Politicians – the Enemy of the People

E. Rowell:  This critique is written from the standpoint of politicians in the U.K., the EU, Canada, and the U.S.A.  While some politicians in Israel fit this description, I do not think Prime Minister Netanyahu deserves this particular critique.  Of all heads of state across the globe, he is one of the very few who are standing up for his people and protecting the country. Many globalist billionaires support empowering Iran, Hamas, and the anti-Zionist movement in the US, as part of that goal to destroy the US and Israel.

By Paul Weston, THE CONSERVATIVE WOMAN 10 May 2024

HAS there ever been a time when the ideology and actions of Western politicians have been so out of kilter with the wishes of the electorate? I would say no, there has not. An honest appraisal would conclude that our ruling class long ago crossed the democratic Rubicon and is now a genuine enemy of the people.

The average voter simply wants an elected government to represent his or her best interests, with a (sometimes) dollop of virtuous altruism thrown in. Every four or five years we vote for individual politicians based on manifestos promising us something along these lines. Each and every time we are betrayed.

Pre-election politicians promise lower levels of immigration, crime, taxes, bills etc, and better services for health, education, transport, and all manner of things we reasonably expect in return for our vote.

But the moment these snake-oil salesman achieve power they forget all about the promises they made, and instead declare war against their own citizens. Legal and illegal immigration rises, as does crime. Bills skyrocket even as our wages are diluted courtesy of inflation driven purely by unsustainable government borrowing.

Our police force, sorry, ‘service’, is tasked with policing speech rather than catching criminals. The government decrees the type of speech it wishes the police to police. White, Christian heterosexual males find they can now say very little that will not result in a 5am visit from a copper, while black, brown, Islamic and LGBTXYZ types can sleep easy in their protected class beds despite saying and doing things that would see the likes of you and me banged up.

Cast your memory back to those hazy days before March 2020. That would be 2020 BC – Before Covid. The Conservative Party had just won the general election by a landslide. Utopia, they promised us, was just around the corner. We didn’t get utopia, though, did we? We got tyranny instead, as did every other country on earth.

A semi-dictatorship is the New Normal and we must simply get used to it without asking too many impertinent questions about democracy, the rule of law, bodily autonomy, or indeed the basic right of Englishmen and women to retain their ancient homeland, culture and heritage.

Our New Normal is not something promised to us in the 2019 Conservative manifesto. We didn’t vote for the globalist-led covid tyranny. We didn’t vote for the rise of Black Lives Matters or the destruction and ‘decolonisation’ of our institutions, culture and heritage. We didn’t vote for mutilating the bodies of children who want to be a train driver on Monday, a nurse on Tuesday and the possessor of a new set of non-performative genitalia on Wednesday.

We didn’t vote for the takeover of our institutions by the trans brigade, which enables men dolled up as vaudeville hookers to access children’s spaces. We didn’t vote for the RNLI to escort Muslim males of fighting age from rubber dinghy to luxury accommodation even as homeless ex-servicemen live on dark, cold, streets.

We didn’t vote for the establishment of government-funded misinformation and disinformation units, aka the Ministry of Truth. We didn’t vote for online censorship laws which exist only to silence people who speak out against the Traitor Class’s wickedly engineered destruction of our civilisation.

We didn’t vote for 15-minute cities, exorbitant energy bills, Net Zero, carbon credits and the multi-billion-dollar business behind climate change. We didn’t vote for the destruction of farming – or at least of the farms not owned by William Gates II. We didn’t vote for the introduction of mRNA into the food supply and the heavily propagandised attraction of eating insects and bugs instead of the sizzling steaks routinely served by masked functionaries to bloated WEF tyrants in Davos.

We didn’t vote for our universities, media and civil service to be taken over by a clutch of deranged Marxists with no regard for traditional England or the English. We didn’t vote for the neo-fascist politicisation and para-militarisation of the police. We didn’t vote for the Islamification of our cities, nor the Islamification of the Home Office and Foreign Office.

We didn’t vote for an engineered proxy war against Russia. We didn’t vote for giving billions of pounds to one of the most corrupt nations on earth, governed by an assortment of neo-Nazis and criminal embezzlers. We didn’t vote for our own government to talk up a potential WWIII and consequent conscription.

All of this rather raises the question: why do we get this chilling tyranny when we actually voted for people promising us freedom, democracy, prosperity and peace?

The answer is simple. Our politicians no longer represent us. Not one iota. Like fame-struck groupies, they have fallen into bed with the global movers and shakers and now do their every bidding. UN Agenda 2030; Sustainable Development Goals; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. These are the mantras of our politicians’ New Gospel.

Our Traitor Class sit at the feet of deeply sinister Klaus Schwab and his psychopathic billionaire Davos club headed by Bill Gates and George Soros, who flick golden crumbs from their globalist cake into the slavering jaws of their gratefully corrupt pet politicians.

I look at where we are now and I cannot see anything other than full-blown tyranny circa 2030. The globalist monsters have the malignant desire to bring such a future about. They also have the means via puppet politicians, future ‘pandemics’ and government-controlled Central Bank Digital Currencies. Want to pay your bills in the future? You must first take the proffered jab and stop criticising the government.

Western politicians have declared all Western citizens to be their enemy. In so doing they have become not just our enemy but a genuine, threatening, dangerous enemy of Western civilisation itself. Had we lost to Hitler or Stalin in the 20th century, the West would still be recognisable today. If we lose the war declared on us by Traitor Class Western politicians, there will be no such thing as Western Civilisation circa 2050.

May 11, 2024 | Comments »

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