Pres Trump’s huge record of accomplishments

By Joan Swirsky

In mid-May, I wrote an article entitled The Juggernaut & the Jerks, which spelled out the stupendous accomplishments of President Donald Trump in his first three months in office. The response was tremendous, many people thanking me for bringing to their attention hundreds of the president’s achievements they had never heard of or read about or seen on TV. They agreed with my description of the president as a virtual unstoppable juggernaut and that members of the media were indeed a bunch of jerks.

Well, whaddaya know? Plus ca change, plus la meme chose! Now that the juggernaut president has just passed his 200th day in office, he is still going at warp speed in chalking up significant accomplishments and, at the same time, draining both the national and international swamplands that have contaminated our politics for decades, and the media are still spewing out fake news and fake polls in their desperate but impotent attempts to derail the unstoppable Trump Train.

Here is an impressive—but not comprehensive—list of President Trump’s accomplishments in his second three (almost four) months in office:

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  1. The President traveled to Saudi Arabia (where he demanded that the Arab world do its share to stop terrorism); Israel (where he was the first U.S. president to visit the Western Wall); and the Vatican. He also traveled to Warsaw, Poland where he spoke proudly and passionately about the virtues of western civilization.
  2. In the Trump White House, there are 110 fewer employees on staff than under Obama, to the tune of $5.1 million in savings: currently, five staffers for Melania Trump vs. 24 staffers for Michelle Obama.
  3. The President donated his first-quarter salary of approx. $78,000 to the National Parks Service.

The President also did the following:

