T. Belman. I am so disgusted by my fellow Jews. How can they vote for the corrupt Biden and Clinton? And I might add, and be proud of it. It beats me.
They can’t have it both ways. ie they can’t love Israel and Biden both. Nor can they love Israel and call for a two state solution with ’67 borders. They obviously don’t love Israel.
Support higher than for Clinton in 2016, J Street poll indicates; 78% of Jewish respondents back Democrats in congressional races
People in Times Square dressed in Donald Trump and Joe Biden costumes as they await election results on November 3, 2020 in New York City. (David Dee Delgado/Getty Images/AFP)
Jewish voters favored Joe Biden over US President Donald Trump 77%-21% in an exit poll late Tuesday, with few listing Israel as their most pressing voting priority.
The poll by GBAO Strategies for J Street, a liberal Jewish Middle East advocacy group that endorsed Biden, was of 800 voters who voted early or who answered questions on election night.
The figures showed greater Jewish support for Biden than for Hillary Clinton in 2016, with the current candidate securing a 56-point advantage, compared to 45-point lead for the former secretary of state, who was ultimately defeated by Trump.<
The poll showed better numbers for Biden than polling ahead of the election suggested, albeit within the margin of error. An American Jewish Committee poll last month showed Jews voting for Biden over Trump 75% to 22%.
It comes as Americans likely would not know the winner of the presidential race until Wednesday, with Biden and Trump locked in an unexpectedly tight race. Polls had predicted a relatively easy victory for Biden.
The survey said 78% of Jewish respondents supported Democrats in congressional races, compared to 21% for Republicans.
The number of American Jews who list Israel as their top voting priority dropped from 9% in 2016 to 5% in 2020, the poll suggested. The majority (54%) listed the coronavirus pandemic as their top priority, followed by climate change (26%), healthcare (25%) and the economy (23%).
“In this historically pivotal election, Jewish voters have just totally repudiated Donald Trump and a Republican Party that has catered to the most far-right, xenophobic elements of the country,” said J Street’s president, Jeremy Ben-Ami, in a statement. “While Trump touted an ‘exodus’ of Jews from the Democratic Party, the only exodus we saw here was Republicans losing a significant chunk of their already small number of Jewish supporters.
“A strategy built on the myth that Jewish votes can be won with hawkish Israel policy is bound to fail when over and over again American Jews have demonstrated that they are among the most progressive voters in the American electorate, with views on Israel that are pro-diplomacy and pro-peace,” Ben-Ami added.
The survey also quizzed respondents on their views on Israel and the Palestinian conflict.
Ninety-two percent said someone can be critical of Israeli government policies and still be pro-Israel, but 89% opposed boycotts of the Jewish state. It found that 72% support a two-state solution; 15% back annexation, while allowing the Palestinians to vote in municipal but not national elections; and 13% support the establishment of a binational state for Jews and Palestinians.
And 67% supported “the United States playing an active role in helping the parties to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict if it meant the United States exerting pressure on Israel to make the compromises necessary to achieve peace.”
According to the poll, nearly three-quarters (74%) said they strongly or somewhat support the United States reentering the Iran nuclear deal, which Trump withdrew from in 2018.
Liberal Jews are first and foremost LIBERALS! Jewish, an incidental afterthought!
Liberal Jews have never been fully engaged with Israel.
Media engaged in permanent blitzkrieg disinformation and propaganda!
The corrupt politicians are destroying this country.
They are feverishly preparing “the abortion” of the American unique experiment.
Trump got 43% of the Jewish vote in Florida and this helped him take the State. This was a record for Jewish voters for GOP candidate.
@ Liz Berney:
I saw that trump got 12% of the black vote. All the reports I had up to the election, led me to believe that he would have about 33-35% of the Black vote.
Other J Street questions, including about exerting pressure on Israel and the Iran deal, contain false information and premises that grossly skew the responses. In addition, J Street’s sample was skewed further left than the American Jewish population.
J Street’s polls play every trick in the book to obtain the results they want.
Don’t believe J Street’s misleading polls. The much more reliable McLaughlin / Basswood Research poll showed that Trump received 30.5 percent of the Jewish vote, while Biden got 60.6 percent. “Biden’s share of the Jewish vote was the lowest for any Democratic presidential candidate since 1988, while Trump’s share of that demographic was the highest since that year.” https://www.algemeiner.com/2020/11/04/poll-trump-tops-30-of-jewish-vote-highest-total-for-republican-in-over-three-decades/
ZOA’s online book about J Street shows how J Street misleads and lies with polls. See: https://zoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/J-Street-Full-Report-H.pdf
re the jewish vote for Biden and Harris: it’s not only pathetic, it’s a case of mass pathology. but personally, I’m tired of this “phenomenon,” and I’m less and less interested in why so many jews are nuts, also less and less interested in healing the breach or reaching out to them, our so-disaffected/disconnected brethren.
in short, my motto is: hell with them. as for the age-old “crying need for Jewish unity”– ain’t no such thing anymore.
to use an analogy, i see american jews as a bad investment, and the thing to do is, quit, accept the loss, and move on. literally, move on to Israel our real homeland. America will go down the tubes in due course, the american jews with it.
a final point to ponder: as Rashi notes, in his commentary on Exodus, one rabbinic view was that 4/5 (80%) of the Jews didn’t make it out of Egypt, they died there.