Peloni takes Candace Owen to task regarding antisemitism

By Ted Belman

Ed Marcus sent me this video of Candace commenting on what Queen Rania of Jordan said recently.

I replied that:

I watched half of it.
Candace stands b what Rania said.  I don’t.
Rania attacked those who claim something is antisemitic because that weaponizes antisemitism. Something akin to weaponizing racism.

I totally disagreed with what she said because she is covering up the reason we call someone an antisemite is because we know it when we see it. She moved the conversation to whether such statements are antisemetic to how dare you call something antisemitic. In doing so she is an apologist for all antisemites. So is Candace.
You cannot judge Rania’s statement in a vacuum. You must listen to everything she says to decide if she is an antisemite. Her current statement must be put in context.
Megyn Kelly took Rania to task in this video.
And then I asked Peloni what he thought and he brilliantly  replied:
I completely agree with Ted’s observations, but I do have a few additional comments to raise.
Quoting antisemites, as Candace does with Rania, is a clever by half method to ‘accidentally’ stir the pot of antisemitism.  Of course, this is not Candace’s first rodeo on that subject, but this latest dive into the subject of antisemitism does not improve her repeated position of trying to pretend ignorance about the antisemitic positions she has once again adopted.
Her initial comment was meant to challenge Rep. Mast’s statement that “I would not so lightly throw around the idea of innocent Palestinian civilians” which is a completely supportable statement.   In every authoritarian society, dissent comes from the street.  It comes from subversive elements in the community challenging their govt, despite the fact that it results in devastating consequences for those who make those challenges.  There was such a resistance in China during their insane Covid measures back in 2020, just as there is such a resistance in Iran today from young women wanting to throw off the Mullah’s dress codes.  Yet, where in Gaza is there any protest movement, where is the Gazan version of Sophie Scholl?  Where is one Gazan who will say that the Hamas’ slaughter of Jews did not represent them?  Where is any dissent from the Gazan public as they share candies among the crowd in celebration that unarmed men, women, children and babies were slaughtered for no purpose beyond the fact that they were Jews?  There is none.
Despite this fact, Candace claims that Mast’s statement recognizing the universal support in Gaza for the October 7 slaughter was a call for genocide, but it was hardly that by any standard which could or should be considered honest or fair. He was in fact speaking to the undeniable reality in which Israel exists, surrounded by whole nations whose education, society and religion demand that they support the slaughter of Jews whom they see as being infidels and subhuman, and in all of Arabia, this is perhaps nowhere to be found to be more true than among the Pals of Gaza.
Moving beyond her critique of Mast for a moment (more later), there was also a particular exchange between Candace and Kozac which I found quite disturbing:
Kozac:  “This is not about a geographical geopolitical dispute between Israel and Palestine.  This is about an ideological mission to rid the world of Israel and the Jews”   
Candace [somewhat smirking] :”Yeah well Jews live very comfortably in the United States of America, so they’re not going to be …”
The deprecating manner in which Candace employs an eye-rolling dismissal of Kozac’s statement demonstrates her lack of empathy, comprehension, or even interest in exactly why we Jews must be vigilant and concerned about antisemitism.  Instead, she continues by suggesting that raising any comparison to what led to historical events such as the Holocaust prevents “meaningful chatter”, even as we stand just a month since the largest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust took place.  Indeed, it does seem that Candace does not only seek to deny the Jews the right to challenge antisemitism as being antisemitic, but that they should also be denied the right to raise any comparisons between even the recent slaughter and past slaughters of Jews, irregardless of the relevance in doing so, so that it does not prevent the “meaningful chatter” which Candace wants so badly to hear spoken (more on this below).  Indeed, her dismissal of any threat facing Jews around the world in the wake of the Simchat  Torah massacre, even in the US, ignores the fact that since that terrible event, antisemitic attacks against the Jews around the world have not just skyrocketed, but have come to also be quite well accepted, even in the US – despite the fact that the tiny minority of Jews had already made up the overwhelming majority of hate crimes in the US.
Earlier in the program, Candace tried to compare what Jews face on college campuses to what white Americans face on campus:
There are a lot of people in America that are sitting here going okay, well, can you answer why Jews are so special? Because as white people in this country on University campuses, we are being taught that we are not allowed to have a voice.  We have had to endure exactly what you’re talking about, BLM.  We’ve endured much worse than you have because it’s in the actual textbooks.  We are being told that we are systematically racist, that we are born wrong, because of the color of our skin, because it’s in the actual textbooks.  We are being told that we are systematically racist and if we say anything we’ll lose everything – this is the typical experience on white campuses.”
So per Candace, the CRT curriculum as described in the books for whites is worse than antisemitism is for Jews.  The outrageous tone-deaf ignorance in which this comment is made provides a clear window into how easily Candace marginalizes antisemitism, even as two thirds of all hate crimes are specifically documented against Jews, and this number is understood to be under-reported.
She also claimed that she had specifically stayed away from the topic of the war in Israel, but her tweet condemning Mast was clearly written to both reference and join the attacks being made against Israel.  Candace is far too clever to have not understood the underlying significance of what she wrote and where it would go.  In fact, I would suggest that this was specifically done to surreptitiously ‘draw’ her into the “meaningful chatter” regarding US support of Israel, on which she clearly wanted her voice to be heard.  As she says,
I think it’s dangerous to not have a conversation about where this could lead to.  Because if you told me that 1500 Israeli civilians led to World War III, I think we should probably have a conversation about that.  And I think when people are asking for that conversation, they’re being called antisemitic, which is insane.  I’ve seen this with Ramaswami, you know he asked you what is the plan – okay you’ve identified this is the terrorist, what is your plan of attack?
And of course, the plan of attack is to kill the terrorists, whatever it takes.  And this, of course, brings us back to Candace’s critique of Mast’s statement, because she feels Israel’s response to the recent Simchat Torah massacre is tantamount to genocide.
Finally, Candace seems to be deluded into believing that Arabs do not live alongside Jews in Israel.  She states that
“I grew up you know my grandparents house my grandfather grew up in a segregated South, and so when I’m walking through Jerusalem and you see and they say these are the Muslim quarters, this is where the Muslims are allowed to live, that doesn’t feel like a Bastion of freedom to me.”
Well, somethings just speak for themselves, and I think that comparing Israel to the Jim Crow segregated Southern US, does exactly this.
There is simply no defense which can be offered to excuse the many concerning statements which have been raised in this conversation. I see Candace as being simply an unmitigated, unapologetic, and unabashed antisemite.  Of course, feel free to counter me on this.  I was once quite impressed with Candace’s eloquence and passion, but this is no longer true, and has not been for some time, not for me in any event, and this latest commentary simply serves to close the book quite firmly.
November 15, 2023 | 84 Comments »

