Peloni takes Candace Owen to task regarding antisemitism

By Ted Belman

Ed Marcus sent me this video of Candace commenting on what Queen Rania of Jordan said recently.

I replied that:

I watched half of it.
Candace stands b what Rania said.  I don’t.
Rania attacked those who claim something is antisemitic because that weaponizes antisemitism. Something akin to weaponizing racism.

I totally disagreed with what she said because she is covering up the reason we call someone an antisemite is because we know it when we see it. She moved the conversation to whether such statements are antisemetic to how dare you call something antisemitic. In doing so she is an apologist for all antisemites. So is Candace.
You cannot judge Rania’s statement in a vacuum. You must listen to everything she says to decide if she is an antisemite. Her current statement must be put in context.
Megyn Kelly took Rania to task in this video.
And then I asked Peloni what he thought and he brilliantly  replied:
I completely agree with Ted’s observations, but I do have a few additional comments to raise.
Quoting antisemites, as Candace does with Rania, is a clever by half method to ‘accidentally’ stir the pot of antisemitism.  Of course, this is not Candace’s first rodeo on that subject, but this latest dive into the subject of antisemitism does not improve her repeated position of trying to pretend ignorance about the antisemitic positions she has once again adopted.
Her initial comment was meant to challenge Rep. Mast’s statement that “I would not so lightly throw around the idea of innocent Palestinian civilians” which is a completely supportable statement.   In every authoritarian society, dissent comes from the street.  It comes from subversive elements in the community challenging their govt, despite the fact that it results in devastating consequences for those who make those challenges.  There was such a resistance in China during their insane Covid measures back in 2020, just as there is such a resistance in Iran today from young women wanting to throw off the Mullah’s dress codes.  Yet, where in Gaza is there any protest movement, where is the Gazan version of Sophie Scholl?  Where is one Gazan who will say that the Hamas’ slaughter of Jews did not represent them?  Where is any dissent from the Gazan public as they share candies among the crowd in celebration that unarmed men, women, children and babies were slaughtered for no purpose beyond the fact that they were Jews?  There is none.
Despite this fact, Candace claims that Mast’s statement recognizing the universal support in Gaza for the October 7 slaughter was a call for genocide, but it was hardly that by any standard which could or should be considered honest or fair. He was in fact speaking to the undeniable reality in which Israel exists, surrounded by whole nations whose education, society and religion demand that they support the slaughter of Jews whom they see as being infidels and subhuman, and in all of Arabia, this is perhaps nowhere to be found to be more true than among the Pals of Gaza.
Moving beyond her critique of Mast for a moment (more later), there was also a particular exchange between Candace and Kozac which I found quite disturbing:
Kozac:  “This is not about a geographical geopolitical dispute between Israel and Palestine.  This is about an ideological mission to rid the world of Israel and the Jews”   
Candace [somewhat smirking] :”Yeah well Jews live very comfortably in the United States of America, so they’re not going to be …”
The deprecating manner in which Candace employs an eye-rolling dismissal of Kozac’s statement demonstrates her lack of empathy, comprehension, or even interest in exactly why we Jews must be vigilant and concerned about antisemitism.  Instead, she continues by suggesting that raising any comparison to what led to historical events such as the Holocaust prevents “meaningful chatter”, even as we stand just a month since the largest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust took place.  Indeed, it does seem that Candace does not only seek to deny the Jews the right to challenge antisemitism as being antisemitic, but that they should also be denied the right to raise any comparisons between even the recent slaughter and past slaughters of Jews, irregardless of the relevance in doing so, so that it does not prevent the “meaningful chatter” which Candace wants so badly to hear spoken (more on this below).  Indeed, her dismissal of any threat facing Jews around the world in the wake of the Simchat  Torah massacre, even in the US, ignores the fact that since that terrible event, antisemitic attacks against the Jews around the world have not just skyrocketed, but have come to also be quite well accepted, even in the US – despite the fact that the tiny minority of Jews had already made up the overwhelming majority of hate crimes in the US.
Earlier in the program, Candace tried to compare what Jews face on college campuses to what white Americans face on campus:
There are a lot of people in America that are sitting here going okay, well, can you answer why Jews are so special? Because as white people in this country on University campuses, we are being taught that we are not allowed to have a voice.  We have had to endure exactly what you’re talking about, BLM.  We’ve endured much worse than you have because it’s in the actual textbooks.  We are being told that we are systematically racist, that we are born wrong, because of the color of our skin, because it’s in the actual textbooks.  We are being told that we are systematically racist and if we say anything we’ll lose everything – this is the typical experience on white campuses.”
So per Candace, the CRT curriculum as described in the books for whites is worse than antisemitism is for Jews.  The outrageous tone-deaf ignorance in which this comment is made provides a clear window into how easily Candace marginalizes antisemitism, even as two thirds of all hate crimes are specifically documented against Jews, and this number is understood to be under-reported.
She also claimed that she had specifically stayed away from the topic of the war in Israel, but her tweet condemning Mast was clearly written to both reference and join the attacks being made against Israel.  Candace is far too clever to have not understood the underlying significance of what she wrote and where it would go.  In fact, I would suggest that this was specifically done to surreptitiously ‘draw’ her into the “meaningful chatter” regarding US support of Israel, on which she clearly wanted her voice to be heard.  As she says,
I think it’s dangerous to not have a conversation about where this could lead to.  Because if you told me that 1500 Israeli civilians led to World War III, I think we should probably have a conversation about that.  And I think when people are asking for that conversation, they’re being called antisemitic, which is insane.  I’ve seen this with Ramaswami, you know he asked you what is the plan – okay you’ve identified this is the terrorist, what is your plan of attack?
And of course, the plan of attack is to kill the terrorists, whatever it takes.  And this, of course, brings us back to Candace’s critique of Mast’s statement, because she feels Israel’s response to the recent Simchat Torah massacre is tantamount to genocide.
Finally, Candace seems to be deluded into believing that Arabs do not live alongside Jews in Israel.  She states that
“I grew up you know my grandparents house my grandfather grew up in a segregated South, and so when I’m walking through Jerusalem and you see and they say these are the Muslim quarters, this is where the Muslims are allowed to live, that doesn’t feel like a Bastion of freedom to me.”
Well, somethings just speak for themselves, and I think that comparing Israel to the Jim Crow segregated Southern US, does exactly this.
There is simply no defense which can be offered to excuse the many concerning statements which have been raised in this conversation. I see Candace as being simply an unmitigated, unapologetic, and unabashed antisemite.  Of course, feel free to counter me on this.  I was once quite impressed with Candace’s eloquence and passion, but this is no longer true, and has not been for some time, not for me in any event, and this latest commentary simply serves to close the book quite firmly.
November 15, 2023 | 84 Comments »

