PM tells US ‘time has run out’ on Iran diplomacy’


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu got into a diplomatic shouting match with US Ambassador Dan Shapiro over US President Barack Obama’s handling of Iran’s nuclear program, saying “time has run out” for diplomacy, Yediot Aharonot cited a source as saying on Friday.

According to the report, which The Jerusalem Post could not independently verify, the showdown took place as Netanyahu met with Shapiro and Republican Congressman Mike Rogers, who visited Israel earlier in the week.

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A source that participated in the meeting said that a particularly angry and stressed Netanyahu began a tirade against the US president, attacking him for not doing enough on Iran. “Instead of pressuring Iran in an effective way, Obama and his people are pressuring us not to attack the nuclear facilities,” the source quoted Netanyahu as saying.

Angered about continued US rhetoric that diplomacy needs more time to work, Netanyahu said flatly: “Time has run out,” Yediot reported.

The American ambassador is said to have responded politely but firmly, telling Netanyahu that he was distorting Obama’s position. Obama promised not to allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, he explained, and left all options on the table, including military options.

At that point, diplomatic sources told the paper, “sparks flew” in an escalating shouting match between Netanyahu and Shapiro as the stunned congressman watched.

Netanyahu and Obama may meet face-to-face on the sidelines of September’s United Nations General Assembly meeting.

September 1, 2012 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. The Pr. O administration multiple hints and deliberate leaks including the last from Dempsey (“we do not have your back”) suggest (my crystal ball) that they will not allow an Israeli attack on Iran and they may even warn Iran or worst shoot down Il planes.
    N-Korea so far has been unable to build a rocket capable to carry any significant payload and Pr. O bet that Iran will be in the same position while also not believing in dirty bomb in attache case. But eventually Iran genocidal mullahs soon or later will get the technology one way or another. All the mullahs want it.
    So the likelihood of a war with this scenario is zero. Bibi is not mad!

  2. @ Michael Devolin:

    If he had gone to Cuba (Irishman lives in Spain) They would probably dispatch him as some Commies are known to do, just like his god Bronstein. Maybe worse. What’s worse than an Icepick in your cerebellum?

    Just curious, why the Jews Felix? You got E.T.A and the Basques next door? Kosovo. Precedent. E.T.A. (Basque Region).

    Un Puño de Hierro ha caido sobre Europa – Nigel Farage

    Éirinn go Brách!!!!

    I’ll sing you a song of a row in the town,
    When the green flag went up and the Crown flag came down,
    ‘Twas the neatest and sweetest thing ever you saw,
    And they played that great game they called Erin Go Bragh.

    God bless gallant Pearse and his comrades who died
    Tom Clark, MacDonagh, MacDiarmada, McBride,
    And here’s to James Connolly who gave one hurrah,
    And faced the machine guns for Erin Go Bragh.

    Now one of our leaders was down in Ring’s end,
    For the honour of Ireland to hold and defend,
    He had no veteran soldiers but volunteers raw,
    Playing sweet Mauser music for Erin Go Bragh.

    Old Ceannt and his comrades like lions at bay,
    From the South Dublin Union poured death and dismay,
    But what was then often the entaylors men saw
    All the dead karki soldiers on Erin Go Bragh.

    A great foreign captain was raving that day,
    Saying, “Give me one hour and I’ll blow you away,”
    But a big Mauser bullet got stuck in his jaw,
    And he died of lead poisoning on Erin Go Bragh.

    A glory to Dublin, and to her we renown,
    In the long generations her fame will go down,
    And our children will tell how their forefathers saw,
    The red blaze of freedom in Erin Go Bragh.

  3. @ Michael Devolin:

    If he had gone to Cuba (Irishman lives in Spain) They would probably dispatch him as some Commies are known to do, just like his god Bronstein. Maybe worse. What’s worse than an Icepick in your cerebellum?

    Just curious, why the Jews Felix? You got E.T.A and the Basques next door? Kosovo. Precedent. E.T.A. (Basque Region).

    Un Puño de Hierro ha caido sobre Europa – Nigel Farage

    Éirinn go Brách!!!!
    I’ll sing you a song of a row in the town,
    When the green flag went up and the Crown flag came down,
    ‘Twas the neatest and sweetest thing ever you saw,
    And they played that great game they called Erin Go Bragh.

    God bless gallant Pearse and his comrades who died
    Tom Clark, MacDonagh, MacDiarmada, McBride,
    And here’s to James Connolly who gave one hurrah,
    And faced the machine guns for Erin Go Bragh.

    Now one of our leaders was down in Ring’s end,
    For the honour of Ireland to hold and defend,
    He had no veteran soldiers but volunteers raw,
    Playing sweet Mauser music for Erin Go Bragh.