  1. Created the Office of American Innovation to streamline and improve the Government for future generations.
  2. Signed Executive Orders:
    1. to “Buy American and Hire American” and to make it easier for businesses to start and expand apprenticeship programs;
    2. to mandate that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated, which can potentially reduce costs by $70 billion, according to The American Action Forum.
    3. to control regulatory costs that will dramatically reduce permit approvals for projects from 10 years to 2 years, spurring investment and job creation.
  3. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has increased 17 percent since Election Day, hitting new highs 25 times this year already.
  4. Since January, the economy added almost a million new jobs, including in the private sector.
  5. The President signed 14 Congressional Review Act resolutions into law, ending burdensome Obama-era rules and regulations, more than all other Presidents combined.
  6. By withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, President Trump protected America from a bad deal that would have harmed our economy, cost the U.S. nearly $3 trillion, and lost 6.5 million industrial-sector jobs and 3.1 million manufacturing-sector jobs.
  7. The President increased exports of our energy resources to a global market, updated guidance from the Treasury Department to allow the United States to export coal, and expedited the permitting and approval processes of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminals and exports, including the approval of the Lake Charles LNG terminal in Louisiana.
  8. He unleashed oil and gas development in the United States by expanding access to resources and the infrastructure needed to get them to market; he approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, creating over 42,000 jobs and $2 billion in earnings.
  9. He signed Executive Orders mandating (1) future pipeline work to be done by American workers and with American steel, and he expedited new pipeline approval and production, such as the New Burgos Pipeline to Mexico, and (2) the extension of offshore oil and gas drilling and he reissued a leasing program to develop offshore resources.
  10. The President also boosted oil and gas development on Federal lands.
  11. Now, President Trump is reconsidering the Obama-era Environmental Protection Agency rule on greenhouse gas emissions that is estimated to cost oil and natural gas operators as much as $530 million annually.
  12. President Trump rolled back Obama’s “Stream Protection Rule,” which targeted the beleaguered coal industry with estimated costs of at least $81 million a year.
  13. He also withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which failed to protect American workers, and he promised to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to better reflect our modern economy while benefitting all parties involved.
  14. The President began the process of renegotiating the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement. In addition, negotiations started with China on economic cooperation have already produced results for American businesses. For the first time in 14 years, American beef imports have returned to China and China is now welcome to negotiate contracts to import American liquefied natural gas.
  15. The President rolled back the Obama Administration’s bad deal with Cuba that benefitted the Cuban regime at the expense of the Cuban people.
  16. The President instituted tough immigration policies that have reduced illegal border crossings by 53 percent compared to the same time last year.
  17. President Trump ordered the hiring of 10,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers, including 5,000 additional border patrol agents. Within the first 100 days, ICE conducted nearly 40 percent more Enforcement and Removal Operations compared to the same time last year, and arrests of convicted criminal aliens climbed by nearly 20 percent in this time compared to the same time last year. In fiscal year 2017, ICE has removed over 2,700 criminal gang members, compared to 2,057 criminal gang members in all of fiscal year 2016. ICE has specifically targeted MS-13 criminal gang members for removal on immigration violations. Since January, 66,000 illegal immigrants have been arrested, more than 70% of them having criminal records.
  18. According to journalist and former NY City Police Chief Jim Kouri, in July, two major law enforcement operations led by the FBI, DEA and the Dutch National Police, shut down the infrastructure of an underground criminal economy and two huge crime outfits, AlphaBay and Hansa, responsible for the trading of over 350 000 illicit commodities including drugs, firearms and cybercrime malware.
  19. The President ordered the Department of Homeland Security to use $100 million of unspent appropriations in its account for border security, fencing and infrastructure.
  20. He ordered the creation of the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) office at DHS, ensuring that our Government can no longer ignore the victims of criminal acts by illegal aliens.
  21. Under President Trump, Department of Veterans Affairs fired over 500 employees, suspended 200, demoted 33, and disciplined 22 senior leaders as part of the effort to restore integrity and accountability to a department charged with supporting our nation’s heroes.
  22. President Trump signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, enabling senior Veterans Affairs officials to fire failing employees while establishing important safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
  23. The President is now starting the process of shifting veterans’ electronic medical records to the same system used by the Defense Department, ending a decades-old rift in sharing information between the two agencies.
  24. President Trump signed into law a bill providing over $2 billion to open new Veterans Affairs department medical facilities and fund care for veterans seeking medical care outside the government system.
  25. President Trump brokered a ceasefire in southwest Syria as part of the U.S. commitment to end the conflict, reduce human suffering, and defeat ISIS.
  26. He supported the opening of a new “Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology” in Saudi Arabia, created to empower Muslim-majority countries to more effectively combat radicalization.
  27. The President increased pressure on Iran to end its destructive and destabilizing actions in the Middle East, including its continued ballistic missile research.
    1. The Department of the Treasury sanctioned over 25 entities and individuals involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program, ensuring our ability to monitor potentially malicious actors while preventing future acts of terrorism.
    2. This week, the United States sanctioned sixteen entities and individuals that have supported Iran’s military and Revolutionary Guard Corps in the development of drones, fast attack boats, and other military equipment.
    3. In his first six months, President Trump worked with our partners and allies in the Middle East to defeat ISIS, leading to Iraqi forces recapturing Mosul.
    4. After the Syrian regime used chemical weapons against civilians, President Trump authorized strikes against the airbase that launched the chemical attacks, demonstrating our national commitment to preventing further atrocities.
    5. President Trump has lifted restrictions that had prevented the Secretary of Defense and our commanders in the field from fully using their judgement and expertise.
  28. President Trump cut $600 million from United Nations’ laughable peacekeeping budget.
  29. President Trump signed two resolutions, one encouraging women at NASA and another promoting women in entrepreneurship.

Further, according to both The Gateway Pundit and Joel B. Pollak, Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News:

