Playing Politics with Gaza

E. Rowell:  This is a brilliant analysis of Israel’s position at this point in the war vis a vis the US Biden Administration, as well as of Iran’s position, and the position of the US.  It is painful at times to listen to the degree to which the US has gone to empower Iran and Hamas, and all of Iran’s proxies while now publicly deciding the time is up for Jews to defend themselves.  In addition, government propaganda in the US blames Israel for the unrest in the Middle East!  Biden and Obama did everything they could to destabilize the Middle East via empowerment of Iran, and now they want to shift the blame to the Jews.  Even members of the Mossad negotiating with Qatar are part of the problem.

By Shoshana Bryen and Richard Goldberg, JPC.                          22 March 2024

President Joe Biden and Sen. Chuck Schumer are losing patience with Israel’s defensive war in Gaza. While pressing Israel for “regime change” they are also threatening greater American pressure to achieve an outcome that suits the administration’s political priorities. But the Government of Israel has priorities as well, chiefly to ensure the security of the citizens while leaving a path for peaceful relations with its neighbors. Reconciliation appears difficult.

Join us for a conversation with Richard Goldberg, senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, as we consider what the long and short-term future of Gaza should – and should not – look like.


March 23, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. I just saw ehud olmert on FOX news. What a fucking disgrace. He’s giving aid and comfort to Israel’s enemies by calling for Bibi’s removal during wartime to a foreign media outlet. Do leftists have ANY loyalty to their own nations? I’m sure schmuck schumer appreciates this as it gets him off the hook when Israelis are calling for Bibi’s removal. This also makes Israel seem divided and we know it is NOT. I’m disgusted FOX is even giving him a voice. Shut that old man the fuck up. He’s not a fraction of the leader that Bibi is. He’s a weakling and would sell Israel down the river to curry favor of the world community. Israel does not need weak and pathetic leaders ever, let alone while they are fighting a war for survival. I can’t imagine this would have happened during the Yom Kippur war or the Six-day war. Back then nobody in Israel would publicly ever undermine their leader during wartime.