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50 Comments / 84 Comments

  1. @peloni1986
    This is the most fundamental discussion that needs to be had.
    And if you can find some time, I’d like to speak with you on Skype. This subject is too deep and complex for my writing skills, and English is only my 4th language.

    However, a few points in response to this:

    I also am not ashamed of being called a Jew, but rather proud to be who I am, to believe what I believe, and to own the heritage to which I was born.

    My question here is why would you less proud of being an Israelite?
    That name refers to our true national identity, as our ancestors were members of all 12 tribes not just the tribe of Judah.

    It is much prouder because it refers to our land, Israel.
    Of course, Judea is also a beautiful and proud name and should be used instead of “West-Bank”, but it refers to only a part of our country.

    Ben Gurion proposed “Israel”, because Judea was only a small part of historical Israel. The main opposition led by Gruenbaum was because the new Israeli identity would erect linguistic separation from the “Jews” in the diaspora and our historical continuity to the diaspora period.

    So now, it makes sense for Jews outside of Israel to re-affirm our connection to our land by using the word Israelite.
    Believe me, in the current climate here in Denmark, it takes much more pride and courage to declare myself an “Israelite”, then merely a “Jew”. (whic is interpreted religiously)

    In reality the so called “Judaism” is not a religion but pure nationalism.
    Our holidays are purely nationalistic relating to our land and our nation: We celebrate our emancipation from Egyptian slavery, military victory over Seleucid Greeks, and defeat of a Persian Jew-hating prime minister. On Simha Torah, we celebrate receiving our Constitution (a mythological) event, signifying the union of twelve tribes into one nation under the law. We grieve the destruction of our Temple.

