Poll: Clinton clobbers potential GOP foes

T. Belman. This is scary as hell. Clinton has no accomplishments on her resume and many blackmarks. Just like Obama. What is with the American public. Clinton is no friend of the Jews or Israel.

By Jeremy Diamond, CNN

clinton blueWashington (CNN)Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton isn’t just the prospective Democratic frontrunner — she’s favored over every top potential Republican candidate, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll released Thursday.

Clinton beats out five potential Republican candidates in head-to-head matchups by double-digits, according to the survey of 843 registered votes, conducted after reports emerged that Mitt Romney was phoning donors, supporters and former staffers and considering a third presidential run.

Mitt Romney may be rushing the field and fraying former Gov. Jeb Bush’s prospects of locking up the establishment money, but the former GOP presidential nominee loses to Clinton by a wider margin than Bush in the poll’s hypothetical matchups. Romney falls 15 points behind Clinton while Bush also loses, but by 13 percentage points.

Though Clinton gets a net positive out of her husband’s tenure as president, Bush and Romney’s pasts undercut their ambitions, according to the poll.

About a quarter of voters said Romney’s 2012 run as his party’s nominee makes it less likely they will support him in 2016 and 34% of voters said Jeb Bush’s legacy status — with a father and brother who have served as president — make them less likely to support his presidential ambitions.

And while Romney has said his two past runs will make him a stronger third-time candidate, just 12% of voters agreed his 2012 run would make them more likely to support him.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Kentucky’s Sen. Rand Paul also trail Clinton by 13 points as the hypothetical Republican nominee.

Clinton fares even better against social conservative crusader and former Gov. Mike Huckabee, beating him out by 17 points.

A Clinton candidacy would also get a bump from her potential to become the first female president of the United States — nearly a quarter of those surveyed said the prospects for that historic moment would make them more likely to support her in 2016.

The survey was conducted Jan. 12-15 and had a 4 percentage point margin-of-error for registered voters.

January 23, 2015 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. The MBs of the world are waiting anxiously to put all their weight behind Hilary! Do we need a president or a female president?

  2. @ yamit82:

    “If you believed the archives could give you what you want, you’d spare NO effort tearing them apart to get the goods — and you know it.”

    “Not true you do it without my help…”

    You’re dancing around the issue. I haven’t anywhere near as much time to me online as you. If you had something, you’d produce it in a heartbeat.

    “All I ever wanted from you was to back up with fact your opinions stated as facts which are not.”

    It isn’t fact v opinion that frosts your coffee

    — so much as competence v excellence.

    All the rest is window-dressing.

    “You did predict McCain victory although you might have changed your mind towards the end but you did predict the victory, same with Romney.”

    Now you’re fudging your earlier remark.

    I never ‘predict.’ I’ve seen too much of stateside politics to EVER use such language or anything comparable to it.

    My last post before this one includes an accurate rendering of my take on the ’08 and ’12 presidential elections as they occurred.

  3. dweller Said:

    If you believed the archives could give you what you want, you’d spare NO effort tearing them apart to get the goods

    — and you know it.

    Not true you do it without my help….All I ever wanted from you was to back up with fact your opinions stated as facts which are not. You dodge that point in so many twists and turns gyrating like a pretzel when challenged yet never come up with the actual basis of fact for your off the wall opinions. Got no problem with your opinions even if wrong as long as they are not stated as fact.

    You did predict McCain victory although you might have changed your mind towards the end but you did predict the victory, same with Romney.

  4. @ yamit82:

    “I called ONE presidential election wrong. And that was over 40 years ago.”

    “Fabricator you picked McCain and Palin over Obama and Biden and the Romney over Obama.

    It’s in the archives for anyone interested in fact checking.”

    “I supported those tickets, because each was FAR preferable to the alternative. But I did not say they’d win.”

    “Yep you did on multiple occasions, You are a liar or suffering from memory loss. probably both.”

    Well, ONE of us is surely a colossal liar (as to all sorts of matters, not just this one). That same individual has a notable reading comprehension problem as well.

    I had high hopes early in the 2012 campaign, but once the GOP leadership gave us Romney, I knew it was lost, and said so — and said WHY.

    In ’08, right from the outset it was clear that the Demo’s were likely to win even if they nominated Donald Duck. After Palin came aboard, however, I’d seen a real possibility of reversing the overwhelming advantage the Demos had begun with. (I’d pushed for her as the running mate before most people had ever heard her name.)

    But when McCain’s handlers put her in a cage instead of trusting to her very sound political instincts, they squandered the gains made by the Palin choice and made things hopeless all over again.

    — And I made no secret about my conclusions over that. THAT’s what the archives will tell you.

    “If you believed that (or anything else of ‘negative’ import wrt YoursTruly), you wouldn’t have hesitated to pull it out & splash it all over the page.”

    “I don’t know anyone named ‘Yours Truly’…”

    Oh? — that’s rather sudden. I must use the expression at least a thousand times per year.

    “… but wrt archives you are wrong…”

    Show me. I never write what I don’t believe.

    “… you are not important enough for me to spend the time in archive search…”

    A transparent dodge. You’ve spent untold hours trying to knock me down, shlemiel. If you believed the archives could give you what you want, you’d spare NO effort tearing them apart to get the goods

    — and you know it.

  5. @ BethesdaDog:

    A Hitlery Rotten Clinton presidency would mean that Bill will run things behind the scenes. She just ain’t that smart either intellectually or politically.

