Proud of yourselves, lefties? Leftists turn ‘deplorable’ beauty queen into Trump magnet

By Monica Showalter, AMERICAN THINKER

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Simply for liking President Trump, the Left was going to make an example of that deplorable 20-year-old.  Leftists were going to make her pay.

And for a while there, they got away with it.  Young Kathy Zhu, the newly crowned Miss Michigan, lost her title on account of her “offensive” tweets.  The press went through every last one of the crown-winner’s tweets over the years and found a couple it decided were “offensive,” “racist,” and “insensitive,” broadcasting those.  After that, the Miss World pageant organization dethroned her.

Justice.  The Left triumphs.  That’ll teach those Trump-supporting deplorables their lesson.

Except that now in place of a mere beauty queen, the Left has got a Frankenstein’s monster on its hands.

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Zhu has been offered a prominent place on the Trump 2020 campaign.  She’s going to be out there, winning votes for Trump, padding his total further.  Here’s CBS’s sneering report:

A former Miss Michigan pageant winner, who was stripped of her title last week after several offensive tweets surfaced, has joined Trump’s reelection campaign efforts. The official Team Trump twitter account welcomed Kathy Zhu on board Thursday, calling her a “patriot who has continued to stand for American values despite being stripped of her crown.”

“I am so excited to now be part of the #WomenforTrump Coalition Advisory Board!” Zhu tweeted along with the announcement. “Let’s get Trump re-elected for 2020.”

She’s young.  She’s beautiful.  She’s smart and academically accomplished.  And she’s been treated like dirt, solely for the “crime” of liking President Trump.  She’s also quite famous now, in a way that all the other beauty queens can only envy.

Think she’ll draw some votes for Trump?

Let’s take a look at how many votes she might just draw for Trump, solely based on that de-crowning.

First, the young.  She’s young and beautiful, not an old Republican fuddy-duddy.  She’ll reach out to youths, sick of the political correctness foisted on them by their woke universities, and rope those votes in.

Second, the television-watchers.  She is, after all, beautiful.  Democrats have been drawing in votes for years by featuring movie stars and beautiful people in their campaigns.  Team Trump now has someone who can match their tactic in spades.  Young males will be first in line, but it won’t be just they.

Third, Asian-Americans, a voting bloc that’s long been elusive for Republicans, despite the fact that Asian-Americans are naturals for conservatism.  There have been inroads, some breaking for Republicans in bits and pieces.  Now Zhu will be right there to help speed that trend along.

Those are just the easy ones anyone can notice.

Here’s what’s really going to make Zhu a guided missile to the Left and bring in the votes for Trump from voters of all kinds across the country.

First, the awful treatment she got from the pageant.  Here’s CBS again:

The 20-year-old received an email last week from the pageant removing her from her position, which she shared on Twitter.

“It has been brought to the attention of Miss World America ‘MWA’ that you social media accounts contain offensive, insensitive and inappropriate content,” the letter said.

It also said that Zhu no longer met the requirement of “being in good character.” “Therefore, and effective immediately, MWA does not recognize you as a participant of any sort or in any capacity as it relates to any and all events of MWA,” it concluded.

Did I just read the word “deplorable”?  The question answers itself.  People are going to sympathize.

Second, the double standard.  Zhu’s fellow Asian-American, Sarah Jeong, who unleashed an amazing string of bad tweets that truly were racist and immature, got to keep her job after she was exposed, all because she was left-wing.  Zhu?  Not so much.  Standards are different, see, when the person on the spot is a Trump-supporter. File under more votes for Trump.

Third, the vile treatment she got in the press.  Look at that opener in the first passage of the CBS story above.  They’re throwing around words such as “racist” and “insensitive” over one tweet questioning why women ought to be trying on hijabs as a carnival act, and another bringing up black-on-black violence, a sad reality that’s obvious.  They’re not neutrally reporting now.  They’re out to get her.  We already know that many Americans voted for Trump based on the press’s treatment of him.  We see the dynamic freshened up here.

Fourth, the vile treatment she got in the press in how reporters got their “scoop.”  Some media creep, who follows beauty contests very, very, very closely (and most of us don’t — cripes, these contests have the depth of whirled peas!), searched her tweets one by one, going through years of them, and then went after her to come up with the perfect years-old bad tweets to virtue signal with. The tweets were weak tea, but they decided that they were enough to pin her for a Bull Connor racist and they did. Anyone can see the sick dynamic of that. Result? More votes for Trump.

Fifth, let’s bring up an unrelated matter: Notice that she’s a University of Michigan student. Fine school, U of M, and young Sasha Obama plans to go there, too, a very prestigious school. So we have an Asian-American who ended up at Michigan instead of … Harvard? First thing anyone’s going to think is that she was Harvard material, got shut out of Harvard and ended up at Michigan based on Harvard’s discrimination based on race. Anyone else who’s experienced that is going to relate.

Translation: Votes for Trump.

Zhu is going to be a nightmare for the left in election 2020. And the left has no one to blame but itself for creating her. She’ll rope in the Trump votes like nobody’s business. The smart Trump campaign team could see that and they pounced fast, bringing her into the arena. For Zhu, one can expect that she wins great fame and success for the injustices done to her. And has the last laugh.

Proud of yourselves, lefties?