    Our prayers are for our land, and for our return to the land. In October we pray for the rain, even if we live in Siberia (where I was born), and where snow, rather than rain will be coming.
    And even our God is our national God. The 10 Commandments start with

    “I am Yehova your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me.

    Our God, Yehova, did not bring the Danes and the Norwegians out of Egypt. So, they should go back to worshiping Thor, or Odin.

    Judaism is pure nationalism, but the progressive American and European Jews want to deny our national identity and our connection with our land and pretend that they are just some “religious denominations”, to escape from being a persecuted national minority.

    The modern association of the word “Jews” with the “religion” is the opposite of pride. It was an attempt to efface our nationality and become American, or German.
    This fear of being a persecuted national minority is behind the “Progressive” Jews denying Israel.

  2. @Vivarto

    I don’t think that the world hates Jews because of what we call ourselves, but rather that they hate us because we exist, because they see us as different, because we are different. Whatever we might label us, they will see us as the Other, and act accordingly. Indeed, we might call ourselves Hebrews, or Israelites, but whatever we call ourselves, it should be to please ourselves, and not to appease those who shame us, attack us, and abuse us.

    I also am not ashamed of being called a Jew, but rather proud to be who I am, to believe what I believe, and to own the heritage to which I was born. I also believe that no matter what we might call ourselves, it should be something special to us, not something which should help us navigate the inspection and approval of others. If they, whoever they might be, don’t like that we call ourselves Jews, well, let them be damned and hate us for having the arrogance of claiming the title which we chose and which does tie us to our lands and to our heritage.

    Furthermore, I don’t think that the Pals have defeated us with their using the title of Palestinian. It is an invented term which was claimed by an invented people whose whole existence is fashioned around killing Jews and stealing their land. Given that the term Palestine was an name invented by the Romans who killed the Jews and stole their land, it serves a certain purpose that this invented term was chosen by the Pals to describe what they saw as important to them. I say let them keep the name and we will keep our land, or at least the fraction which Churchill and Lawrence left us after the Cairo Conference.

  3. @Michael

    If you expect me to believe that BS, I have a bridge to sell you.

    Your arguments are always so persuasive that I often wonder why I am never convinced by them…

  4. @Michael

    Tucker Carlson backtracks on private texts saying he hates Trump: ‘I love Trump’
    “I’m enraged that my private texts were pulled,” Carlson said during an appearance on WABC radio.

    Candace Owens said Trump’s rudeness made her realize he’s vengeful, paranoid, lacks humility

  5. Peloni,

    If you expect me to believe that BS, I have a bridge to sell you. Stick with praising Putin. I think Schorr’s comment, equating Christianity with shame, is far more honest.

  6. even more shameful, Christianity (Owens)

    I guess that sums up Schorr’s remarks. I always knew that we Christians are “deplorables”. Now it’s “shameful”? Let me pull “Candace” on this shameful bigot, and quote scripture. Nah, because it says, “Don’t cast your pearls before swine”.

  7. @Michael

    Anti-Defamation League Seizes on Hamas Attack…

    Don’t change the subject, Candace’s comments are her own, and not related to the ADL.

    Candace’s comments are not related to Trump, MAGA, nor the RINOs. They are related to the manner in which she considers the Jews. While she has provided cover for her best bud YEAH making clearly antisemitic comments in the past, she has come into her own now and is sharing her own corruption of the truth as it supports her antisemitic world view, such as it is. She sees our enemies as non-combatants, our people as too well off to generate any real concern, our historic plight to be simple rhetoric, and our challenges to be less severe than that of the Joneses despite our people being butchered while the Joneses are being forcibly taught from a book which is not true. This is not about MAGA, which is the most philosemitic movement as you suggest, because any leader of MAGA would not support the claims made by Antisemetic Owens, and if it did, it is not a movement which you or I would likely support, or at least I would not in any event.

