This analysis is absolutely brilliant.
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One just has to read the history of Semmelweis and his dreadful ordeals.
The issue of PEG and coagulation, as I understand it, has to do with the molecular weight of the PEG involved. These have variable molecular weights due to the chain length as you probably know. The larger(going from memory, so don’t quote me, ie it could be the smaller ones) the PEG the higher the tendency of it to cause blood clots – they use it in tissue glue and all sort of implants. They also use protein anticoagulants along with PEG in the implants to lessen the clotting effect that the PEG alone would have. They use this sort of thing with some catheters as I understand it as well.
I would naturally expect that they would have tested the PEG employed to determine if the combination of the specific PEG and Lipidnanoparticle combination stimulated clotting, but they did virtually no testing at all on the vax, and of the testing I am aware of this has never been listed. Still, there is a great deal known about PEG from previous research, so I would hope this is not what is causing the blood clots with the vaccines, but quite literally, who knows?
The major concern about PEG as you probably are aware is that people develop allergic reactions, which are very life threatening. This can be complicated by the fact that you can develop this reaction many days after contact with the activating agent, ie PEG. I had a very good friend in college who died from such a reaction, it’s very dicey and I saw her go through an attack once and it was one of the most disturbing things I saw as a child.
The PEG is used, supposedly, to help delivery of the vax to the target muscle cell, or that was what the plan was. The nanolipid particle is impregnated with PEG to stabilize it.
But your speculation is possible, but honestly, I think it is less likely than not due to the abundance of research known on PEG. Just an opinion though.
Hi, Peloni. I made a point of perusing your post, because Bear Klein refused to.
While I’m here, I’m interested in your opinion about polyethyleneglycol (PEG) encapsulation — of the “Clot Shot” and in general. PEG appears to be an unnatural, potentially mega-chelating agent. If it does NOT promote the clumping of red blood cells, I would be surprized.
Actually, Mathew, history shows that that is a real possibility. For years, doctors treated patients by bleeding them to cure infectious disease. They injected people with unsterilized needles that they reused. They handled and probed peoples wounds and carried out surgery with unwashed hands. Many historians believe that for centuries, doctors killed far more people than they cured. And they still kill some people by misdiagnosing their illness and giving them the wrong treatment.
I agree that the pre-published article for which you have provided a link is brilliant and extremely informative. They authors, I forget their names, are true scientists. I hope that the article is peer-reviewed and published in an honest medical journal.
Their conclusion that the deaths caused by the vaccines could total over 150,000 in a six month period, which would mean over 300,000 in a year, is truly scary. Also, that the true number of deaths and illnesses caused by the vaccines is probably twenty times those that are published in the VAERS system. I hope they are wrong. But they may well be right.
Many thanks, Peloni, for providing us with an alternative web site to hear Dr. McCullough’s presentation of the facts concerning COVID and the vaccines during his interview with Joe Rogan Not only is he a brilliant physician and scientist, and utterly fearless, but he has the ability to communicate with laymen such as myself and help us to understand what is going on that impacts our health, present and future. This is arare gift for a scientist. Most have difficulty communicating with people who do not share their knowledge base and do not know the special vocabulary that is employed in their areas of specialization.
If a new age of sanity and honesty ever dawns to replace our present world of corruption and lies, Dr. McCullough will be remembered as one of the great heroes of human history.
Psychiatrist who claims he is from Columbia or maybe he is but why is he the one reporting on Covid?
I’ve spoken personally with two doctors who are personal friends for years, one in Canada and one in the U.S. who have told me they were directly threatened with losing their license if they were to prescribe Ivermectin. The American doctor had had excellent results with Ivermectin, all positive, when he casually mentioned this to his Landlord who is a higher up in his state’s Democrat Party. Shortly thereafter, the doctor got a letter from the College of Physicians of the state. Interestingly, the landlord came down with Covid a few weeks later and asked to be given Ivermectin.

Columbia University research on vaccines and death
COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk
Wow you like to write, do you realize I do not bother to read it?
Pfizer was indicted for fraud in marketing some years ago and paid the largest such settlement in history.
Would I want to trust my health to a product manufactured by a firm such as this? I don’t think so.
I disagree with your definition of the word fact as being relative to faith. Regardless of what you believe, facts are facts. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus should be able to agree that it is raining regardless of their religion, because it is a fact – either it is raining or it is not. If you accept the religious tenets of any of these faiths, your belief is a belief, which is why it is called faith. When it is raining, there is no faith associated with it. It is a fact
Here are some more facts:
Rick Bright blocked HCQ. He stated clearly that he did so in cooperation with Woodcock and others to stop President Trump from allowing HCQ to be used by the public for treatment.
People were fed overt toxic doses of HCQ to provide proof that it was unsafe, when it is known to be among the safest medical products on Earth.
The Great Barrington group were attacked by govt agents under Fauci’s direction to delegitimize their efforts to end the lockdowns.
