Prosecutor misconduct FIRST THEY CAME FOR THE JEWS

By Howard Laitin

1.     I strongly urge you to open up the first link and read attorney Robert Driscoll’s letter to US attorney John Durham regarding  major prosecutor misconduct relating to Maria Butina.

2.      Also remember that the two FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn wrote in their official  FBI report  that they believed he was telling the truth and that this on the scene, firsthand, conclusion was overridden by the Mueller investigation staff….  that  Flynn was  facing economic devastation and  that Flynn’s  son was threatened by the Mueller team  with prosecution.   Paul  Manafort’s  situation is much more complex. However, whatever he is guilty of so are his partners the Podesta  brothers  .

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3.      Jerome Corsi  was also threatened with both  economic devastation and prosecution before a  hostile Washington jury [with the probability of conviction and a long prison sentence which would mean he  would die in jail] .

4.      The  “ espionage investigation”  of David Tenenbaum is also illustrative of  [unpunished]  government misconduct:

Having no legitimate factual reason to have him investigated, they went to a high-level official at the command who suggested having Tenenbaum considered for a higher security level, where he could be interviewed without an attorney present. Tenenbaum likened this to an interrogation.

He was then told to take a lie detector test. The polygraph operator, however, destroyed his notes and then falsely reported Tenenbaum had confessed to spying for Israel, according to Tenenbaum. Based on the coworkers’ allegations and the bogus report of a confession, the FBI initiated a full criminal investigation.

It was Shabbat, during lunch time, on February 14, 1997, when FBI agents raided the Tenenbaum house, seizing his computer and stripping the family residence of many personal effects, including drawings made by his then four-year-old daughter. The girl remained terrified for months afterward, Tenenbaum says.

For half a year, FBI agents staked themselves out in front of the Tenenbaum home. To intimidate him, he says, they followed him wherever he went. They leaked misinformation to the news media that he was an spy for Israel. Tenenbaum estimates the government spent millions of dollars in its efforts to investigate him.

The investigation ended a year later. “I was cleared of everything,” Tenenbaum says. “They said to me I did nothing wrong, and that mine was one of the most investigated cases ever done.”

July 28, 2019 | Comments »

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