PM pulled out of deal for demilitarized Palestine, shared Jerusalem, in 2011

Ted Belman. I do not believe that Abbas agreed to these terms.
I attended a lecture last night by Khaled Abu Toameh and he said that Abbas won’t agree to a deal even if there are 10 more peace processes. PA incitement prevents it.

Peres — acting with Netanyahu’s support — was set to finalize framework with Abbas when PM changed his mind, sources say; PMO denies account


In the summer of 2011, then-president Shimon Peres and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas were close to reaching a framework agreement that would have enabled Israel and the PA to restart peace negotiations, Israeli and Palestinian sources told The Times of Israel.

In conversations in various European capitals and in Amman over the course of a year, the two reached far-reaching informal understandings, with the knowledge and support of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

But according to numerous Israeli and Palestinian sources, on July 28 of that year, right before an important meeting between Peres and Abbas in which the president was due to present the PM’s formal authorization of the understandings, Netanyahu backtracked and pulled his support for the initiative.

Abbas, who was en route to Amman at the time, turned back to Ramallah following a conversation with one of Peres’s aides.

The general framework reached by Peres and Abbas — with Netanyahu’s support — held the following key points, not dissimilar to the framework that US Secretary of State John Kerry sought to finalize last year:

* The creation of a demilitarized Palestinian state alongside Israel, based on the 1967 lines with equal land swaps.

* Jerusalem would be the shared, open capital of both countries, with the Palestinian neighborhoods under Palestinian sovereignty and the Jewish neighborhoods under Israeli sovereignty.

* A mutually agreed, just solution to the Palestinian refugee issue would be found.

In the course of the negotiations, the Palestinians showed significant flexibility on the refugee issue but refused to budge on the holy sites in Jerusalem. It was decided to leave the issue of the status of Jerusalem’s “Holy Basin” for negotiations on a future permanent agreement.

According to senior Palestinian officials, the PA suggested the refugees be presented with four options: (1) to remain where they were, with a compensation package; (2) to move to a third country in addition to compensation; (3) to return to a Palestinian state based no the 1967 lines; (4) and to “return” to Israel, subject to the approval of the Israeli government.

There are an estimated 5,000,000 registered refugees as defined by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the UN body set up in 1949 to provide humanitarian aid to the Arabs who fled or were expelled during the 1948 War of Independence. That figure includes the descendants of the original estimated 720,000 who left. UNRWA defines a Palestinian refugee as a person “whose normal place of residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict.”

The officials said Abbas proposed to let Israel decide each year how many refugees it would allow in. (In later negotiations, Abbas requested that Israel absorb 10,000 Palestinian refugees per year for 15 years, a total of 150,000.)

Abbas was ready to agree to a clause that would indicate a mutual end of claims, and an end of conflict, contrary to statements made by various figures in the Israeli right that he had refused to do so.

The Prime Minister’s Office told The Times of Israel in response that “the prime minister never agreed” to any of the points described above.

Peres’s office refused to comment.

Read more: PM pulled out of deal for demilitarized Palestine, shared Jerusalem, in 2011 | The Times of Israel
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February 13, 2015 | 4 Comments »

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  1. Bibi knew Peres was talking to Abbas but did not approve anything Peres offered. He wanted to know what Abbas was willing to accept.
    Peres has always been a snake. That is how Israel got the Oslo process and Peres saddled Rabin with his half-baked deal and Israel has had 20+ years of problems from it that are still on-going.

    Peres was also willing to give up the Golan to Syria. Thank G-D that did not happen.

  2. I would not be surprised to learn that BB discovered that Peres was up to some deception, possibly connected with the vatican(see chamish). BB probably discovered that the Peres leftist “zionist camp” was committed to give away land just like they are today. Anyone who is committed to giving away Jewish land, and calling themselves the “zionist camp” while doing it, must be by their self evident nature, deceitful chronic liars along the order of Orwellian doublespeak.

  3. The MO is to blame anyone on the right, for the time being: BB while knowing perfectly well that the fanatics will never accept anything short of a Jew CAPITULATION. They can wait for the next Bib Bang.