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34 Comments / 84 Comments


    You’re so wrapped up in “1 Kings 8” that you’ve forgotten about the KIng of All….

    KING KONG….!!

    PS. How’s the bone business these days. Lucky the weather is good so they stay “dry”.

  2. Muslims can not forget that before Israel, a Jew had to walk BELOW a Muslim even the dirtiest beggar. He dare not raise his head above the Muslim. His testimony in Court was almost worthless.
    All the Muslin Laws concerning Jews were demeaning to them. They were almost sub human and “kept in their place”, like Medieval serfs-worse.

    Now the Jew is in his own country can hold his head above everyone if he desires, has beaten the Arabs decisively in WAR every time, and they just cannot take it. So they hate in exponential form, every defeat they suffer. They now want to exterminate ALL Jews.

    Poor egos, massive Jealousy, tremendous inferiority complex= Arabs.

  3. @Michael S

    Sorry Michael, but I can’t find the meaning in your post.
    And now I suspect that you did not understand mine, either.

    You have a headache because in the dark you are trying to go through the wall.
    Turning the light on, you go through the door. The head stops hurting.

    I see that certain behaviors cause undesirable responses. I change behaviors and get desirable responses.

    I don’t need quotes from the Bible.
    I need no God, nor Jesus, nor Monkey god Hanuman, have no sin, no burden, around my neck, and need no savior.

    All I need is to change my behavior if my old behavior is not working.

  4. @vivarto

    I can’t figure out what it is that I said that you don’t understand.

    I hate long posts and I try to make mine as short and to the point as possible.

  5. Hi, Vivarto

    I’m not suggesting that you pray to Jesus, as though he were Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay. I was thinking along the line of

    1 Kings 8
    [47] Yet if they shall bethink themselves in the land whither they were carried captives, and repent, and make supplication unto thee in the land of them that carried them captives, saying, We have sinned, and have done perversely, we have committed wickedness;
    [48] And so return unto thee with all their heart, and with all their soul, in the land of their enemies, which led them away captive, and pray unto thee toward their land, which thou gavest unto their fathers, the city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name:
    [49] Then hear thou their prayer and their supplication in heaven thy dwelling place, and maintain their cause,
    [50] And forgive thy people that have sinned against thee and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against thee, and give them compassion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them:

    You are right — self-flagellation, etc. is not the sort of repentance God is looking for; but rather changing the direction of one’s life.