    So you can spread the shame of Candace’s statements among our MAGA allies, but it is a lie to do so, just as it is a lie to claim that Shapiro is anything but an ally to Israel. I like him little enough, but I have to be honest and fair and doing so requires us to admit that he is fully committed to the support of Israel, even as he opposes Israel’s greatest ally of all. Two things can be true at once, such as Shapiro being anti-MAGA as well as being pro-Israel, and these are both truisms, even if you can not bring yourself to say so.

  8. @Michael He conflated Jews and Americans and He Was a Christian! There are just as many Christian leftists as Jewish leftists.

    This is what antisemites do. They repeat internal criticisms within the Jewish community in a wider context to convince others we are evil.

  9. HI, Sebastien

    At least he said, “Americans ought to be gassed”. That shows it wasn’t an antisemitic attack.

    This Shapiro/ Owens donnybrook is so ridiculous; but I’m sort of used to it. The good thing I can see about it, is that while the world is getting confused at our throwing things at one another, the IDF is free to carry out its necessary work.

    On a more serious note, I notice that some of the conservatives who oppose the war in Ukraine primarily because the cost is too high, also oppose helping Israel for the same reason. Douglas MacGreggor probably fits in this category, as well as Mike Dice — also John Posobeic and Steve Bannon. What distresses me about this, is that our foreign policy is being driven by the fact that we are becoming skint.

  10. She didn’ tmention Israel?

    The shameful nods to antisemitism from Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson
    Social Links for
    Isaac Schorr
    Published Nov. 16, 2023, 8:13 p.m. ET

    “Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson know exactly what they’re doing. 
    Over the past month, antisemites of all stripes — emboldened by Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israeli civilians — have made their presence among us known.

    They’ve celebrated Hamas’ atrocities and committed their own, fantasizing about the destruction of Israel, tearing down posters of abducted children and harassing their Jewish neighbors.
    Much of the overtly antisemitic rhetoric and action across the West has been situated on the left, and conservatives have rightly pointed out as much, chalking up the deluge of hatred and wickedness on display to fallacious progressive theory.
    But there is a cohort on the right complicit in this great reawakening of an ancient evil.
    And that brings us back to Owens and Carlson.

    The past few weeks have seen Owens repeat a series of blood libels.
    In one breath, she’s implied the Israeli government is committing a genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
    In the next, she’s submitted that Jerusalem’s historic Muslim Quarter (population: 22,000) is a ghetto where the city’s Muslims (population: 350,000) are forced to live.
    After being called out on her ignorant smears by her Daily Wire colleague Ben Shapiro, Owens responded on X.

    Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake,” wrote Owens, quoting the Book of Matthew’s fifth chapter.
    “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other,” she added.
    “You cannot serve both God and money. Christ is King.”

    And just like that, the mask clinging to her face by a thread fell off.
    Shapiro, she argued without evidence and hardly any plausible deniability, had forsaken righteousness for wealth; is there a more textbook example of an antisemitic charge?
    When Shapiro responded by reminding Owens she’s welcome to stop taking a paycheck from their company if it’s threatening her soul, Owens hid behind her Bible verse.
    “You are utterly out of line for suggesting that I cannot quote biblical scripture,” she cried, affixing another performative “Christ is King” to her digital flop. 

    Then on Wednesday night, Carlson released a fawning interview of Owens in which both professed not to know why Shapiro had criticized her in the first place. 
    Carlson brought up the feud by playing the video of Shapiro “attacking” Owens stripped of all context.
    When he asked Owens what might have inspired it, she insisted that “there isn’t much of a background” to it.

    Later, Carlson said that while he was “horrified” by Hamas’ attack, he thought that “the emotional response” to it from “some commentators” was “disproportionate.”
    He went on to work himself up into a lather over some university donors threatening a boycott over antisemitism on campus, protesting they hadn’t done the same for white people.
    “If the biggest donors at, say, Harvard have decided, well, we’re going to shut it down now, where were you the last 10 years when they were calling for white genocide? You were allowing this. And then I found myself really hating those people, actually,” he said. 
    His Wednesday performance followed weeks of downplaying the events in Israel and arguing against the provision of aid to it.