    Re Poll numbers Duh with her singular name against a potential field of 15 or more names most not recognizable by the public what can one expect. Even Republicans and conservatives don’t want to see either Bush Romney or Huckabee. Republicans are divided the Democrats less so and they have a 2 to 1 majority registered.

    After the experiment of the first black president will America now experiment with the first woman president????

    If the Republicans don’t come up with a charismatic candidate acceptable to the right and left of the Republican party then Democrats will walk away with the election

  6. dweller Said:

    “This is scary as hell.”

    Not really. This poll, like most polls at this stage of the game, is designed less for the purpose of ascertaining opinion than for creating & shaping it. Post/ABC, the poll sponsor, is bent on boosting Mrs C’s profile, so as to give her a running start.

    Notice too, from the final line of the piece, that the population sampled by the survey consisted of “registered voters” — not “likely voters.” This tells you that the survey is weighted heavily toward Demo’s, who while registered in greater numbers than Repubs, tend to turn out on Election Day in substantially smaller numbers. (Yes, there have been recent exceptions, but we can thank the GOP national leadership for that.)

    There may come a time to be scared. But it is not now. All sorts of things can happen — whole political lifetimes — in the nearly 2 yrs intervening betw today & Nov 2016.

    Good points, but she might tend to draw in higher than average numbers simply because she’s a woman. To some degree, there will be an “Obama” effect. She’ll draw a lot to the polls just because she’s a woman, especially Jewish woman, both married and single, especially the single. because they are often so bitter and unhappy, and this is there revenge and savior, both at the same time.

    I’ve seen just one Hillary 2016 bumper sticker in the heavily Jewish area of liberal Montgomery County, Maryland. I expect to see plenty more.

    I don’t think a poll this early is something to get worried about, but I don’t discount it entirely.

    As far as American Jews, expect them to support this woman heavily. Most American Jews now are hopeless. They carry the trappings of Judaism and believe that their Judaism is coterminous with this distorted notion of “Save the World” or “Repair the World” or whatever that slogan is. (Tikkun Olim?) How come I never learned about this doctrine growing up? Maybe because my whole family was liberal and there was no need to articulate it.

    Anyway, expect this campaign to be difficult, and Hillary to be formidable. I don’t expect a Clinton administration to be as bad for Jews, Israel and national defense as Obama’s, but only very slightly less so.

    She’s got Huma Abedin and she kissed Arafat’s wife. She’s got that old time liberal Arabophilia.

  7. dweller Said:


    I supported those tickets, because each was FAR preferable to the alternative.

    But I did not say they’d win.

    Yep you did on multiple occasions, You are a liar or suffering from memory loss. probably both.

    “It’s in the archives for anyone interested in fact checking.”

    If you believed that (or anything else of ‘negative’ import wrt YoursTruly), you wouldn’t have hesitated to pull it out & splash it all over the page.

    I don’t know anyone named ‘Yours Truly’, but wrt archives you are wrong you are not important enough for me to spend the time in archive search but it’s there if anyone is interested which I doubt seriously except you. 😛

  8. @ yamit82:

    “I called ONE presidential election wrong. And that was over 40 years ago.”

    “Fabricator you picked McCain and Palin over Obama and Biden and the Romney over Obama.”


    I supported those tickets, because each was FAR preferable to the alternative.

    But I did not say they’d win.

    In each case, as Election Day loomed, and w/ considerable foreboding, I identified the fatal weakness.

    “It’s in the archives for anyone interested in fact checking.”

    If you believed that (or anything else of ‘negative’ import wrt YoursTruly), you wouldn’t have hesitated to pull it out & splash it all over the page.

  9. dweller Said:

    I called ONE presidential election wrong.

    And that was over 40 years ago.

    Fabricator you picked McCain and Palin over Obama and Biden and the Romney over Obama. It’s in the archives for anyone interested in fact checking. 😛

  10. @ yamit82:

    “Give it up Mr. Wizard you haven’t called a presidential election correctly since Andrew Jackson.”

    I called ONE presidential election wrong.

    And that was over 40 years ago.

  11. “This is scary as hell.”

    Not really. This poll, like most polls at this stage of the game, is designed less for the purpose of ascertaining opinion than for creating & shaping it. Post/ABC, the poll sponsor, is bent on boosting Mrs C’s profile, so as to give her a running start.

    Notice too, from the final line of the piece, that the population sampled by the survey consisted of “registered voters” — not “likely voters.” This tells you that the survey is weighted heavily toward Demo’s, who while registered in greater numbers than Repubs, tend to turn out on Election Day in substantially smaller numbers. (Yes, there have been recent exceptions, but we can thank the GOP national leadership for that.)

    There may come a time to be scared. But it is not now. All sorts of things can happen — whole political lifetimes — in the nearly 2 yrs intervening betw today & Nov 2016.

  12. If in fact Mrs Clinton is the Democratic Party candidate for president in next year’s election, despite her known health problems and her age, the Republicans will mount one of the meanest and dirtiest campaigns in American history against her. And regardless of what the news media mavens say, Americans will lap it all up with great manifestations of glee. Because that’s the nature of our American political culture.

    I don’t especially like her, but in truth I would have to say that she and Bill, working together from the White House once again, will prove to be a much more effective presidency than we have seen with Obama’s feckless and arrogant reign. As for the Hilary and Bill business, that’s exactly they way it will be. Except that this time around, Bill is getting a little too old for blow jobs from the young White House secretaries. After all, none of us want to see him induce his own heart attack, then croak and leave us all to his wife’s less than tender mercies.

    In any case, the people rule. Or they are accustomed to imagine that they do.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI