31 July 13 09:43, Globes’ correspondent
Although the government’s decision to release 104 security prisoners ahead of the resumption of peace talks with the Palestinians was resentfully accepted by Habayit Hayehudi, behind the party’s decision to stay in the coalition, despite bitter objections by its members, is an agreement between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Housing and Construction Uri Ariel. Hebrew daily “Ma’ariv” reports that, under the agreement, Israel will unfreeze building plans for thousands of housing units in Judea and Samaria in exchange for keeping Habayit Hayehudi in the coalition.
According to “Ma’ariv”, top sources in Habayit Hayehudi said that Netanyahu and Ariel had a secret dialogue through sealed envelopes. In this dialogue, they agreed to unfreeze building plans for projects, mainly in settlement blocs and in Jerusalem, in exchange for the decision to release the Palestinian terrorists getting through the coalition and the government.
“Ma’ariv” reports that plans for the construction of 1,000 housing units will be approved soon, and plans for an additional 3,500-4,500 housing units will be approved in the coming months. Sources in Habayit Hayehudi said that party chairman Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett was involved in the contacts, and calmed party members, saying that he doubted that the new talks with the Palestinians would lead to a diplomatic agreement, so there was no point in threatening to quit the government.
Ariel’s bureau told “Ma’ariv” in response, “Minister Ariel constantly holds meetings, discussions, and correspondence with the Prime Minister’s Bureau to find solutions for the housing market in all parts of the Land of Israel, including Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria. The minister has always demanded, since taking up his post, that construction in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria should be allowed, and is working to this end.”
A hint at this agreement can be seen in the speech by MK Ayalet Shaked (Habayit Hayehudi) from the Knesset podium on Monday, when she turned to the Palestinians and said, “I see your celebrations in Ramallah. Take them (the prisoners who will be released). That is what you look like. This is our partner.
“You should know that for each murderer who will be released we will build scores of homes in Judea and Samaria,” Shaked said. “That is how it has worked since the dawn of Zionism: we build and they kill. Each of us does what he knows how to do.”
@ bernard ross:
Point was to show the financial cost of removing only the outlying settlements not including the major settlement blocks or Jerusalem
Israel doesn’t have spare $80 billion or more. Can’t see Europe or the States coming up with that kind of money on short notice
I wouldn’t waste one minute on my time debating with you, Quigley, you fringe. Get lost.
M Dervolin writes this perverted stuff
Trotskyism may indeed be driven off this site but Trotskyism will never be destroyed. The reason being that it takes lies from a Fascist like you to try to do so.
So some evidence Dervolin that Trotsky betrayed his friends and family. Where, when and your sources?
yamit82 Said:
Dunno………from the same article from Peace now:
Astounding comments from people with no observation capabilities: dogma blindness. Following the advice of the left is the same as handing a crazy person the wheel of the car.
“Trotsky is so much dust in the wind.’
So true. Trotskyism is like dog-shit: it dries up and blows away. Quigley is trying to adopt the ideology of a man who betrayed all his friends, even his own family in the end. There’s enough of that going on in Israel already without the foolishness of the outdated, asinine ideology of Trotsky. I cannot wait till this idiot takes his leave of this page. Go back to Ireland (or Cuba), you mesmerized, brain-dead fool.
Saw nut-cases just like him today in Toronto, most of them flying Hamas flags and cheering for the Iranian mullahs.
Felix Quigley Said:
Is this the basis,or evidence, you are citing for the following statement?
Felix Quigley Said:
I see no other argument or evidence provided for that statement. I would be kind in calling this insufficient evidence.
Felix Quigley Said:
Felix Quigley Said:
I cannot tell you the reasons for why you believe that “Trotskyism is good for the Jews”. I have taken a magnifying glass to this page, I have searched high and low, from page to page, and subject to subject on this site and I am still unable to locate your answer to this extremely simple and relevant question: “Why is Trotskyism good for the Jews”.
Lots of responses but no answer.
@ yamit82:
yamit82 Said:
@ bernard ross:
‘Evacuating small settlements could cost NIS 250b.’ (Approx $75 billion dollars)
Where is the money coming from?