A meta analysis of IVM was changed from very positive to very negative due to actions by Unitaid pressuring Andrew Hill to do so and IVM was shelved due to this, and his confession was caught on zoom recording by Dr. Lawrie.
IVM has been used by billions of people over the years, but the CDC and FDA routinely describe it as horse paste and question its safety.
The Trusted News Initiative is an organization that was setup to protect the US elections from Russian interference and then repurposed on Dec. 10 2020 to support the vaccine rollout. It has since been taking its instructions from the govt medical agencies and acting to coordinate a silencing of dissent and safety issues by anyone these agencies direct them against. They coordinate the media and social media across multiple nations to this end.
These are all facts, and these are conspiracies that should be scorned by us all and I really do not understand how you can claim otherwise, regardless of what you believe because it facts are not based on belief.
Just like one person’s belief in a religion is fact to another person that belief is pure fiction. That is what I feel like when I read some of these strongly held believes in international conspiracies led by ………………!
The normal occurence of myocarditis is 4-600 cases in the US for an entire year. There are 4,200 cases of myocarditis reported in VAERS since June, just associated with these vaccines…That is an increase of at least 7X, just with these jabs… Safe and…
There was a conspiracy to block HCQ. This is in no way an obscure assertion and Rick Bright has clearly described his role in the conspiracy with others to succeed in blocking the drug. Associated with this effort to prove it didn’t work, people were killed with overdosages of the drug during studies conducted by people well used to using the drug. Coordinated actions have also taken place against the use of IVM and against those who would dissent from support of lockdowns. These conspiracies took place and continue.
The Trusted News Initiative is also not an obscure assertion and was setup by the BBC and they take their instruction from the WHO, FDA, CDC, NIH, etc towards assuring only proper messaging is afforded the light of day. They are coordinated with the Social Media, Tech Giants and Legacy Media across many nations. Again, this conspiracy took place and continues.
You can ignore what you like, but these are not really in dispute.
There was a conspiracy to block HCQ. This is in no way an obscure assertion and Rick Bright has described his role in this matter clearly. Similar coordinations have taken place against the use of IVM and against those who would disent from support of lockdowns.
The Trusted News Initiative is also not an obscure assertion and was setup by the BBC and they are take their instruction from the WHO, FDA, CDC, NIH, etc towards assuring only proper messaging is afforded the light of day. They are coordinated with the Social Media, Tech Giants and Legacy Media across many nations.
You can ignore what you like, but these are not really in dispute.
Vaccines are a good (even if not perfect) and safe thing and not part of some grand international conspiracy.
If only it were so simple that we could all simply disown our own responsibility for our fate and leave it to some all knowing beings, especially if they wore white coats all day. The reality is that there is a great deal of knowledge that we do not know, not the general public, not the doctors, and not the scientists doing the research.
Meanwhile, there are significant financial and political interests involved in successfully managing the vaccine program and the mandates, regardless of the well established harms or unknown issues associated with them. The medical community is very much captured in this midst of this campaign and has begun to self censor its own community to only involve those willing to support this agenda regardless of any concerns by any doctor, nurse or attendant.
The 96% you are referencing include people such as Dr. McCullough, Dr. Urso, Dr. Kory, Dr. Malone etc, all of whom took these injections in the early days of the vaccine rollout. Regardless of who did or did not take it, consider the well documented evidence displayed in this video. As Dr. Malone has gone to some length to acknowledge, it is no one’s right to tell you what to think. If you think that the vaccines are a good thing after being informed of the dangers associated with the shots and the limits of the studies showing benefits, you should pursue it. But no one should be forced to do so. These are experimental drugs with serious side effects, massive testing flaws, and massively limited testing and a great deal of unknowns.
Also, the idea that the general public should do it because a physician chose to do so, submits your will to theirs. We are all intelligent beings with the capacity to reason and understand. The facts are available. If the limit of your investigation and comfort is that your doctor took the shot, sign up and accept the risk of serious harms and whatever the latest estimate of protection might avail you. Do recall, however, that the thousands and thousands of healthcare workers had to be threatened with their livelihoods to successfully coerce them to be injected, which is a crime, and thousands of these same people chose to end their careers rather than surrender and possibly become one of the victims for whom they had been caring for many months. In any event, it is your right to be guided by whatever standard you choose, just as the rest of us should be allowed to choose for ourselves.
96% of all physicians have taken the vaccine. I guess they are all dumb and you guys are the smart ones.
Dr. Malone believes this video Ted posted was likely the final offense before being erased by Twitter. He notes that it was either this or something related to the WEF.
Yes, well, PHARMA doesn’t make mistakes. They make decisions. PHARMA hires the brightest and the best and they are meticulous in monitoring their drugs. To support this conclusion specifically with the Covid trials, it should be noted that no one was fired following these episodes of ‘incompetence’ except for the whistleblower who exposed the fraud to the authorities. Furthermore, the company employed conducting the deceptive practices is still employed by Pfizer in the very same role and has been continuing to handle their more recent trials. Finally, the oversight agencies who were alerted of all these matters in the fall of 2020 helped keep all of this secret in the lead-up to the vaccine rollout as they are responsible for instructing the Trusted News Initiative on what news stories are appropriate for reporting.