    As for needing to be able to accept God’s unconditional, unmerited forgiveness in order to accomplish lasting repentance, I appeal to your philosophical side: If He has NOT forgiven us in this way, what hope do we have? It’s as though, “Yes, we are accepted as His children, but we must carry a weight of rmembrance of our sins around our necks.” I don’t even treat my own children that way; and God is a better father than I am.

    We are Abraham’s son; and yes, Jesus is the substitutional lamb; but Isaac was not expected to worship the lamb, nor to pray to him.

    Thank you for hearing me this far. I was thinking about communicating with you, but not on these matters. You mentioned non-Abrahamic belief systems in the world. I am particularly interested in the Pre-pottery Neolithic inhabitants of the area of Göbekli Tepe.

    They fluorished around 10,000 BCE — roughly 6000 years before Adam of the Bible, in roughly the same area described as the “Garden of Eden”. By the time Adam came on the scene, their megalithic sites had become reduced to tels. Imagine that! A whole historical age, equivalent in length to the Biblical Age, preceding the Bible! Have you ever noticed this?

  6. @Michael S

    BTW I am most grateful to God, that repentance does not require the insanely complicated and esoteric math that Einstein’s theories do.

    Well, actually my point had nothing to do with math. It was just an example of a postulate that can neither be verified nor falsified.
    Such postulate is our free choice. We choose it and we have different options available to us.

    Now the word “repentance” has some rather unpleasant associations. At least for me.
    It conjures the image of self-flagellation, crying, whining, tearing up robes and putting ashes on our heads.

    I see it quite the opposite, a joyful realization that I don’t need to suffer, that another road is possible. I just take another road.

    I don’t quite understand what you mean by asking for forgiveness and receiving it from God.

    To me it is like suddenly seeing that this is a wall, not a door. The moment I start using the door, instead of trying harder to go through the wall, my headache goes away. No big deal, no gods and no forgiveness are needed. That’s how I see it.

    But please do explain what you have in mind. I hope you are not suggesting that I should pray to Jesus?

  7. Reader

    Actually very good comment

    Israel must do its own thing

    Do not get diverted

    Be successful

    We should just do our own stuff and quit paying attention at the likes of Owens – success is the best revenge.

    Coming down to following the lead of the IDF soldiers on the shoreline

  8. Hi, Vivarto

    So, we have a choice
    a. Be “right” and be victims (very satisfying to our egos)
    b. Assume our errors (very painful for our egos) and correct our behavior.

    Well put! I never imagined Euclid and Einstein would be cited to hammer home this fundamental Biblical truth!

    Yes, Option “b” is called teshuvah, in its original Hebrew meaning of “to return”. In English, of course, this is called “repentance”. It’s not a ritual to be periodically performed. It’s a complete course change in life — starting with admitting we are wrong, asking for and receiving unmerited forgiveness from God, then walking (in the correct direction) into a new life.

    As you point out so well, Option “b” leads to a solution of the problem; Option “a” only continues it, indefinitely.

    BTW I am most grateful to God, that repentance does not require the insanely complicated and esoteric math that Einstein’s theories do.

  9. @peloni1986

    Some things can neither be proven nor disproven.
    Instead, they are axiomatic to our world view.

    In geometry it is not possible to prove that given a line in a plane, only one parallel line can be drawn through any point on the plane.
    We are so used to Euclidian geometry that the above claim seems obvious to us. We visualize the problem, and we can “see” that all other lines will cross the given line.

    However, it turns out that it is possible to construct entirely consistent non-Euclidean geometry where an infinite number of parallel lines go through the point. Likewise, it is possible to construct entirely consistent geometry where there can be no parallel lines at all in a plane.

    The choice of a different axiom (Reiman geometry) enabled Einstein to develop general relativity.

    Similarly, we can neither prove nor disprove that we are victims of universal Jew-hatred.
    I propose that we choose a different axiom, namely that we are 100% responsible for Jew-hatred.
    This on the first look seems unfair: ” it is our fault that they are hating and murdering us”.