@ yamit82:
Take off your Shoes Moses, Your on Holy Ground
Felix Quigley Said:
It’s an immutable Law “Esau Hates Jacob”.(Eisav Sonei Ya’akov)
“It now is known that Sir Isaac Newton’s breakthrough works in math were based on his intensive study of core Hebrew texts like the Mishne Torah, Sefer HaChinuch, of sages like Hillel and Shammai, Ibn Ezra, R. Isaac Abarbanel and many others”:
(Judaism in the Theology of Sir Isaac Newton, M. Goldish )
As told in a brilliant passage of Midrash HaGadol, Esau (The Christian West led by America)will not rest until he involves Ishmael (The Arab and Muslim world) in the murder of Isaac and Jacob (The Jewish People).
Felix Quigley Said:
Trotssky [ political theory]*******Stalin [guns] Trotsky is so much dust in the wind.
@ M Devolin:
Michael,since you like books about Texas here are two new ones “Son” and “The Searchers a History of the Movie”.
You claim to be the expert on the Jews not me. So YOU tell ME why you might think the US might want to destroy the Jews.
YOU tell ME why.
After all you have set up as a defender of the Jews against Trotskyism
(The answer by the way is that the US must have Jerusalem, that is own it by proxies, and the proxies in this case are the Muslim Brotherhood. For that there must be another Holocaust of the Jews and the Jews driven out as before)
This means that your material peddled here is nonsense. The US is backing Iran to the very hilt.
You seem to ignore that Obama sided with the regime against the protesters in 2009. Your political line is actually in direct conflict with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer on this very issue.
What is Trotskyism? Better what is Trotskyism today because Trotskyism is not a dead dogma? It is http://www.4international.me and http://www.themarxistbblog.com and http://www.stopcrueltytodogsinspain.wordpress.com
Therein is Trotskyism today. Read them thoroughly if you want to know. It is up to you.
KERRY ‘USING EUROPEANS TO BLACKMAIL ISRAEL.’ Threat targets Jews in Jerusalem, biblical territories
See more at:
We are going to Toronto tomorrow to join the JDL Canada counter protest an Al Quds celebration (of terrorism) at Queen’s Park. The Sergeant-at-Arms has denied the Muslims a permit to hold a meeting there tomorrow, but we anticipate that the brain-dead un-Canadian Muslims will ignore this prohibition and turn up anyway. Last year they bused in a bunch of these smelly anti-Jewish swine to join their celebration. We’ll be there to greet them tomorrow, on whatever terms they choose.
Will check out your link tonight, Yamit. Shabat shalom.
@ honeybee:
I appriate all you post and file them. Thank you for the info on Somalia. Sorry I desparage up-state NY,jelouse. But I do love my tree less high plains.
@ yamit82:
I left all religion and all ritual, but I did my best to live life properly according to Micah. Except I love to flirt!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am try to sneke back under the tent,like a kid at the circus.
@ honeybee:
There are stupid and insensitive rabbis just like anyone else. If we don’t like or agree with our rabbis we can leave him and find another more compatible.
@ yamit82:
The Rabbi is a sweet man. When I was 19 I told a Rabbi my Mother was not Jewish and he turn his back to me.
@ yamit82:
My Cherokee friends are fascinated by Jews,we call urselves the breeds.
yamit82 Said:
My little buck in the cabin is shacking up with a doe,this will ast until she comes into heat and the BIG MANY POINTED BUCK catch her sent For some reason our house yard becomes a roundevous for mating deer. Tex has to be careful est he be attacked. I don’t go near them. Our land is posted.
@ dove:
Crazy canook, sweetie
@ yamit82:
Yamit said –
@ honeybee:
Hey HB I am still around. Not Shabbat here yet. Been working all day on getting my boaters license. It’s long weekend here in Canada and I am taking 3 days of much needed time off of work but it will translate into 10 days off. Yahoo!! Hang in there – and hey no hard feelings. You can call me a crazy Canook if you want – don’t bother me none.
@ ArnoldHarris:
“Jews—more precisely, crypto-Jews all intermarried for religious motives, effectively keeping their secrets within the family. In some cases, such as the Gists, Rameys, Alexanders and Coopers, we have contemporary records and evidence naming them as Jews. Judaism was the bond that brought them together on the frontier. Several communities, from the Lumbees to the Texas Choctaws, and we could explore these further in extremely worthwhile fashion now that the “truth” is known. That it is an injustice to omit our ancestors’ names and deeds from the storyline of American history and saga of worldwide Jewry is a point I wish to make. No matter their descendants have largely chosen to be non-Jewish. These were Jews—Jews integrally involved in the American experience—road builders, Indian traders, land agents, ferry operators, inn keepers, gunsmiths, bankers, lawyers, doctors, soldiers and sheriffs. It is a proud heritage of vision and courage, one that should be cherished by their descendants as well as other beneficiaries.” http://www.melungeons.com/articles/mar_2003/mar2003i.html
@ ArnoldHarris:
“Jews cast their lot in with the red nations, whether Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw or Chickamaugan, while others went the white way, explaining their ethnicity as Black Dutch, Black Irish and the like. A perfect example of the currents and counter-currents at play during this period, the driving force always being the search for a Jewish promised land, is the case of the Mt. Tabor Indian community of Yowani Indians that formed in the 1820s and ‘30s in East Texas. Known today as the Thompson-Choctaw Indian Descendants Association, a non-recognized tribe, it included Cherokees, Choctaws and Chickasaws, as well as declared whites. Some of the names on the tribe’s rolls are Adair, Bean, Bell, Candy, Goss (i.e., Gist), Martin, Thompson, Jones, Cooper, Alexander, Holloway, McCoy, Jackson (“sons of Jacob”), Cox, McNair (“candle” in Hebrew), Vann, Waitie and Taylor—a virtual compendium of crypto-Jewish surnames. (See The Texas Band of Choctaw Indians. The story of white-Indian relations in North America has normally been told as one giant unfolding systematic theft. Angie Debo, Vine Deloria and A. Alvarez are some of its better-known chroniclers. Guilt, anger, deception and misunderstanding dominate among its themes. According to both the apologists and the revolutionists, European colonists took the red man’s lives, land, livelihood, language and culture; they are even trying today to rob the Indian of his spirituality and identity. But the Sephardic Jewish colonists consistently went against this pattern. Where their English, French and Spanish counterparts did little more than take, the Jews and Moors gave. They gave large families of children, leadership abilities, trading relationships, writing and computational skills, building and construction know-how, legal advice, spinning wheels, looms, forges, smithies, ferries, cows, horses, peach orchards, beautiful arts and crafts. In the instances of Will Thomas, the Carolina colonel who safeguarded the Eastern Cherokees’ existence, and Euchella v. Welsh, an early Supreme Court case (1824), they even attempted to give land and preserve a type of sovereignty.” http://www.melungeons.com/articles/mar_2003/mar2003i.html
@ yamit82:
“Jews cast their lot in with the red nations, whether Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw or Chickamaugan, while others went the white way, explaining their ethnicity as Black Dutch, Black Irish and the like. A perfect example of the currents and counter-currents at play during this period, the driving force always being the search for a Jewish promised land, is the case of the Mt. Tabor Indian community of Yowani Indians that formed in the 1820s and ‘30s in East Texas. Known today as the Thompson-Choctaw Indian Descendants Association, a non-recognized tribe, it included Cherokees, Choctaws and Chickasaws, as well as declared whites. Some of the names on the tribe’s rolls are Adair, Bean, Bell, Candy, Goss (i.e., Gist), Martin, Thompson, Jones, Cooper, Alexander, Holloway, McCoy, Jackson (“sons of Jacob”), Cox, McNair (“candle” in Hebrew), Vann, Waitie and Taylor—a virtual compendium of crypto-Jewish surnames. (See The Texas Band of Choctaw Indians. The story of white-Indian relations in North America has normally been told as one giant unfolding systematic theft. Angie Debo, Vine Deloria and A. Alvarez are some of its better-known chroniclers. Guilt, anger, deception and misunderstanding dominate among its themes. According to both the apologists and the revolutionists, European colonists took the red man’s lives, land, livelihood, language and culture; they are even trying today to rob the Indian of his spirituality and identity. But the Sephardic Jewish colonists consistently went against this pattern. Where their English, French and Spanish counterparts did little more than take, the Jews and Moors gave. They gave large families of children, leadership abilities, trading relationships, writing and computational skills, building and construction know-how, legal advice, spinning wheels, looms, forges, smithies, ferries, cows, horses, peach orchards, beautiful arts and crafts. In the instances of Will Thomas, the Carolina colonel who safeguarded the Eastern Cherokees’ existence, and Euchella v. Welsh, an early Supreme Court case (1824), they even attempted to give land and preserve a type of sovereignty.”