    Last month, for example, he brought retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor — a man who’s accused the pro-Israel lobby of making American officials rich — to assert Israelis are attempting to inflict collective punishment on Gaza civilians through the perpetration of war crimes.
    Both Owens and Carlson boast a deep understanding of their audiences; that’s how they amassed such impressive ones.
    They know that to keep the antisemites in them on their side and attract more to them, they need not reference “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and alienate their more well-meaning followers.
    They need only wink at the bigots while hiding behind either counterfeit curiosity (Carlson) or, even more shameful, Christianity (Owens) when they’re held accountable for their thinly veiled appeals to humanity’s worst nature.

    Their ilk counts on people of good faith drawing distinctions between antisemites and those who cater to them. 
    It’s past time for the clear-eyed among us to cease affording them that luxury.”

  11. @Michael Well, I’ll never forget the time a student at the (Christian) Union Theological Seminary who later turned out to be pro-Palestinian interrupted my date in a restaurant to scream “Americans Ought to be gassed” and chase me around the room until I barricaded myself in the bathroom maybe 10 or 15 years ago?

    But thank you for your infinite kindness in tolerating us in your country all this time, just the same. You’ve suffered.

  12. Laura, as Vivarto has already said,

    There is absolutely nothing antisemitic about Candace.

    Nobody can be so uninformed or clueless as you, to not realize that the people you are incessantly attacking, namely, Donald Trump supporters, are Israel’s ONLY supporters in the world. I might add, that they support Israel even while your fellow Jews are leading the chant against Israel — AND against my country of the USA, by the way — in numerous demonstrations.

    Anti-Defamation League Seizes on Hamas Attack to Push DEI Agenda
    Ben Bartee | 4:01 PM on October 12, 2023

  13. Vivarto, stop making excuses for Candace Owens supposed ignorance. I think October 7 should have clarified Israel’s case without our having to educate Owens. If Owens still can’t figure that out, that’s on her, not us. No one can be that uninformed or clueless. So, what could be the reason she is still confused as to which side to support? I’ll leave that to you to figure out.

  14. I would like to put forth that the reason all the talking heads do not know or understand anything about the Jews and Israel is because they talk around the bush. Instead of going back to the Torah of Moses and reading (study it) to understand what is going on. Yes, we live in a political world, but the answer to all of this is not to be found in politics. The answer is in the bush, no that is not George nor in the can of beer. It’s to be found in “burning bush” where Hashem revealed himself to Moses.

  15. Well, OK, I watched the whole 1 hour Candace interview with that young Jewish comedian.
    And it is as I thought.
    There is absolutely nothing antisemitic about Candace.
    And it is our fault that she is so misinformed.
    If she was properly informed, she’d support Israel.
    She does not understand that Jew is a nation, not religion.
    She therefore rightfully asks questions like “what about Catholics”.
    But the young Jewish fellow also does not understand that Jew is a nationality. Therefore, he says “the only Jewish state”. It is like saying the only Catholic state.
    Otherwise it is stupid. Nobody says The only Danish state”, or “The only French state”, etc.

    Secondly, the young man’s argument that America should support Israel because we share their values, and they are humanistic, have human rights and democracy, and other don’t. This is total garbage.

    America should support Israel because Israel supports America.
    Israel is fighting American war, for America. If there was no Israel, Hamas, would be attacking America.

    We must get off this stupid argument that America should support us because we are so good. Even if we were racist, fascist, apartheid state, America should support us, because we a powerful and necessary ally to America.

    To say that America should support us because we are so “Good”, puts us in the position of America demanding of us to be “Good”.
    Now we have to go and kiss Arab asses, to be good and to get America’s support.

    So it is as what I thought when I wrote my first comment today. IT IS OUR FAULT THAT CANDACE IS MISINFORMED

  16. Felix, Tanna; Antisemitic? not in the least. Being Jewish I thought you might see the humor in the statement.

    I haven’t figured out if you place Trotsky as high as god or if he’s the Moshiach. But I’m glad yur back to your ole normal self. 🙂

  17. @FelixQuigley

    This is the first time I read Felix comment, and I am struck by his “logic”.

