Louis Rene Beres takes Tactical Nuclear Weapons out of the basement and puts them on the table

By Ted Belman

On June 28, 2024, Louis Rene Beres posted an article to which I responded, telling him “Col Macgregor raised the possiblity of the use of TNW” and and I asked him what he thought. He raised all kinds of complications in doing so. He looked apon this as preemption and argued that the Rules of War are between States. I argued that Iran is a state and Hezbollah is just an extension.

I also argued that if Hezbollah started attacking Israeli cities, Israel would have a carte blanche to use TNW on Hezbollah to totally totally destry them and their rockets. So it would not be a preemptive action. It would be part of an ongoing war and justified by the Right of Self-Defense. He appears to have taken my advice and said so in the JNS article which may be found here:


Better late then never.

I also argued that Israel should pre-emptively attack Iran ands destoy all the oil facilities thereby reducing their revenue with which they support their proxies and hit anything else that comes to mind.

August 22, 2024 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. Felix I support no Nazis for the record. Do not agree with the beliefs and actions of your buddy the monster called Putin. Just talked at length with a Russian who was doing some work for me.

    He believes Putin is a monster and is responsible for getting many of his Russian friends killed. Also responsible for getting many of his Ukrainian wife’s relatives killed.

    Now Felix please feel free to resume your ridiculous comedic level commentary. I now a days do not some much time on this site because of the presence of idiots like yourself make it impossible to have normal discussions.

  2. I repeat the comments by Edgar and John Galt are just good sense and as John has said there is no precise definition of this type of weapon, and experience shows as far as nuclear is concerned it is always upward creep.

    There are so many avenues opening up and no doubt about the Palestinians and everything to do with them, emerging out of Islam and Stalinism, are the new Nazis, and this feature of our times runs along with the other Nazi branch, Banderism of NATO

  3. Bear Klein

    I would advise you to not be so cock sure of yourself. Jews face the most dangerous times and I fought hard to reach the political positions in this comment you are referring to. You too are supporting Nazis in Ukraine and no way is that compatible with being a Zionist no way no how.

    If anyone else sees no sense in anything I said you can say so, or if you agree say so.

    What I can’t stand is reactionary silence a way of censor.

  4. @Felix I was reading you commentary, I wish there was a vocal recording of it, perhaps in an Irish accent! I am visualizing it, and it might be quite funny like an Irish comedian.

    Sorry do not mean to make you mad because it is so off the wall it should be a comedy routine. Sort of an Irish Don Rickells, in other words a never-ending stream of over-the-top insults if you are not familiar with Rickells.

  5. As is so often the case with, can I call it modern capitalist loving, socialism or communism hating, Israel … It is bankrupt

    Ted in this regard thinks not sanely but of pulling another stunt, like the bankrupt and irrelevant Jordan Option.

    I ask have you forgotten politics…namely the Lebanese Christians…namely the Iranian working class including women’s freedom who will fight for Israel

    And as I keep pointing out Bibi is bankrupt


    Edgar Galt just bloody ignored me and you know I am as much an Irish Zionist as you yourself

    You have maniacs like Adam Russia haters right on site actually loving Nazis

    But Iran could by Ted’s action get the bomb from Pakistan

    Bazook no more Israel

    And Edgar is right…opening the sluice gates for the filth

    Israelis should do little except development of strategy based on how Bolsheviks defeated the Pogromists in Ukraine in 1918 to 1921

    An intellectual thing to do

  6. TED-

    Surely you realise that after the fist nuclear bomb is fired, it opens a PANDORAS BOX, for the rest of the restraining world. Nothing but worl wide chaos would come after.
    It would no longer refrain from using Nuclear weapons since they were passed O>K by the “world’s most moral ” army.

  7. Tactical Nuke? So, does Israel even have them?
    Can you imagine Netanyahu going to the woke IDF Generals and suggesting this? That would be leaked in less than 24 hours to the press is my guess..
    A tactical nuke is (1) kiloton to (50) kilotons
    Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs were around 20 kilotons. You seriously want to use the word “tactical” in that case?

    I think the only time Israel would use nukes is to destroy Iran when it believed a) Iran had nukes b) Was about to be overrun by invading armies 3) A massive conventional ballistic attack where 1,000 or more died in Tel Aviv as an example.

    To root out Hezbollah? No.


    Because once Israel uses nukes every single one of its enemies will know its open season and fair game to use them against Israel.

  8. Adam, I have no specific reason for saying this, but I doubt Russia will involve itself in a “nuclear exchange” over Israel’s decision to use tactical nukes (which are a far cry from “regular” nukes.

    “Islamic clients”? You mean Islamic barbarians?…

    If you read the article on pogroms, you (and Russia… and everyone else) have to be made to realize that open-season on Jews has to end, and end very soon. The era of pogroms is now over… It’s been a long time coming…

  9. I don’t think it is a realistic option fro Israel to use “tactical” nuclear weapons. Russia would use the opportunity to nuke us in retaliation, and earn kudos from its Islamic clients.