PM Bennett: “I’m against a Palestinian State here because they want to murder us”

Peloni:  It really is this simple.  No one would cohabitate with someone trying to kill you, and the Iranian axis has been doing this since the US helped install the Mullahs in Iran 45 years ago.

September 5, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @dreuveni

    If Bennet can convince the active generals to get the job done despite the disapproval of the Supreme Court, the path to victory and possibly the return of the hostages is free.

    I wouldn’t hold my breath on this point. The reason why the IDF Brass are confronting Bibi is in support of the Israaeli Left opposition to Bibi’s objectives, and yet the Leftist news media have been pressing Bennett as the soon to come savior in the next election. Hence, i would suggest that the Left would hardly be supporting Bennett if they believed that Bennett could or would do that which they oppose Bibi doing. Bennett is not the solution to the problem, but rather, just as he was in 2021 when he betrayed the Right, Bennett is a tool of the Left, for whatever reason, or at least, that is what the Left see him to be.

    As Bennett states in this video, Israel is using only 5% of its capabilities, suggesting that under his guidance it would be 100%, but does this not smack of the same faux arrogance which claimed that the 2021 Bennett led Leftist govt would be 10 paces to the Right of Bibi? Indeed, I think it does. So while I agree with Bennet states here, I would suggest that if we were to get rid of Bibi, we should not be so foolish as to back the man who made the Hezbollah Maritime Deal possible.

  2. Bennett, you forgot to add that “and also because the Land is part of Eretz Yisrael” and NOT UP FOR GRABS”…………!!!!

  3. @Peloni. Amazing as it seems, many organizations claiming to combat domestic violence claim that many women stay in relationships with men even if their male partners nearly kill them by choking them, severely beating them, etc. Even after repeated such incidents. I supose countries can sometimes behave this way too, such as the United States treating Iran as a friend and ally even while Iranian rulers lead their followers of chants like “Death to America,: Death to the Great Satan!” Just like masochistic wives who love their murderous husbands and refuse to leave them.

  4. I find the things he said made sense. What doesn’t make sense is the lack of cooperation with Netanyahu. OK, I understand they have had their issues in the past and for that reason, Bennet won’t sit down with Netanyahu, but it’s time to kiss, make up, and get down to the business of defeating Hamas. If Bennet can convince the active generals to get the job done despite the disapproval of the Supreme Court, the path to victory and possibly the return of the hostages is free.
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