As Dr. Malone has repeatedly stated, “Pfizer is a well established criminal enterprise…Why would anyone trust them about anything”(rough quote). Malone’s statement is merely a summary of Bobby Kennedy’s statements on Pfizer and her sister organizations, which are quite lengthy and as detailed in his book and many interviews where he shares the fact that PHARMA has routinely been involved in serious scandals. An example of this was Vioxx which was a arthritis medication that caused heart attacks. The association of lethal heart attacks was completely known by PHARMA when it was released and it caused an estimate of 50,000 deaths(some say 10X this number) over 5yrs.
It sounds like that Pfizer’s “testing” was grossly negligent, or incompetent, or purposely deceptive, or all three. Given the amount of money that was dangled in front of them by the politicians, I’d vote for the third option. An opportunity like this, to grab power and restrict people’s freedoms, is a progressive politician’s wet-dream, with the added benefit that they can show how much they care about the people. Absolutely disgusting!
The issues of Long Covid is a consequence of Covid left untreated.
This has been attested to by Dr. Chetty, Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Cole, Dr. Urso and others who actually treat covid. They have noted that this syndrome of symptoms does not develop if the patient is treated. Dr. Malone, himself, developed Long Covid and suffered with it for many months when he treated it with Ivermectin alone and it resolve quite quickly.
Long Covid is believed to be associated with Spike existing in the body for upto 15 months. Monocytes – a form of white blood cells that go everywhere in the body – infected with Spike are a particular concern. There has been reports of people experiencing Long Covid symptoms who have only been vaccinated as well.
Anyone experiencing Long Covid should reach out to Dr. Bruce Patterson. His research on Long Covid, including over 90 papers published this year, has been successful in treating 85-90% of his patients with recovery of between 65-100% resolution of symptoms. The dirty little secret about Long Covid is that it is not related to Covid alone.
Here is his site:
The brain issue is particularly concerning due to the Prion disease, TSE. Relatedly, Dr. Montaigner has now found 7 people who have developed this 100% fatal disease following vaccination with the Spike vaccines.
People should stop pretending there is no treatment available for this disease. It is the consequence of a bioweapon attack and needs to be dealt with in a serious and precipitous manner.
The sad reality is that initially, Long Covid was diagnosed as a form of hysteria and some still assess it as such. Patterson’s work and that of others have really succeeded in accomplishing great things for those suffering from Long Covid.
Long Term Covid effects are very dangerous.
Long Term Covid is far more dangerous than the statistically very slight chance of side effects from vaccines is the summary of the doctors whose opinions I value.
Here are some alternate postings of the McCullough-Rogan interview:
Here are some alternate posts of the Canadian “More Harm Than Good” video:
Just above the video is the link to the Rumble website. I think you should click on it. I think your old computor has nothing to do with you problem.
First go to
Then click on the link.
Try that.
Also send me you8r What’s App number.
@Peloni. Many thanks, Peloni, for providing us with links to the Canadian Covid Care Allince site. I was able to access their visual-printed version of the “Pfizer Innoculations Do More Harm than Good,” even though I could not access the audiovisual version on Rumble.
This study is extremely persuasive and thoroughly documented.
@Ted My “Lemon” computer refuses to let me access anything on Rumble and refuses to allow me to download Spotify. I realize that I need to either but new, updated software for the “Lemon” (if that is possible) or buy a new, updated computer. But in the meantime, I have no way of accessing some very important videos. If you could help me access them by somehow “freeing” them from their Rumble and Spotify restrictions and play them on Israpundit using some other app? If this is possible, I would be deeply grateful. If it isn’t I will understand and will not be the least bit resentful. You have no responsibility whatever for the capises of my “Lemon.”
The most important video that I would like to be able to watch, is Dr. McCullough’s interview by Joe Rogan. Obviously one of the most important video documents of our time. But I have no access to it at present. I can access Youtube, but they have censored it. They have allowed only brief snippets of it to be played on YouTube. If you could somehow find a way of playing the full , unedited interview on Israpundit without viewers having to have access to either Rumble or Spotify, I would appreciate it.
I would also like to watch this video from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance on a non-Rumble and non-Spotify platform. If this whole idea is feasible at all, I might like to request showings of other videos later.
Many thanks for your consideration.
The associated PDF to the video, complete with citations to prove everything stated in this video is not conjecture, opinion or interpretation, is below.
This video is very powerful. I can not suggest strongly enough that everyone who either supports the vaccines or who opposes the vaccines should carefully watch and consider every part of this 30min video. It does not address every aspect of the debate, but it cuts to the heart of many realities that should be acknowledged by both sides as both real and relevant. If you oppose the vaccines, you should be able to explain why you might. If you support the vaccines, you should be able to recognize all that is known about the development and testing of the innoculations. Whichever choice we each make, it should be made based on full and complete informed consent, and this video shares a good bit of detail of what would only be part of that process.