    He seems to be saying that Ted and Peloni have been wrong on “Global Warming” and on some “Virus” as well as on Candace. So now that they see their error on Candace, they should also acknowledge their error on the other two subjects.

    So funny! I am looking forward to some more of Felix’s logic, I had no idea what I had been missing.

    Please don’t stop Felix!

  18. I think that when we meet unfair attitudes towards us, we have choices.
    A knee-jerk choice is to declare the “antisemites” and cancel them.
    A more productive approach, however, would be to take responsibility for the situation and ask, “how have we represented ourselves to the world, so as to create such negative attitudes.

    While the first approach gives some consolation by believing ourselves righteous victims, the second approach is more likely to produce positive changes.

    I suggest the following causes
    1. the word “Jew” puts us at disadvantage
    a. It’s a negative term just like “Nigger”.
    b. It does not show our connection to our land unlike “Swede”, “Dane”,
    “Japanese”, and most damming the “Palestinian”…
    c. It is more often than not understood as a member of a religious sect, rather than a nationality. (Very few people know that it means a Judeans from Judea). And just like 7th-Day’s Adventists, we our secct doesn’t deserve our own country.
    d. Finally, the perception of religious belief in being higher than others (chosen), and therefore entitled to take the land away from the “Indigenous” “Palestinians”.

    We may not like it, but we must face the fact that the simple linguistic trick of calling a bunch of Muslim migrants “Palestinians” has defeated us.

    Our “Hasbara” is hurting us further.
    Because we are emphasizing our specialness: We have invented mobile phones, and medical devices, and have received 100 Nobel prizes, and we are so democratic, and humane, more than any other nation on Earth. All this bullshit only raises the standards and now everyone is looking for any imperfection to stick it to us.

    Also, our willingness to even consider 2-state-solution, and use words like West-Bank, and “East-Jerusalem”, convinces the world that indeed “West-Bank” and “Gaza” are illegally occupied.

    We need to change our name to Israelites (“Israeli” is the citizen of Israel, but Israelite is the member of the Israelite nation.)
    And declare all of San-Remo Israel as our legal homeland. Accept that Hamas and PA occupation, of parts of our homeland is a temporary compromise, while firmly asserting these parts as ours.

    Never emphasize that we are the only Democracy in the Middle East, nor try to prove that this is not “apartheid”.
    Whether we are communists, or fascists, or democracy, or theocracy, or monarchy, is OUR business, and neither of these forms changes the fact that this is our land.
    50 years ago, Greece and Spain were fascist, but that did not make them less Greek or Spanish, same for all other nations.

    Stop trying to prove that we are saints when we conduct wars.
    On the contrary, we are a normal nation, and we commit normal war crimes when we fight wars. Just like Brits, and Americans, and Russians, and everyone else. We are a unique nation with unique history, civilization, language, religion, culture, and this land is essential to our national identity.

    And at the same time “Palestinians” are Arabs. Their needs are human and humanitarian, not national. Their love for “Palestine” is not deeper than they’d all move to Sweden if given a visa.

    A world without an Arab “Palestine” will not be any poorer, but a world without Israel would be like a world without Italy, or China, or without Greece, or Russia. It would be a poorer world.

    We need to re-brand ourselves, and stop being “chosen”.
    Of course, we think we are special, just like every nation thinks that they are special. If we didn’t think that we are special, we’d really be special.

  19. If anyone wants to understand the Antisemitism in people like Candice look at this post by Tanna

    “Felix last post was at 6:44 am on the 16th. somebody might need to check on him, he might be sick….. He forgot to mention Trotsky.”

    The site with the exception of a couple is McCarthyite (Joe) to the core.

    This truly ignorant person makes little of the man and his party who put an end to the Pogromists of 1918 to 1921 (150,000 Jews murdered) in Ukraine and Byelorussia. Who would have stopped the horrible evil without Trotsky and the Red Army?

    I had l do honestly believe realised the nature of the milieu that Candace came out of, that is the other branch of emerging Fascism in the world. That is Trump and his lies about Vaccines and his lies about Global Warming and Climate Change. Science denial.