    Old Ceannt and his comrades like lions at bay,
    From the South Dublin Union poured death and dismay,
    But what was then often the entaylors men saw
    All the dead karki soldiers on Erin Go Bragh.

    A great foreign captain was raving that day,
    Saying, “Give me one hour and I’ll blow you away,”
    But a big Mauser bullet got stuck in his jaw,
    And he died of lead poisoning on Erin Go Bragh.

    A glory to Dublin, and to her we renown,
    In the long generations her fame will go down,
    And our children will tell how their forefathers saw,
    The red blaze of freedom in Erin Go Bragh.

  4. “By the way I do not like to see Jews attacked as in certain comments on Israpundit.”

    You mean like the way you attacked Ted Belman on your website? I thought you’d gone to Cuba, Felix.

  5. A naval blocus of the strait of Hormuz (with all the required preparation) should be the first step and would call Tehran attention if Obama wants to avoid a war and impose at the same time on the Mullahs to denuclearize with full and complete verification. The NAM was full of African countries who still get petro$ and economic slavery for their people.

  6. @ bahmi:
    Don’t blame your corrupt ways that put you in the financial disaster you are in on anyone else but yourselves.
    We could care less about your stinking messes when our families are at immediate risk of being annihilated by Iran and its supporters.
    Iran and anyone with them must be terminated unless immediate US acts force Iran to dismantle under OUR supervision all of their nuclear activities.

  7. @ andrew morris:
    Allow me explain this clearly.
    Whatever you or others do is your business, but pray for your aggregate in there if your cherished US degenerates allow Iran to make nuclear bombs to use.
    Trust me on that no one will remain “safe” anywhere.

  8. However, the American public is gaining momentum against Israel,

    I have seen no evidence of this and in any case it should not have any influence on how Israel conducts its affairs. Having the good will of Americans won’t matter for an Israel that ceases to exist.

    Bahmi takes on the roll of being a supporter of Israel or of being Jewish while pushing antisemitic canards such as “neocon” and “having Romney in our pocket”. He thinks this is a clever Saul Alinsky-type trick. I’m not fooled.

  9. For the U.S- this type of action is much too important to entrust to anyone else , including Israel.

    Andrew, we are not going to do it, so Israel has no choice but to do it themselves.

  10. @ andrew morris:
    The United States has failed miserably in their wars since Korea. Miserably….thinking that air power is the ultimate and only answer is sheer folly. Yes, we will have Romney in our pocket, we will have Ryan the neocon there, too. However, the American public is gaining momentum against Israel, leaks are making it out to the light of day.This is not good for us. A minority of the core wish for immediate action taken against Iran, yet wars tend to precipitate future wars, future expenses, all in a world of highly questionable financial viability. The final collapse of the United States is closer than we think. Then what?

  11. @ Steve Smyser:
    The big problem-and not the only one- is the fact that the Iranians have done what what was the obvious thing to do, transfer their most critical nuclear facilities deeply underground making it virtually impossible for Israeli air forces to attack effectively.. And the Americans have quite obviously withheld the kind of bunker buster bombs that the Israelis need to do the job. For the U.S- this type of action is much too important to entrust to anyone else , including Israel.

  12. By the time this plays out, Israel will have only one ally (it won’t be BHO and his administration) – it will only

    be our Creator, Provider, Protector, Healer, YH-H. I am curious how he will handle those tens of thousands of

    missiles aimed at Israel – tho I believe He will… Shabbat Shalom

  13. Bibi is right and is showing himself to be a patriot. He now needs all true patriots to get behind him. He should suspend everything on the Migron issue.


    Anybody who tries to attack Jews in this period of great stress should be expelled from Israel!

    It is coming to a point, an existentialist point, where if Israel does not make a strike on its own against Iran, sadly regardless of the casualties to brave airmen, then Israel will be bombed in some way by Iran.

    Make no mistake if Iran were to get a bomb through then Obama and his Democrats and a lot of Jewish in name only haters of Jews will blame Israel for the Iranian hit.

    The whole point of this Supreme Court is that they are on the side of Iran. That issue makes this village Migron small beer indeed.

    If Bibi has any political savvy he will park this village issue because believe me Iran is going to transform everything.

    Imagine handing more land to the Arabs as those Arabs will be cheering for the Iranian Mullahs!

    I think the strike against Iran, or the non/strike against Iran, the latter meaning death of Israel, will make this issue seem very small.

    By the way I do not like to see Jews attacked as in certain comments on Israpundit. Jews are the same as all people today, the ideas in their brains are put there by a dominant ideology promoted by a powerful Media.

    Our enemies control the power of ideological influence. The only answer is to have total freedom of speech in our forums. No censorship among us ever, right!