEGAL standard per the Constitution is far, far more stringent than that. I realize that. I’m just talking about common sense. This is a no-brainer. Obama is a completely illegal usurper, a con artist, a liar, and he MUST be removed, not by impeachment, but by law enforcement. Impeachment only applies to legitimate sitting Presidents. Obama is neither legitimate, nor the President. He is a hostile invader and the enemy of this nation, its people and its Constitution. Barack and Michelle Obama SHOULD spend the rest of their lives being supported and secured by the tax dollars of the people of the United States of America . . . in lovely Florence, Colorado.
And she doesn’t even mention the requirement to be a natural born citizen as set out in the chart above.
Even Israpundit’s Bill Levinson has turned against Trump, ridiculing him for his “Birther” stance. With friends like Bill, we don’t need enemies. If Trump doesn’t get elected, the whole eligibility issues will probably be buried, and Americans will, as is their wont, live in blissful ignorance. Then comes the Judgment, of course.