Earlier Thursday, Prosor sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon reiterating Israel’s commitment to maintain the status quo on the Temple Mount as well as safeguard Jerusalem’s holy sites.
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, reacted Friday morning to the UN Security Council’s statement concerning the escalating tensions on in Jerusalem saying that “When the Palestinians set the Temple Mount ablaze, Mahmoud Abbas fuels the fire, and the Security Council fans the flames, it is a recipe for a regional explosion.”
The United Nations Security Council had called for “restraint, refraining from provocative actions and rhetoric and upholding the historic status quo” on the Temple Mount on Thursday evening.
The official statement had been expected since Tuesday, when Security Council president Vitaly Churkin had publicly announced that the council would release one.
The Security Council expressed its “grave concern” and urged all sides to “work cooperatively together to lower tensions and discourage violence at holy sites in Jerusalem.”
“[…] Muslim worshipers at the Haram Al-Sharif must be allowed to worship in peace, free from violence, threats and provocation,” the statement pointed out.
Member states of the Security Council also wrote that visitors should be without fear of violence or intimidation.
“This statement, which only uses the Arabic name for the Temple Mount, affirms the right of Muslims to be present an to pray at the compound, but completely ignores the Palestinian violence, the deep connection of the Jewish People to the Temple Mount, and the right of all to visit the site,” Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor responded.
Prosor also pointed his finger at Mahmoud Abbas saying that the Palestinian leader had chosen to “fuel the fire in the most shameful manner”.
According to him, “The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority encourages and legitimizes extremist Islamic activities with his anti-Semitic remarks.”
Earlier Thursday morning, Prosor had sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon reiterating Israel’s commitment to maintain the status quo on Temple Mount as well as “safeguard the holy sites of the three monotheistic faiths in Jerusalem.”
The Israeli Ambassador added that “any attempt by the UN to equivocate or avoid a clear statement denouncing those responsible for the outbreak of violence will only encourage further destabilizing activities, and further inflame an already dangerous situation.”
Clashes on the holy site have been escalating since Sunday. The violence cost the life of one Israeli citizen and injured dozens. Israeli security forces have been placed on high alert on Friday morning, ahead of protests in Jerusalem and the West Bank which should take place after afternoon prayers.
why do I get the feeling he expects them to take out any meat?
are these the same courts which he prevented the Shaked bill from reforming?
It seems convenient that he can make announcements and take credit for measures that the same court he keeps in place will likely shoot down….. unles Herzog agrees with it.
too bad there aren’t Jewish terrorists to give her what she seeks for the Jews.
Superb writing. I have read this entry repeatedly because I admire your literary style. Abbas is indeed a vile, filthy pig, and you have phrased it perfectly. You now assume your rightful place in the Babushka Pantheon Of Heroic Figures In Literature: Dostoevsky, Moliere, Swift, Twain, and (last but definitely not least) jaywhite39.
“Abbas is a vile, filthy pig”. That gorgeous verbiage has already become one of my favorite English sentences. And it is so very true.
Abbas is a vile, filthy pig and Islamo-Nazi. He should be arrested as the common criminal he is. Israel should not let this vile beast slander the Jewish people. The vile Fakestinian criminals are occupying the Jewish homeland. Israel by ignoring this Islamo-Nazi filthy pig’s vile anti-Semitic statements is only encouraging more anti-semitism by appearing weak. Israel should also cut off all services including electricity until the criminal Islamo-Nazis stop their murders and assaults of Jews. Isreal should finally stand up to the American Islamo-Nazi in the White House. Israel is supported by every Republican Senator and Congressman. Republicans are the majority in Congress. They are so pro-Israel not only because they are the only sane members of Congress, but there are a larger number of fundamentalist pro-Israel Christians than Jewish Republcans.
It is more important for Israel to be a safe haven for the protection of Jews than to be an inclusive democracy.
BB is the one to blame, under his watch there has been an inreasing number of attacks and abuse of Jews especially at the MOunt. More important to BB than protecting Jews from muslim anti semitism is to have his gestapo round up Jews without evidence to blame for arab crimes.
I bet that many Jews making aliya, hoping to live in a jewish state run by Jews where the protection of Jews is a priority and anti semitsim is verboten, are unaware that what really obtains is rampant muslim anti semitism, violence and abuse of Jews AND that this disgusting behavior is allowed to flourish by fraudulent so called Jewish leaders. Not one word of anti semitism should be allowed to be spoken by a muslim in eretz yisroel or they should get beaten and deported.
As for the low life POS hashemite stooge in Jordan, he should be booted from the wakf with his appointed clerics. Apparently BB is employing arab cops on the MOunt which is probably why Jews are harassed there. BB is no Jewish leader.
Since Dayan gave the control of the TM to the savages, it has been used systematically for the promotion of antisemitism.
Close all accesses to the TM to all the savages.
Patai quotes Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), the greatest historian ever produced by the Arabs. Khaldun’s portrait of Arab national character is that of a historian who could look back upon seven centuries of Arab history. The Arabs, he says, “are people who plunder and cause damage.” The civilizations they conquer are “wiped out.” “Places that succumb to the Arabs are quickly ruined.” “The reason for this is that [the Arabs] are a savage nation, fully accustomed to savagery …” “Savagery has become their character and nature. They enjoy it because it means freedom from authority and no subservience to leadership. Such a natural disposition is the negation and antithesis of civilization.”
everywhere on the globe the muslims wreak havoc ….. their hideous and violent cult should be shunned by all and the members of the cult barred from any civilized nation.
BB is allowing the hashemite imported stooge in Jordan to escape without criticism when he blames Israel for the muslim riots. the hashemite stooge is responsible for the riots as he is the one who allows his wakf appoinment to incite anti semitic attacks. The slimy monarch has never kept the agreement and it is time to rid of the creep. best he is gone from Jordan too; he is no protection for Israel, Israel had to save him from Assad sr.,he is the ONLY obstruction to the pals crossing the river…… best to be rid of him.
By us allowing such trash to “lead” we have set ourselves up for final betrayal.
NOOOOOOO! We are not here to safeguard anyone but ourselves. The vast majority of the Muslims DO NOT SERVE in the IDF. And the few that do are useful tools against… Jews.
Israel is a Jewish state just as most Muslim countries scream being Islamic kingdoms, Islamic countries or Islamic republics.
We are in terrible danger because of the ghastly washed out, weak, betraying elements allowed up there.
ONLY REGIME CHANGE, not pseudo “party” change will perhaps save our derrieres.