  1. In President Trump’s first six months, the U.S. Stock Markets are at record highs and millions of Americans are benefitting in their retirement savings accounts.
  2. The DOW daily closing stock market average has risen 18% since the election on November 8th. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – the other day it closed at over 22,000).
  3. The S&P 500 and the NASDAQ have both set new all-time highs during this period: the U.S. Stock Market gained $4 trillion in wealth since Trump was elected and the S&P 500 also broke $20 Trillion for the first time in its history.
  4. According to Bloomberg News, U.S. corporate profits in the second quarter “have beaten estimates at more than three-quarters of the Standard & Poor’s 500 member companies. In every sector, at least half of the companies have surpassed or met expectations, with many also getting a boost from a sinking U.S. dollar.”
  5. U.S. Debt has decreased under President Trump since his inauguration by (-$103) Billion. (President Obama increased the US debt in his first 6 months more than $974 Billion or nearly $1 Trillion.)
  6. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, President Trump added a projected 1,027,000 jobs in his first six months (January through June 2017.) President Obama on the other hand lost more than 3,826,000 million jobs in his first six months.
  7. Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate since President Trump’s inauguration decreased from 4.8% to 4.4% (January through June 2017). Unemployment under President Obama’s first six months in office, the unemployment rate increased each month from 7.8% in January 2009 to 9.5% by June of 2009.
  8. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. inflation rate decreased to an eight month low in June to 1.6%.
  9. In 2011, houses for sale were on the market an average 84 days. This year, it’s just 45 days.
  10. The U.S. Manufacturing Index soared to a 33-year high in President Trump’s first six months, which was the best number since 1983 under President Reagan.
  11. The Federal Reserve has increased interest rates three times since President Trump was elected into office in November. The Fed increased interest rates only once in Obama’s 8 Years prior to the increase after President Trump’s winning the election in November.
  12. Illegal immigration is down almost 70% under President Trump.
  13. Since President Trump took office in January 2017, according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics on food stamp enrollment, more than 1.1 million Americans dropped off the food stamp rolls.
  14. NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 billion because of President Trump.
  15. After being nominated by President Trump, Constitutionalist Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed and sworn in as Supreme Court Justice in early April.
  16. The President has signed around 150 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of July 19th, including (to name but a few): dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives; travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities; enforcing regulatory reform; protecting law enforcement; rebuilding the military; cutting funding for sanctuary cities.
  17. President Trump launched his Voter Fraud Commission, officially thePresidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
  18. President Trump announcedon Twitter on July 26: “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.”
  19. President Trump continued to shut Democrats out in special elections, which the media expected them to win on a supposed wave of anti-Trump sentiment. In Montana, Republican Greg Gianforte won even after being arrested for assaulting a Guardian reporter, and in Georgia, Karen Handel won the most expensive congressional race in history after her Democratic challenger, Jon Ossoff, had looked like a heavy favorite just days before.
  20. Last week, President Trump joined Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) to announce legislation about changes to our immigration laws for the first time in more than half a century. The RAISE Act (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment), instead of admitting immigrants on the basis of often specious “family” ties, would choose the immigrants based on merit, with points granted for skills, English proficiency, advanced degrees, actual job offers, et al.
  21. About 30 percent of the territory the American-led coalition has retaken from the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in Iraq and Syria since 2014 has been liberated under U.S. President Donald Trump’s watch, according to a senior State Department official. In total, the U.S.-led coalition has re-conquered 27,000 square miles (about 78 percent) of the 35,000 square miles ISIS is believed to have controlled at its peak in Iraq and Syria in early 2015.
  22. According to writer Larry Schweikart, President Trump “is advancing his Greatness Agenda through court appointments like wildfire.” To date, he “has outpaced Barack Obama and Bill Clinton with his judicial appointees.”

According to political operative Roger Stone:

  1. President Trump signed a bill into law to reduce the backlog of families of fallen police officers waiting to receive benefits due to their status.
  2. Under President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded an Obama Administration memo that directed the Bureau of Prisons to begin phasing out private prisons.
  3. Again, under President Trump, the Justice Department prosecuted two doctors and one other for the subhuman practice of female genital mutilation—the first such prosecutions under a federal law passed by Congress in 1996 prohibiting the practice.
  4. Despite historic Democrat obstructionism, President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman!
  5. In June, the Trump Administration sent 20 ATF agents to Chicago to help the city fight gun violence.The local U.S. Attorney said the same day that his office had already prosecuted more Chicago gun cases in 2017 than it had done throughout the entire 2016.
  6. President Trump, in “another critical step to restoring local control,” signed an Executive Order for Secretary of Education Betsy De Vos to review Dept. of Education regulations, with the intention of returning power to the states and local governments and to review, modify and possibly repeal any regulations and guidelines that are not consistent with federal law.

The staged protests we’re witnessing, are funded by the same globalists who embrace capitalism with a passion

The staged protests we’re witnessing, even as I type, are funded by the same globalists who embrace capitalism with a passion—hence their billions—and live in dazzling splendor and luxury. But they sucker astoundingly gullible leftists into believing they are for “the little man” who needs Big Government to survive, and they pay them to hold up shiny new placards and protest a president who is actually—empirically—bringing jobs and safety and fair trade and border security and respect for our veterans and genuine equality back to America.

If leftists can’t get on board with this agenda, I quote President Trump when he says: “Sad.”

August 14, 2017 | Comments »

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