    On the other hand, if we are responsible, then we can also do something about it.

    So, we have a choice
    a. Be “right” and be victims (very satisfying to our egos)
    b. Assume our errors (very painful for our egos) and correct our behavior.

    I suggest that choice b. does not require scarifying anything of real value.
    We don’t need to sacrifice love, loyalty, fairness, our traditions, our beliefs, our connection with our history and our land.
    We’ll only need to sacrifice our arrogance.

    I propose that choice b. is long overdue and by adopting it, we’ll benefit not only our nation, but the entirety of humanity. We will make our invaluable contribution to world peace and universal love and harmony. Paradoxically, sacrificing our need to be special will make us special.

    Here is the essence of our unique circumstance:
    All groups think that they are special. And there is nothing unique about our belief that our tribal god has chosen us as his special people. Hawaiians have been chosen by Maui, and Kuba people in Central Africa were specially chosen by their god Bumba or Woot. Japanese were the beloved of their god Kama, etc, etc.

    Our tragedy is that Christians have hijacked our tribal god and made him their own. (Then the Muslims did something similar).

    Naturally, Christians started killing Jews in the same way as a thief who stole someone identity, wants to kill the real owner to claim his property.

    The Christian problem is that their own holy book says that Jews are the chosen people. That’s because they stole our book. (I wish they would just go back to their own gods and leave our Yehova alone. But I have not been able to convince them…)

    And their own “savior” says that he was only sent to save the “lost sheep of the tribe of Israel”…)

    By murdering, raping, burning alive, beating, humiliating, expelling us, they proved that that we are no longer chosen. A very similar mechanism behind Muslim Jew-hatred. So, when we are weak and victims, they can tolerate us, and even love. But when we are strong and successful, they must hate us and try to bring us down.

    Christians and Muslims don’t hate Kuba people because they did not steal their Bumba, or Woot. They only stole our Yehova.

    On the other hand, Hindus have never hated us. They have 30 thousand gods. And one more or one less god does not disturb them. They don’t care if someone is chosen people of Yehova, or Kali, or Ganesh, or Hanuman, they are tolerant, there is place for all sort of chosen people in Hinduism.
    Neither have Chinese, Japanese, and in general Buddhist any deep hatred of Jews.

  10. @Reader
    I think that Mr. Reader has a point, but unfortunately, I am not sure what his point is.

    I’d like to encourage you to express your point directly in the simplest possible words and avoid sarcasm and all show off your cleverness.

    So, can you please try again and express your points in simle words?
    At least I would be very interested.

  11. I think Michael S. should continue on this forum because he shows us how the rest of the world cannot help itself in its dislike of the Jews.

    Jews cannot get rid of the idea that there are people called antisemites (and they are in the minority) who are either bad or simply uninformed about how good the Jews really are or how much they have contributed to the good of humanity, etc., and if you fight the first kind and educate the second, you will finally defeat “antisemitism”.

    In reality, most people in the world simply cannot help disliking or hating the Jews even if they have never met a Jew in their lives.

    The Jewish sages said “we know that it is a cardinal law of reality that Esau hates Jacob.”

    We should just do our own stuff and quit paying attention at the likes of Owens – success is the best revenge.

  12. @Michael

    The underlying problem, as I see it, is that Jews are becoming absolute pariahs in the world, largely because of their own underlying bitterness, coupled with a complete lack of tact. Another factor is that prominent Jew-led groups, like Soros’s Open Society and the Antidefamation League, have been promoting and fueling this flood of hatred.

    Actually, we are pariahs, not because we are bitter, and not because we are impolite, but instead, our pariah-hood stems from the simple fact that we are Jews. You need no further qualifier or explanation than this. It is that simple. This is why the Jews and the Arabs have led separate histories, and yet the Jews number less than a couple dozen million and the Arabs number half a billion. Indeed, our history is a testimony to our long struggle to survive among a world which is dedicated so much effort to killing us, and unfortunately, our efforts to survive are too often less successful than we would like. The hatred which has fanned the flames of our many slaughters, however, has nothing to do with us being bitter, nor is it relatable to us speaking with little tact.

    And you really are a scoundrel for having written those words, as I know you know those words are false. Shame on you.

  13. Ted, I don’t know why you put up with an asshole like Michael S who is an apologist for antisemites. Right wingers blame antisemitism on Soros and left wingers blame antisemitism on Bibi and Zionists. I’ve had enough of Jews being blamed for everything including, bizarrely enough, antisemitism.