July 30, 2019 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. @ Michael S:
    Forgive me, Bear, for coming back once again about the horrible, but admittedly smart, Mr. H. I am not impressed by such people, as you confess not to, but by your profusion of dismissals actually show yourself to, be impressed. Hitler proved himself to be the greatest terror of the twentieth century. Whereas Einstein could be credited with helping the US introduce the A-bomb, and the continual terror of the spectre of worldwide annihilation, Hitler single-handedly bent hundreds of millions of people to his will by sheer cunning and determination. That puts him in an exclusive class with men like Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte — both of whom died ignoble deaths, as justice demands; but both of whom changed the map of the world beforehand. He outsmarted the French, outsmarted the British, and outsmarted the Jews, presumably the smartest people in the world. Despite these accomplishments, he does not merit the prolonged infamy given to him; because a greater one is coming:

    Rev. 18
    [11] And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
    [12] And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
    [13] And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
    [14] And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
    [15] And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
    [16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    You might say, as I have thought at times, that this doesn’t describe a man at all, but the collective mind of Artificial Intelligence. Behind AI, however, is a super-algorithm; and that algorithm is the mind of the one who writes it. He, and the human leader he supports, will make Mr. H. look like a Sunday School teacher.

    He will, of course, meet an inglorious doom, like all the rest; but in the meantime, people’s hearts will fail them for fear; and for the death and destruction he leaves in his wake. THAT is “intelligence”, as the world defines it, and as no human has ever imagined.

  2. So what is a person who loves Hitler and hates Jews? A person who gets furious when you point that Hitler was a total failure! Hitler was such a failure that his final act was suicide in a bunker. Quite a genius stroke.

    A failed painter who unleashed the worst antiSemitism on the world and destruction of large parts of the globe. Pure genius or Pure Evil?

  3. @ Bear Klein:
    Bear, Ted brought up the “Hitler” thing, and you’ve been making a fool of yourself, trying to deny the obvious — that Hitler was a genius, certainly much smarter than you. It took the combined efforts of all the world’s industrial and military power, to keep him from having his way. Can you match that? I’ll tell you what “stupid” is: “Stupid” is not accepting the fact, when you are up against a smart, determined enemy. Stupid is supporting the US Democratic Party, when its leaders are hell-bent on destroying the Jews and everything they stand for. Stupid, in short, is a people that does these things.

  4. An example of an intelligent person is Albert Einstein

    Even 140 years after his birth, Einstein’s scientific discoveries still impact our lives. Lasers, nuclear power, fiber optics, driverless cars, GPS and space travel all trace back to his theories. Einstein was also one of the founding fathers of the Hebrew University.

    A lasting legacy for a truly intelligent man.

    Ben Gurion is another example of a very intelligent man. His life’s work together with other’s and in the ability to motivate other’s helped lead to the rebirth of Israel. That is his legacy.

  5. In 1983 an American developmental psychologist Howard Gardener described 9 types of intelligence:

    Naturalist (nature smart)

    Musical (sound smart)

    Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart)

    Existential (life smart)

    Interpersonal (people smart)

    Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)

    Linguistic (word smart)

    Blowing up the world and killing people is not smart nor intelligent it is pure evil. Following Evil and worshiping it is the ultimate in stupid.

  6. A perfect IQ score is 162. Steven Hawking and Einstein had a 160 score.

    The bullshit list presented above shows scores of up to 190. The list is a fictional farce.

  7. @ Michael S:
    if you have one of those Alexis things say ” hey google – what is the average IQ of sub Saharan Africans ” Last time I did I was really surprised . I dont think this will ,last long though .

  8. Hitler’s accomplishments killed 6 million Jews. Started a World War that had 55 million people killed.

    Took over Germany and after he was through with it was no longer this large industrial modern country but smashed cities in total ruin. 5 Million German Soldiers died and perhaps 500,000 civilians. This does not include the large amount of German’s Hitler had put to death because of physical ailments or that they were Jewish.

    Yes, he had the ability to manipulate Germans in large numbers via their vilest hates and fears. He got them to follow him by personal fear and the hate of others. He built a system with the SS that terrorized other Gernan’s into following his orders.

    The question is does this demonstrate evil unleashed or insanity? Hitler appeared to be a madman who ended up controlling a war machine but he drove it so far he lost everything. This is not intelligence but pure power taken to worst evil extremes.

  9. @ Ted Belman:

    I agree with both those remarks. Only a fool would think that Hitler wasn’t smart — smart enough, in fact, to almost conquer the world. As for blacks having lower IQs, check the facts:

    “AFRICAN AMERICANS currently score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and mathematics tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. This gap appears before children enter kindergarten (figure 1-1), and it persists into adulthood. It has narrowed since 1970, but the typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on most standardized tests. On some tests the typical American black scores below more than 85 percent of whites?”

    If the current PC climate continues, we will be forced to agree that blacks aren’t black, and that Hitler wasn’t Austrian.


    This excerpt is just a small sample of how sick, twisted and perverse the liberal mind is. No one has defended the Jewish people better than President Trump, certainly not Jewish liberals. Not to mention his having Jewish family members. Yet he is called a “vile anti-Semite” by this leftist Jew Rafi Schwartz. Further still, it is their political allies who are the real anti-semites. They clearly live in an alternate reality.
    Here’s a little taste of the disgusting, scornful attitude of leftists towards this woman, from “feminist” webstie Jezebel:

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    Have you heard about Jexodus, the new, totally laughable “movement” trying to steer millennial Jewish Americans—who are, as its website states, “tired of living in bondage to leftist politics”—away from the Democratic Party and into the arms of Republicans? (Good luck with that, by the way; as my Splinter colleague Rafi Schwartz pointed out, it’s not likely to happen, especially when a vile antisemite is currently occupying the White House.)