Pres Trump under attack on many fronts.

By Ted Belman

1, Embattled Kavanaugh vows to fight on as new allegation emerges ..

2. UN summit kicks off with appeals against Trump unilateralism

3. Abbas said planning UN event aimed at thwarting Trump’s peace plan

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4. Defying Trump, powers agree to evade Iran sanctions, keep nuke deal alive

5. ‘Major mistake’: Israel, US warn Russia against giving S-300 missiles to Syria

5, China accuses US of intimidation as both sides impose fresh tariffs

6. Rod Rosenstein: Russia inquiry chief set for Trump showdown

7. Sticking points remain as U.S.-imposed deadline looms for NAFTA deal

8. The ‘deep state’ leaves Trump with no good options

9. US-Iran tensions escalate in wake of deadly military parade attack

September 25, 2018 | Comments »

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