  14. “Jew-led”

    Even in his language, Michael is a Christian antisemite who, however, unlike Owens, supports Israel, for his own reasons.

  15. The slight alteration to “antisemite” was a recent development introduced, wittingly or not, by Ben Shapiro.

    No, it was Owens’ own take on the Israel/hamas war that establishes her as an antisemite, not because Shapiro said so.

    The underlying problem, as I see it, is that Jews are becoming absolute pariahs in the world, largely because of their own underlying bitterness, coupled with a complete lack of tact. Another factor is that prominent Jew-led groups, like Soros’s Open Society and the Antidefamation League, have been promoting and fueling this flood of hatred.

    So, Jews are responsible for antisemitism? You’re a prick. How is that any different than the spokes idiot for the United nazis (UN) saying hamas’ savage slaughter didn’t happen in a vacuum? I don’t know why Ted keeps you on here. You clearly are not an ally. You are only here to provoke. Antisemitism is fueled by evil ideologies like communism, islam and fascism. It’s also fueled by hatred of God.

  16. @Laura

    DeSantis has been a solid conservative on all issues

    You say that Desantis is conservative. We may have different reckonings of that term. Personally, I am less concerned about liberal and conservative biases than I am about Globalist vs national biases, just for clarity, but even among the nationalists it is the conservatives who should be the adults in the room, even as they too often simply advocate for doing things which never get done.

    In any event, did you know that while in the congress, Desantis voted to fast track the TPP? This was Obamas signature jobs killing treaty which was suppose to be pushed thru by Hillairy when she beat Trump. It was a Globalist linchpin to slaughter the US economy.

    Also, are you familiar with the changes Desantis made to the Florida election law?
    So if you are correct, and Desantis is a solid conservative on all issues, why is it that one of those issues is not election integrity? Of course, as we have seen, Desantis is being funded by many of the Globalist hawks who specifically deny election fraud despite all the evidence to the contrary. The coincidence of Desantis being funded by these election fraud denyiers, as it overlaps with Desantis signing the election reform bill which eliminates the ability of the people to contest elections, should not be overlooked.

    There are many aspects of life which will be determined in the next election, just as there were many issues which were determined by the last election, but the only issue which touches on every issue is election integrity. If who you vote for is meaningless to the outcome, nothing you vote for is determinative. Election integrity is the lifeline of any Republic, as is true with any representative govt. It should be the key issue among Democrats just as it should be the key issue among Republicans. So why is it that Desantis betrayed his state by signing that bill into law? Also, is he so out of control in his own state that he would allow the manipulation of that key legislation without his knowledge? It comes down to the question of whether he is incompetent or complicit in the manipulation to undermine election reform in Florida. Is this a conservative stand which should be celebrated in the ”conservative” Desantis?

    Indeed, why would he accept such a bargain in a state where the ”conservatives” literally have a 70% lock on both the State House and State Senate as well as the Governor? He could have rewritten that bill in half a day, and have become a great hero for those wanting election integrity. Quite notably, he didn’t do it because it was not something he wanted to do, as he fully had the means to get it done.

    Of course, it may be claimed that ”conservatives” are not interested in election transparency, which is why they supported the election fraud to be ignored while they put Biden in office despite the obvious fraud which took place. While this is certainly true, I don’t think it is a conservative value to diminish election integrity.

    Regarding Israel, Desantis may be the real deal, just as Trump was seen to be. But Trump was never part of the swamp, and it seems somewhat clear, to me in any event, that Desantis certainly is, which leads me to believe that Desantis will rollover and do a George W on Israel, just as he rolled over and did the same on Ukraine.

  17. Laura,

    Thank you for calling me a “moron”. That’s the nicest thing you’ve said for some time.

    I never said you called Candace a “white supremacist”. I threw that at Peloni as a hypothetical, because he probably knows that this has been part and parcel of Owens’ packaging by the left.

    When I first heard of Candace Owens, it was news about her, a popular, attractive black woman, endorsing Donald Trump. Up until that time, she was an acceptable celebrity. When she endorsed Trump, she was immediately called a “white supremacist”. The slight alteration to “antisemite” was a recent development introduced, wittingly or not, by Ben Shapiro. The crux of the matter is that she is being attacked not for her racial or religious opinions (which are nothing like her detractors claim), but for her support for Donald Trump.

    I would venture to say, but of course you will deny this, that this could be the source of your own venom against her.