“Jews—more precisely, crypto-Jews all intermarried for religious motives, effectively keeping their secrets within the family. In some cases, such as the Gists, Rameys, Alexanders and Coopers, we have contemporary records and evidence naming them as Jews. Judaism was the bond that brought them together on the frontier. Several communities, from the Lumbees to the Texas Choctaws, and we could explore these further in extremely worthwhile fashion now that the “truth” is known. That it is an injustice to omit our ancestors’ names and deeds from the storyline of American history and saga of worldwide Jewry is a point I wish to make. No matter their descendants have largely chosen to be non-Jewish. These were Jews—Jews integrally involved in the American experience—road builders, Indian traders, land agents, ferry operators, inn keepers, gunsmiths, bankers, lawyers, doctors, soldiers and sheriffs. It is a proud heritage of vision and courage, one that should be cherished by their descendants as well as other beneficiaries.” http://www.melungeons.com/articles/mar_2003/mar2003i.html
ArnoldHarris Said:
SEQUOYAH (GEORGE GUESS), the only American Indian to be included in the hall of fame in Washington, was a silversmith by trade, the son of Wataugan Nathaniel Gist (1733-1796) by his mixed blood wife known as Wurteh (“Girty”). The Gists were a Baltimore family of Jews with important trading concerns. Joseph Gist, a London relative, headed one of the largest shipping insurance companies in the world. They married with the Howards, Looneys, Murrays, Gratzes and Coopers. http://www.melungeons.com/articles/images/moseslooneyfromwandabuss_small.jpg
MOSES LOONEY (1780-1855) He married Sequoyah’s niece, Mary Guess. He descends from Robert Looney of Ballagilley, Isle of Man, a member of the Spanish-Portuguese Jewish mercantile family Luna. Robert Looney brought his entire family to Philadelphia in 1732 and they became one of 70 families in a major settlement of the Virginia uplands under Alexander Ross and Morgan Bryan in 1735. The Looneys were prominent in Tennessee history for building forts, making roads and commanding armies. John Looney, Moses’ cousin, died a Cherokee chief.
ArnoldHarris Said:
The animal may be permitted under the laws of Kashrut but hunting not, certainly not for vicarious sport. You would first need to trap the animal humanely and then slaughter the animal according to the laws of Kashrut. That’s a tough requirement, so hunting or the murder of animals is not permitted to Jews. A clean shot to the brain by a high powered weapon and ammo is at best serendipitous and cannot as a rule be allowed.
In Judaism all life is holy and has value. I would kill an enemy but not an animal.
@ M Devolin:
Hey mike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlJtjIjpeEs
ArnoldHarris Said:
He likes to argue, a lot,with every one. He like my Dad was [ he passed] and my cowboy. Its\’s quiet in Israel, nowbody seems to be posting and it is the Sabbath so I don’t think we have to much of problem. Yawl have a good afternoon.
Even if he frequently disagrees with me, I will say on behalf of Yamit that he doesn’t write with a forked keyboard. So if he thinks he has evidence the Cherokee tribe has some Jewish ancestors, kol haKavod, as they would say in Jerusalem. Moreover, they ought to be able to go on aliya to Israel if they want to make a big deal out of being Jewish. They would make fine Jewish settlers in Shomron and Yehuda, and they wouldn’t take any bullshit from any Arab who tried stabbing them or even just throwing rocks at their cars.
Your little 3-point buck and your little doe will be thinking shortly about a roll in the hay and giving birth to Bambi. I keep a lot of guns around, and I’m a well-trained shooter. But their main purpose is target shooting and protection against two-legged predators. Even though the Croats know how to cook up a first-rate venison stew. I suppose it would classify as kosher, because there’s no pork or shellfish involved. But I don’t know much about the formal rules of kashrut, and I suppose some rabbinical authority would tell me the animal must be slaughtered in such a way that it doesn’t suffer as you do him in. Actually, I would think a 30 caliber high velocity rifle slug in the brain would involve less suffering than slitting its throat. But who can argue with folks who know all the answers before they know the question?
I sort of think the two of us have co-opted this particular thread. Thanks, Ted, for cutting us some slack.
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
ArnoldHarris Said:
My cowboy has the samee problem, just remove or reduce the chili. Swedes are picky on the paternal sides soooo I an left to my own devices. I shall e-mail your Cherokee info, I also have a relative by marriage who is Cherokee. According to Yamit 82, the Cherokee have some Jewish ancestors.
Our little doe just walked by, she and a little 3 point buck hang out in the house yard.