    The other branch of emerging Fascism is of course Biden NeoCons

    No point in all wading in on Owens. Look more closely at yourselves in relation to every aspect of Owens.

    That you can never do. Not man enough.

  20. Why doesn’t Shapiro fire her?

    I think he should close the place and make aliyah.

    I mean, she is so worked up, she is perfectly capable of suing him for creating hostile work environment, or whatever.

  21. @peloni

    What if the US, the UN, the EU, et al. push it (the TSS) and the Pals agree to it after the war?

    30% of J&S was a poisoned trap because 70% would go to the Pals, signing bonus or not.

  22. Felix last post was at 6:44 am on the 16th. somebody might need to check on him, he might be sick….. He forgot to mention Trotsky.

  23. Trump’s Deal was a key to ending the TSS. It offered Israel 30% of J&S just as a signing bonus, whether or not the Pals signed, which they wouldn’t, and when the Pals didn’t sign, because they have no interest in a state next to Israel, the JO would have been the only game in town. The only squicky part of Trump’s plan would have been if the Pals actually agreed to move forward, which they didn’t, again, because they will only agree to a state instead of Israel, not next to Israel.

    The plan fell apart because of Gantz convinced Trump that he should renege on the signing bonus of 30% of J&S. But if the plan had moved forward, the TSS would be soundly in its grave and the JO would have replaced it.

  24. @Reader, fair enough, I found some of the details squicky at the time. But the 2nd term will be different, as Trump is no longer being advised by his creepy son in law, who is responsible for the squicky parts. Trump himself is probably more like a closet Kahanist who has to pander to the realpolitik crowd. If Trump were president now, not only would Oct. 7 not have happened, if it had, he’d probably say the Pals can have their state in North Korea.

  25. @Reader writes:

    I think if Trump wins the presidency (which is very likely) the Jews will rue their enchantment with him eventually just like with Candace.

    I see this attitude about Trump all the time from otherwise smart Jews, some of whom I follow on social media. I really don’t get it. We have all experienced 4 years of Trump’s 1st presidency. When did he ever do anything against Jews, except for the yellow journalism reports that took things out of context? Seeing Trump as a bogeyman seems to be a badge of identity for Jewish liberals and some conservatives. It never goes deeper than some sneering remark. You might as well say Trump has cooties. What has he actually done against Jews? Why would any Zionist be against a second Trump term?

  26. Candace Owens suffers from the disease called Black-Antisemitism. Many (NOT ALL Black Americans have this disease).

    Some perceive Jews as part of the Whites which they hate.

    Some hate Jews because they are perceived as successful business people they hate such as the dreaded landlord.

    From Louis Farrakan, Kanye West, the Black thug in NY who beats up Religious Jews. They hate the other which in this case is the Jew.

  27. If you look back far enough, Candace started out as a liberal but quickly realized it didn’t pay and turned into a conservative.

    She simply follows the money and the majority.

    I think if Trump wins the presidency (which is very likely) the Jews will rue their enchantment with him eventually just like with Candace.

  28. Watch! Suddenly Ms. Owen’s popularity will recede. This is a Spiritual War and many real Christians and Jews supported her. No more

  29. Her sneering that “Jews live very comfortably in the United States” is again the classic antisemitic lie that all Jews are rich and unfairly so. Also, I don’t believe she is unaware of all the physical attacks on Jews every year, many by “Palestinian” and black supremacists, which she is covering up.

  30. From Leon Kushner.

    As per usual, Peloni you nailed it.

    Like many here I used to hold her in high esteem. She was intelligent, articulate and brave and she was a young, black woman. But after her indignant refusal to call out her rich, famous, Black friend, Kanye for his obvious, vile antisemitism, not only did I stop holding her in high esteem, I think she can get a job working for Obama (who I consider to be one of the most evil Americans who ever lived). They both claim to have Israel’s back (ie. the backs of Jews) but in the end, they stab Israel/us in the back.