    I apologize to you for being one of those contributing to the use of Israpundit space for this ridiculous feud. I take full credit for it, and I did it to light some of the methane around here and spark a good donnybrook.

    The underlying problem, as I see it, is that Jews are becoming absolute pariahs in the world, largely because of their own underlying bitterness, coupled with a complete lack of tact. Another factor is that prominent Jew-led groups, like Soros’s Open Society and the Antidefamation League, have been promoting and fueling this flood of hatred.

    When I saw that a large part of American young people get their news from TikTok and have become devotees of Osama bin Laden (despite the practically unknown fact that his daughter Noor is a very pro-Israel Christian), I began to understand that this is far beyond the bad manners of Ben Shapiro; and to see that Jews here and elsewhere are completely incapable of dealing effectively with it.

    So, the “serious” aspects of this problem might as well be jokes, for all we can do about it. God has to solve this problem,and the Jewish people need to call upon God.

  18. I think it is questionable that so much comment space is used to criticize Candice Owen, when Israpundit has yet to comment on Elon Musk’s antisemitic remarks, or Douglas McGergor and Scott Ritter;s anti-Israel comments, or John Mearsheimer;s anti-Israel and overtly antisemitc statement;s on the internet. (over the last several years, Israpundit has republished several articles by Merarsheimer, in spite of his ant-semitc record) . Candace isn’t perfect to be sure. But she is not nearly as anti-Israel or anti-Jewish as the aforementioned individuals.

  19. Peloni, DeSantis has been a solid conservative on all issues, more solid than Trump. His support for Israel included.

    I disagree with you about Desantis. It is hard to believe that Desantis’ support for Israel is anyless of the routine canned speeches in support of Israel to be followed by routine Rep policies to control Israel.

    Yes, but do you believe that Desantis would have had the gall to stand up to the pressure which Trump faced when he moved the Embassy?

    Absolutely yes. DeSantis has shown he has the gall to stand up to pressure which he has demonstrated with Covid and the culture wars.

  20. Well Trump DOES act childish.

    You bring in his “grudge” against Netanyahu making him sound childish.

    I certainly hope you are right on this.

    My opinion is strongly that whatever he has against the PM-if he still has it- Will not change his LIFELONG support for Israel, began by his father and later including Trump as well.

    BTW, I don’t hate Trump. But I prefer DeSantis and I don’t think Trump can win the general election.

  21. Michael you moron, I didn’t say she’s a white supremacist. I said she’s antisemitic and I hold to that view.

    Laura, I do hope you come to realise sometime, what a complete lunatic you come across as. Black women cannot be white supremacists, in a normal world. Her views on Jews (which you misrepresent entirely) have nothing to do with that.

  22. Laura-

    I’ve read all the posts below as well as the article.

    One thing is certain. You detest Trump not only because you LIKE DeSantis. If there were NO DeSantis around you’d still detest Trump.

    You bring in his “grudge” against Netanyahu making him sound childish. But Trump is well known for his impulsive speech which rarely is proceeded with, concerning derogatory remarks about others. He is
    extraordinarily forbearing. This is borne out by many former employees, as well as his actual actions.

    And his multitude of policies GOOD for the US (Blacks Latinos poor whites etc) will carry him into the White House again.

    My opinion is strongly that whatever he has against the PM-if he still has it- Will not change his LIFELONG support for Israel, began by his father and later including Trump as well.

    De Santos is a Local Politician, a good one re Israel and Florida,, and I’m sure that you know how many hundreds of thousands of Jews live in Florida. He is ALL politician and little or NO Statesman.

    MAGA is the NEW Republican Party, and eventually will draw in the RINOS who don’t become Democrats.

  23. @Laura

    I trust Ron DeSantis regarding Israel more than I do Trump.

    I disagree with you about Desantis. It is hard to believe that Desantis’ support for Israel is anyless of the routine canned speeches in support of Israel to be followed by routine Rep policies to control Israel. Would this be better than the Israel hating Dems? Yes, but do you believe that Desantis would have had the gall to stand up to the pressure which Trump faced when he moved the Embassy? I mentioned it before, but it bears repeating that Desantis did a 180 degree flip on Ukraine overnight to appease his donors. Do you believe that this is the man who will stand up against the world in support of Israel? Well, perhaps you do. I do not. This is not my greatest concern with Desantis, but it does concern me greatly.