@ honeybee:
Since your dad was or is Jewish (maybe he’s still alive and with you in good health), I rate you as a member in good standing of the Jewish nation. My way of telling who’s a Jew is the simple question of whether they Gestapo gas-chamber brigade would have killed you for it. Maybe the Swedes aren’t as picky about who’s a Swede.
You’re right about Andy Jackson. That man screwed the Cherokee nation, up down and sideways, during the time of the Trail of Tears. But think of it as Oklahoma’s gain and South Carolina’s, Georgia’s and Florida’s loss. One of the most wondrous Americans whom I have read about was Sequoiya. Here’s what Wikipedia has on him:
Tell your best friend, who also is a Cherokee, that there’s a rural Jewish pale-face living up in southern Wisconsin whose wife, a Croatian, Jewish and American of good standing, has spent many decades studying historial linquistics development. Among other things, she knows a lot more about the history of the native North American tribes than anybody else I know of.
I think I read in one of your comments that you’re a Texan. Stefi and I have traveled through Texas on many a road or rail trip, and being there made us feel good. For whatever that’s worth. Too bad she doesn’t let me eat much TexMex chili with the appropriate hot spices anymore.
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
ArnoldHarris Said:
My Mom was Swedish and my Dad Jewish. I am was attempting to discover my Jewish side when I ran across the Pundit and discovered the comments. I LOVE sparing with the posters,I know they are arrogant and “bone-headed,but that makes them easy targets and staight men
I am iffy about A Jackson, my best friend is Cherokee. G Washinton, is a favorite because of the manner by which he conducted his life.
Thank you for you service,I think the draft should be re-instated,phehaps then we would not enter so many useless conflicts.
The very fact that Israel exists is a merical, so we must have faith in its survival.
Thanks for putting up with my poor spelling.
@ honeybee:
Honeybee, your comments seem to favor a combination of common sense and dry humor of the kind I’ve grown fond of over a long lifetime. You can’t really win arguments with some of the folks who inhabit this blogsite. They argue furiously, never consider anyone else’s point of view, and whine endlessly about the unfairness of it all, as a substitute for organizing on behalf of the kinds of political change that Israel and the Jewish nation so greatly need.
In fact, I think that the path Israel follows under its present government parallels what I think are the idiocies of entrenched and destructive liberalism in the USA.
I served this country three years in uniform when I was an 18-year-old. And I never forgot or regretted that. Which I suppose makes me a sort of patriot. Except that the country I served seems to have fallen into the grip of a multi-fanged perversity that is overwhelming all of us. Too bad. We really had a greatest generation more than once. I wonder what James Madison — who steered our Constitution into being, Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, Sam Grant, Teddy Roosevelt and Ike Eisenhower would say if they could come back to life.
So what got you involved with Israpundit? My connection is based solely on my being a distant rural American part of the Jewish nation, who lived and studied in Israel for almost two years back in the early 1970s. What’s your attachment, if any?
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
Felix Quigley Said:
Mr Ross and Yamit 82 are under my protection and I strongly suggest you behave more respectfully towards them.
@ ArnoldHarris:
Thank you Arnold, I have very fond memories of the quad-cities and the Swedish community. I did notice,very early on. that neither my Father or I looked like them.
Felix Quigley Said:
You may be right but I believe you should explain your theory
Felix Quigley Said:
I did not say they will be succesful. However, consider that it may not be necessary to bring down the regime but to embroil it in chaos like in syria. Last time it was only the leftist dissidents with no GCC money behind it. Here are possible segments which may be used: Kurds, AQ, azeris(25% of population), Baluchis. If they can activate all using money and jihadis they can engage iran in conflict. Perhaps they will attack under this scenario, perhaps they want israel to attack for them under this scenario, perhaps there is no scenario and everything is a series of odd coincidences.
Felix Quigley Said:
You appear to be inviting me to shower you with insults.
Still waiting for your answer to this question
Why is Trotskyism good for the Jews?
I keep asking but unsurprisingly you appear unable to answer.
Felix Quigley Said:
I cannot be responsible for your reading comprehension difficulties.
Felix Quigley Said:
proxies, a typo error. Irna’s proxies + Syria, hezbullah and hamas. Hamas was leashed by qatar and egypt, Syria and Hezbullah are engaged in war against GCC sunni mercenaries.
