Poll: 18% of Muslims in Israel say ISIS is not a terror group

One-third of Northern Branch (A Muslim Brotherhood Group) supporters say ISIS is not a radical terrorist group and are not ashamed of its extremist Islamist ideology, according to 2105 Index of Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel • 57% of Muslim Arabs: Islamic Movement represents us.

By Daniel Siryoti, ISRAEL HAYOM

isis5Islamic State operatives march in Syria | Photo credit: AP

Eighteen percent of Muslim Arabs living in Israel, and one-third of those who support the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, do not consider the Islamic State group a radical terrorist organization and are not ashamed of its extremist Islamist ideology, according to the Index of Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel, produced by Professor Sammy Smooha.

The index also reveals that 57% of Muslim Arabs in Israel think the Islamic Movement represents them faithfully, while half categorized themselves as supporters of the movement or as being active members.

The 2015 Index, according to the conference’s website, “is based on a survey of adult Arab and Jewish populations, with more than 100 questions on 16 different issues, including segregation, perception of the other, alienation, threats, collective memory, legitimacy of coexistence and the state, the conflict with the Palestinians, Israel’s integration in the region, identity, minority leadership, means of struggle, and possibilities for change.”

November 18, 2015 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Analysis: Move against Islamic Movement will not be implemented

    The move by the government to ban the northern branch of the Islamic Movement is unlikely to be carried out in a complete fashion, since it would require a massive crackdown on thousands of Arab citizens.

    gosh, only thousands????

    The northern and southern branches of the movement are highly integrated into Arab society and have the support of most Muslim citizens……….

    Since the southern branch is not being banned, it will be difficult for security authorities to differentiate …….

    The Islamic Movement is also highly intertwined with leading Arab families ………………..

    likely going to serve as a catalyst for growing unity within the Arab political elites in Israel,”……………

    banning the group increases the risk of an escalation in Jewish- Arab tensions……….

    In other words there is a massive, hostile, anti semitic collective residing within the heart of the Jewsih homeland which seeks to destroy it as a homeland for Jews….

    “The question is whether Salah’s political Islam can exist in a country that defines itself as Jewish and democratic,”

    😛 😛 😛
    this is a no brainer except for misleading and delusional leftists:
    the answer is to severely criminalize anti semitic incitement, teaching, and activities with a mandatory sentence of removal of citizenship, residency and deportation. this means that beleongiing to a mosque, attending a school, belonging to an org which engages in anti semitic activities is an automatic evidence of guilt. Just like beleonging to the nazi party or the KKK.

    democratic rights are often removed or limited in all civilized societies for criminals and lunatics: they are jailed, put in asylums or banished. It is absurd to assume that the criminal lunacy of anti semitism should be afforded democratic rights in any state, especially a state of Jews. ONly idiots have this angst.

    such anti semitism laws cannot be said to be racially, ethnically or religiously enforced as they are based on engaging in unlawful criminal and lunatic activities. Therefore, arabs and muslims who do not belong to or engage in such activities , orgs, mosques, schools should have no fear.

    “jews are sons of apes and pigs”… of course such a beleif and the spreading of that statement as fact is the same as hitlers racial declarations,….. anyone propagating or belonging to orgs that propagate such genocidal perspectives should be immediately deported from all areas under Israeli control.

  2. this should serve, to those interested in reality rather than hopey dreamy, as a wake up call to those buying into the muslim arab integration in Israel with the Jews. I wonder if PC Israeli Jews can muster up the courage to recognize the perennial dangerous path upon which they embarked and find the strength to reverse their lunatic desires. and NO, the answer does not lie in giving them soverignty of their areas but in moving the hostile population out of Israel. Yes, I did say hostile and so did this poll. the fact that there is an underwhelming straw of a minority of muslim arabs who are able to demonstrate loyalty should be NO indication of extending that hopey dreamy desire to the overwhelming majority.
    The first step is to make anti semitic incitement and teaching, in Eretz Yisroel, a serious crime with a mandatory sentence of deportation.
    Otherwise I am afraid that Eretz Yisroel may merely be Ersatz Yisroel.