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Poll: Lapid collapses, Gantz gains strength

New poll finds the Yesh Atid Party is falling to 10 seats. A party led by Naftali Bennett wins 12 seats.

A new poll published on Thursday evening finds that the Yesh Atid Party, led by Yair Lapid, continues to collapse.

In the poll, which was published by WBN Group, carried out through iPanel and analyzed by Elad Wolf, the National Unity Party led by Benny Gantz continues to gain strength, winning 33 seats.

Likud, in the poll, is the second largest party with 18 seats, and a party led by Naftali Bennett wins 12 seats.

Yesh Atid wins only 10 seats in the poll, and Yisrael Beytenu led by Avigdor Liberman has 8 seats.

The Otzma Yehudit Party, led by Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, wins 8 seats in the poll. Shas and United Torah Judaism win 7 seats each.

The Ra’am Party wins 5 seats and the Religious Zionist Party, led by Minister Bezalel Smotrich, wins 4. Hadash-Ta’al wins 4 seats, as does Meretz.

The Labor Party is far from the electoral threshold, with 1.6 percent which is equal to about 2 seats.

The right-wing bloc in this poll drops from 64 seats today to 44 seats. ( but if you add Liberman and Bennet to it, it becomes 64 seats.)

December 15, 2023 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. The election process in Israel is like an Arab Bazaar. You bargain for gain and if you succeed, you’re king for a day until the US officials come around to tell you what you absolutely MUST do OR ELSE! That is where Bennet and Lapid failed before and where Netanyahu is doing his best to hold up. I doubt if either Bennet or Lapid or Ganz learned anything from the previous experience. It seems they all fold like empty suits when told to do so. Maybe we just need fresh blood in the Knesset.

  2. On 3/21/21, Israeli politician Naftali Bennett appeared on national Israeli television during the election campaign and stated “I won’t allow Yair Lapid to be prime minister, including in a rotation (agreement.)” and “I will not establish a government based on the support of Mansour Abbas from the Islamic Movement.” He signed a document affirming those words and held it up to the camera. In the first weeks of June of 2021, after the election, Bennett entered a rotation agreement with Lapid and established a government with the support of Mansour Abbas.


    Ted Belman
    tbelman3- at-


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