Felix Quigley Said:
Over the last six months at least I have been explaining why on this forum. Here in a nutshell is the overall, for the details you must go back and read. GCC/sauds/qatar have been working cooperatively with the US in funding, sending, training sunni jihadis to Syria. GCC and US have been allied and cooperating for decades. GCC is frightened of Iran and has joined with the US against it. Many unexplainable occurence can be explained if this premise is used. As to exactly their plan against Iran I do not know, I am not clairvoyant. However I believe that weakening of the proxies and destabilization of Iran is either part or all of their plan. As to whether they will be successful in their endeavor,I do not know, but I believe this is the endeavor. I also believe that various aspects of the so-called peace process and actions of GOI might be explained in this context. It is a dangerous game which ca backfire but I beleive it is their game. so far it explains many things to me, perhaps you see things different, but no need for twiested knickers.
Quigley, nobody wants to read your shite. You don’t get it. You’re wasting everyone’s time here with your blather. Bugger off.
This exchange has just taken place and where is the sense?
Ross I am totally mystified as to what you are talking about. Even some of your terms I do not get such as “provies” in the above. Who are the “provies”?as in “in return he is reducing blowback from provies”
Perhaps Ross you should take a holiday and get your mind together.
It seems from the above that you believe that the US is planning to undermine the Iranian Government. Why do you think this?
Further on this are you suggesting that the US plans to undermine the Iranian Fascist Government so that it is overthrown by the Iranian populace.
Ross we have been there before. There was an Uprising against the Regime but as Pamela Geller has continually pointed out the Obama Regime sided with the Mullahs and against the people. So what ARE you talking about?
Ross are you suggesting that the US Government is planning to undermine the Mullah Regime in some way so that it will be overthrown and thus war is not necessary. This presumes that the US Government is not on the side of the Mullah Government in Iran.
Ross are you suggesting that the US Government is planning to undermine the Mullah Regime and then the US Government plans to destroy the Nuclear Bomb of Iran IF THAT DOES NOT WORK.
It does not seem to enter your brain that the US Government is in support of the Iranian Bomb, because the US Government sees the main threat to its interests worldwide (remember Hitler and Mein Kamph) AS BEING THE JEWS AND THEIR JEWISH STATE OF ISRAEL.
So your whole political line on this issue of Iran and the US is confusing in the extreme. Especially it is confusing to Jews who need to see clearly what is in front of them.
@ honeybee:
Honeybee, there already are well over 100 comments on this thread. So you may not even see my answer to your question about old times in the Quad Cities.
My patriarchal grandparents came to the Quad Cities along the Mississippi River in Illnois and Iowa back in the late 1880s, insofar as I know. My grandfather may have arrived in this country at a port of entry in Texas or Louisiana, and possibly traveled north on a paddle-wheel riverboat, of the kind Mark Twain worked on during his youth.
I recall my parents driving our family to Rock Island and Davenport for a visit when I was 11 years old at the end of World War II. My dad had cousins in Rock Island, the most important of whom was a big-time wholesale liquor dealer. He also drove us to a secluded spot along a Mississippi River backwater channel where he, his numerous brothers, and some of their friends would dive into the channel and use it as a big nature’s-own swimming pool. One of our mornings there, we all rode across the river to the Davenport side on an old-fashioned river ferryboat.
That sort of exhausts my limited store of knowledge about the Harris family’s Twin Cities connections. Did nay of these folks know or interact with your family in the Twin Cities? Possibly yes but probably no. Anyway, that’s the most accurate and honest answer I can give you, Honeybee.
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI5
yamit82 Said:
In my past posts I gave the same reason as the possible basis for the coup: that Morsi may have been looking to infringe on the army’s economic turf and push them out of power. this explains the personal motivations of the army but the fast action of the GCC finance indicates they were part of the coup therefore I believe that there was something more connected with morsi and his associates rather than the MB or islamism as a whole. it is possible that the hamas iran connection of the prior month may have connection with Morsi. In other words they may have discovered that morsi, in spite of MB supporting the sunni jihad in syria, was pulling some sort of double cross. that part sounds far out, but I think there is something about morsi we dont know. It appears that the GCC sees the army as more cooperative.
yamit82 Said:
I like burbon,up,but only one dring. No fish , no jerky. Tex likes jerky. I LOVE postre. Now its is siesta time. PT wore me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yamit82 Said:
first part of my reply in moderation 🙂
@ bernard ross:
This might be of interest in explaining Egyptian moves and motivations:
MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis|1001| July 29, 2013
Egyptian Army’s Pervasive Role In National Economy
By: Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli*
bernard ross Said:
this would provoke the Syrians to be on the lookout for more Israeli attacks