Poll: Most Israeli Arabs Support Violent Uprising

Most Israeli Arabs oppose a Jewish majority, support a Palestinian uprising and want Iran to have nukes.

By Gil Ronen, INN

About 58% of the Arab citizens of Israel say that the Palestinian Authority Arabs would be justified in starting a violent rebellion (“intifada”) if the diplomatic process does not advance. A similar percentage advocate an “intifada” by Israeli Arab citizens if their situation does not improve considerably, according to a poll, which was carried out by Prof. Sami Samoha of Haifa University, with the Israeli Democracy Institute.

The views are in line with the call Monday by an Arab Knesset Member, for an Arab intifada inside Israel.

The poll shows that 63% of Israel’s Arab citizens think Iran should continue its nuclear development, despite the evidence that Iran seeks Israel’s destruction through nuclear weapons.

About 54 percent of the Arabs prefer Israel over any other country as a place to love. And yet, 70% do not accept Israel’s right to maintain a Jewish majority.

While 70% of the Arabs say that the government is treating them like second-class citizens, a full 72% would like the Arab parties in the Knesset to join the coalition – although the Arab MKs themselves oppose this move.

Prof. Samoha said that while the opinions in the Arab sector have become more extreme, “the red lines have not yet been crossed.” However, he warned, “a continued deterioration of relations could cause disquiet and instability.”

June 25, 2013 | 26 Comments »

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26 Comments / 26 Comments

  1. The soon to come show down or lack of, btw BHO and Khamenei will have major consequences for the Western world.
    So far, the conduct of the US president as far as foreign policy is concerned must be a source of enormous concern for the West.

  2. yamit82 Said:

    Desgraciado!!!!!!!!!!! Verquenza!!!!!!!

    CA and I have these “petty” battles over proper Spanish grammer. I speak border TexMex, which is rather gritty.

  3. yamit82 Said:

    This insidious Pagan cult will be erradicated from our midst sooner or later!!

    My father was a very improtant person in formation of my life’s philososphies. He always bought a “Watchtower” magazine from the street vendor and he subscribed to the 7th Day Adventist magazine on religious freedom. I was curious and asked him to explan his actions. He sai, it was very important for a Jew to support the reious freedoms of other if they wished their own freedom to be protected.”

  4. CuriousAmerican Said:

    You seem more anti-Christian that the Arab-Christians are anti-Jewish

    Not more nor less. Their anti Jewish predilections only reenforce what I know to be true and unlike some are not willing to give them a pass because they are not Muslims.

    I always try to call swine by their vernacular nomenclature …. Pigs. Putting lipstick on pigs does not transform them into kosher goats.

  5. CuriousAmerican Said:

    I got news for you, they are not disappearing from the Mideast. In fact, among some populations Christianity is growing.

    😀 This insidious Pagan cult will be erradicated from our midst sooner or later!!

    The notorious leftist anti Jewish moderator of the clip I am submitting is being investigated for alleged sexual abuse and has been fired from all positions he held when he made this report. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjgyJVXEtXA

    As you can see Israel is a very tolerant country to many diverse ethnicity’s, cultures and races. Messianic christians are one of those exceptions. They will be forced I hope to leave the country I hope in the not too distant future.

    It is a gross lie that they do not attempt to proselytize, I myself have seen them in the act of trying to spread the good news. Even our leftist anti Jewish Supreme court has ruled against them on several occasions. We must if no choice emulate our Cousins in how we treat them. Radical surgery may be the only effective treatment against such a a cancerous cult.

  6. @ NormanF:
    I agree with Yamit – the worst terrorists against Israel were Arabs of Christian background. They hated the Jews in a way the Muslim Arabs never quite matched. I won’t shed any tears when they disappear from the Middle East! One less group of virulent anti-Semites to worry about.

    I got news for you, they are not disappearing from the Mideast. In fact, among some populations Christianity is growing.


  7. yamit82 Said:

    CuriousAmerican Said:
    Was this broken down by religion?
    An Arab is an Arab. Religion in your context matters Zip. Christian Arabs are the worst of the worst Jew haters. They hate us as Arabs and Hate us as Christians a double hate whammy. We have had at times reasonable and even civil relations with the Arab Muslims on the West Bank but never with the Arab christians. They have consistently egged on the Muslims against us even when as christians they were being maltreated by the Muslims. They never complained about their ill treatment by Muslims but have always led the Arab chorus against us.
    Arab blood ties is stronger than religion. The way things are trending in 10-15 years there won’t be any Arab christians left in the ME. Can’t say I’m upset over that.

    I agree with Yamit – the worst terrorists against Israel were Arabs of Christian background. They hated the Jews in a way the Muslim Arabs never quite matched. I won’t shed any tears when they disappear from the Middle East! One less group of virulent anti-Semites to worry about.