    Turns out that she’s not so smart, honest or brave. After all, how dumb does she think we are? Anyone who makes a simple statement like ‘I am concerned about the death of Palestinian children’ today, in the obvious context of the Hamas war with Israel without adding ‘boy those Hamas are evil as they continue to help the murder of their own kids in Gaza’ are obviously pointing their finger at Israel for this. So many insane, leftist world leaders have already made similar statements and complaints of Israel (including my own antisemitic, dumb as a rock PM, Trudeau). The last thing we need to hear is for Candace to pile on that rock pile.

    It would be the equivalent of making an equivalent statement ‘I worry about the poor German children who are suffering’ during the height of WWII and the Holocaust. At the very least she has her priorities screwed up. At the most, she is an antisemite. Any claim she tries to make that her statement is so legitimate because (she didn’t say exactly this but it was implied) ‘after all, who wants to see dead babies – regardless of where they come from’ is so disingenuous it’s almost laughable except that the war with Hamas is the most existential fight that Israel has dealt with in decades so it’s not in the least funny.

    She has made that same, demeaning, insulting smirk before when ever she insinuates (like her pal Kanye) that Jews in America are rich and powerful.
    She seems to be on a mission to perpetuate that myth to her audience even if she must do so subliminally at first. Mark my words, her messaging will degrade into abject, open antisemitism in time. I’m sure she will disparage Dennis Prager who helped give her a platform to voice her opinions for many years, if she has already not done so.

    Sorry folks, I’ve already said too much. She is not worthy of our attention. I certainly hope that she disappears into the dustbin of so many 2 faced ‘friends’ that we Jews have had to endure for too long.

  31. For years now tune in to Israpundit and Ted and Peloni would have big articles on global warming denial, and viruses denial on the go.

    But Candice ALSO was thoroughly exposed as a fraud. Why didn’t you learn!!!???

  32. Ted and Peloni

    By your own admission you both went gaga over Candice

    “A typical case of a leftist-turned-(pro-Israel) conservative that was pounced upon and gobbled up by older conservatives who went gaga over someone…”

    There is a whole heap of people who are into science denial in a big way and Israpundit with you two went big time there.

    So did Owens

    But she was totally uneducated about science.

    It is a big part of this whole Trump scene

  33. Wow, his tweet was BLATANTLY antisemitic.

    “Candace Owens says no ‘honest person’ thought Kanye’s tweet was antisemitic

  34. Finally, some conservatives are realizing what Debbie Schlussel has been saying about Candice Owens for some time. Conservatives need to stop latching on to people without seeing the whole picture.

  35. I am dumbfounded at how some people who are so “right” on most important issues can be so “wrong” on Israel and antisemitism. I can name a handful of high-profile people, right off the top of my head, in whom I had implicit trust, until they started talking about Israel’s response to Hamas, then all the mainstream stuff started pouring out of their mouths (proportionality, occupation, two-state solution, ceasefire, etc.) It makes me sick. What in G_d’s name is wrong with these people?

  36. Candice achieved prime time visibility way too early in her life.
    A typical case of a leftist-turned-(pro-Israel) conservative that was pounced upon and gobbled up by older conservatives who went gaga over someone who they just found had wound up on their side.
    Over time she will change more. She is a work in progress.
    Will she go full Fuentes/Malkin? Who knows.
    Here’s food for thought from someone on the right:
    American conservatives under 40 and more so under 30 are not as pro-Israel or philosemetic as their older cohorts.
    Not good.

  37. One of the reasons Ted and especially Peloni were drawn to this intellectually limited woman was her denial of science in the field of climate science and virology. Case of the chickens coming home to roost. Both of you are deniers of science as Candace was. She now is a multi millionaire. Her fraud has paid off for her.

  38. Candace Owen is no friend of the Jewish people or Israel. Even her employer Ben Shapiro has now called her out explicitly. She is a phony and appears to be another anti-Semite dressed in conservative dress.

    She pretends she knows about Israel but is actually very misguided to be polite. She thinks that the Old Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem is the only place Muslims are allowed to live in Jerusalem. Which anyone who knows Jerusalem a small bit knows is not even remotely close to reality.

    Will Dennis Prager still cover for her. Must be getting hard to be understated!