  8. @ honeybee:
    Como no sabe Ud. estas cosas. No puede leer Uds los periodicales. Desgraciado!!!!!!!!!!! Verquenza!!!!!!!

    Leo periódicos respetables, no libros comicos.

  9. @ yamit82:
    An Arab is an Arab. Religion in your context matters Zip. Christian Arabs are the worst of the worst Jew haters. They hate us as Arabs and Hate us as Christians a double hate whammy. We have had at times reasonable and even civil relations with the Arab Muslims on the West Bank but never with the Arab christians. They have consistently egged on the Muslims against us even when as christians they were being maltreated by the Muslims. They never complained about their ill treatment by Muslims but have always led the Arab chorus against us.

    Arab blood ties is stronger than religion. The way things are trending in 10-15 years there won’t be any Arab christians left in the ME. Can’t say I’m upset over that.

    You seem more anti-Christian that the Arab-Christians are anti-Jewish

  10. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Was this broken down by religion?

    An Arab is an Arab. Religion in your context matters Zip. Christian Arabs are the worst of the worst Jew haters. They hate us as Arabs and Hate us as Christians a double hate whammy. We have had at times reasonable and even civil relations with the Arab Muslims on the West Bank but never with the Arab christians. They have consistently egged on the Muslims against us even when as christians they were being maltreated by the Muslims. They never complained about their ill treatment by Muslims but have always led the Arab chorus against us.

    Arab blood ties is stronger than religion. The way things are trending in 10-15 years there won’t be any Arab christians left in the ME. Can’t say I’m upset over that.

  11. ArnoldHarris Said:

    I understand that the first thing that happens to them when they show up in Gaza is that the Arabs gang rape them. People who fly across the world looking for trouble should not be denied their share of it when they find it.

    I wouldn’t call it rape. Most of them seek Arab men and are willing partners. They wear their sexual encounters like a badge of honor others excuse it blaming it on their maltreatment by the Jews. They willingly become mattresses for their pets.

    All terrorists should be killed rather than tried and imprisoned and that includes minors throwing rocks. I am tired of giving them free room board, medical and dental services, university educations and visiting rights along with cellphones. I am tired of being extorted over them and really tired of explaining how noble and good we are.

    I am really tired, disgusted ,embarrassed and shamed by BB (spit).

  12. Was this broken down by religion?

    I suspect some Christians – especially the Maronites, who sometimes do national service – have differing opinions.

  13. ArnoldHarris says:

    June 25, 2013 at 3:15 pm

    Especially the women. I understand that the first thing that happens to them when they show up in Gaza is that the Arabs gang rape them.

    And you know this how?

  14. They are right. Violence – even the threat of Arab violence – works.

    There is a symbiotic relationship between the Israeli elite running the country and the Arabs. The Arabs threaten violence, and the elite uses that threat, along with Arab recurrent riots and acts of terror, to justify anti-Jewish policies of appeasement and surrender. Guess who benefits in the end.

  15. As I have written elsewhere, expulsion of troublemakers is he best remedy that a small country has for maintaining civil peace. No imprisonment, which is both expensive to the Jewish state and mostly useless as a means of permanent social control. Instead, set up and utilize a simple procedure of stripping their citizenship and expelling them. And if no other country will take them, just dump them across the fence into Gaza, Lebanon or even into the bare Sinai desert. I would also do that to European or North American troublemakers who come to Israel for just that purpose. Especially the women. I understand that the first thing that happens to them when they show up in Gaza is that the Arabs gang rape them. People who fly across the world looking for trouble should not be denied their share of it when they find it.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  16. The only way to solve the Arab Question (Israel’s Arab Fifth Column) is to expel the Jew-hating Arabs from Israel! Only this will produce real peace and guarantee Israel’s future as a Jewish State.

    The Czechs had to remove the treacherous Sudeten Nazi Germans from their homeland. Its a national tragedy in Israel this cannot even be on the national agenda even though its clear as day the Arabs will never be truly loyal to the country.

  17. The Arabs should be expelled from Israel like the Sudeten Germans were from the Czech lands. I’m not holding my breath waiting for it to happen! For a generation, the Israeli Left successfully demonized Meir Kahane and managed to render the concept of “transfer” taboo. Nevertheless, separating the Jews from the Arabs is the only way to guarantee Israel’s future as a Jewish State. Giving the Arab savages their own state won’t end the conflict; it will merely postpone the next round of the Arab war against the Jews to conditions far less favorable to Israel. Jews continue to court national tragedy! Of all this could be avoided with men of vision and with decisive action to remove the Arab Fifth Column from Israel.