    Regarding Trump, his relationship with Bibi has been greatly damaged, but Bibi is not Israel. As Trump indicated during the same speech in which he criticized Bibi, he related a story about a joint operation with Bibi to execute Solemonie, in which he reports Bibi to have backed out at the last moment, leaving Trump with the sole responsibility to eliminate the leader of Iran’s military escapades against the US and Israel or to leave him in place. The point being that Trump recognized the Iranian threat to be a threat to both Israel and the US. He has recently stated that he will act to kill Hamas himself, and here is the point. He sees Israel’s enemies as US enemies. This is his world view as acted upon from inside the White House, against significant efforts to maintain the status quo. Recall that among the few policy achievements entered into law under Trump was the Taylor Force act, making it criminal to pay the PA til they end their pay for slay policy. He ended payments going to both the PA and UNWRA, not because he saw himself as best friends with Bibi, but because the policies made the region safer and that made Americans safer, and simultaneously made Israel safer as well. In fact, everything which Trump did as president made Israel safer.

    Even when Trump found that Israel was not going to support his peace deal, he did not force this policy on Israel, which was quite a turn of events in regards to the many peace deals put forward over the years.

    This contrasts sharply with the bear hugging Rep policy of grabbing Israel and forcing them to do what is not in Israel’s interests.

    In any event, I am curious what makes you believe that Desantis would be more like Trump rather than being more like the routine Reps in the past.

  24. Laura, I do hope you come to realise sometime, what a complete lunatic you come across as. Black women cannot be white supremacists, in a normal world. Her views on Jews (which you misrepresent entirely) have nothing to do with that.

    It’s called “Reality”. I hope you get there someday.

    PS. Except perhaps on Israpundit, quoting from the New Testament about the love of money does not constitute “antisemitism”.

    I think you’re jealous of Candace, because she’s prettier than you.

    You know, I haven’t looked into the matter until now, but this is the scripture that ticked all of you off, isn’t it?

    [7] For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
    [8] And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
    [9] But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
    [10] For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
    [11] But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

    Was Ben THAT convicted by his love of money, that he went on a religious tirade? Is this a problem with other Jews? Is this the problem with you?

    I don’t know about love of money, but Ben didn’t do too well on the “patience and meekness” test, and neither do you.

  25. Being black doesn’t mean she can’t be an antisemite. Her own words are easy enough to convince people that she is.

    How much success are you having, with convincing people that a black woman named Candace is a white supremacist?

  26. Laura,

    All the best, on your DeSantis campaign. I think you’re fighting an uphill battle.


    How much success are you having, with convincing people that a black woman named Candace is a white supremacist?

    Once you two have succeeded in whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish, maybe you can take on the tens of millions of Osama bin Laden devotees who have been created overnight. Maybe you can use a Ben Shapiro routine, with louder screaming:

  27. Furthermore, I trust Ron DeSantis regarding Israel more than I do Trump. Trump’s first instinct after 10/7 was to attack Bibi. He still holds a grudge over a stupid phone call Bibi made to Biden after the 2020 election.

  28. Are you really this shallow? Focusing on Ron’s height and footwear seems to be a stupid obsession with MAGA. DeSantis is a far more substantive candidate and has a far greater ability to get things done than Trump. Shame on Republicans if he isn’t the nominee.

    Maybe she likes his high heels and lifters.

  29. Hi, Sebastiern

    I know you’re only doing this for fun:

    Tucker Carlson backtracks on private texts saying he hates Trump:


    Candace Owens said Trump’s rudeness made her realize he’s vengeful, paranoid, lacks humility

    Hey, how about this one:

    It’s all Kabuki theater, entertainment for those who are easily riled up. If I’m to believe the memes, Candace likes DeSantis, for some reason. Maybe she likes his high heels and lifters. Whatever the reason, only time can tell whether or not she will vote for The Donald in the finals. If she doesn’t, I will cry great crocodile tears while she and Barbara Streisand quit America and sail away to the Bahamas.

    As for Tucker, I guess you never know!

  30. @peloni1986

    Furthermore, I don’t think that the Pals have defeated us with their using the title of Palestinian. It is an invented term which was claimed by an invented people whose whole existence is fashioned around killing Jews and stealing their land.

    Well, the genius Soviet propaganda experts defeated us. Arabs were too stupid to figure it out by themselves.
    They just fought their usual Jihad, but the Soviets explained to them that Muslims against Israel make Israel look like a little David against Goliath. So, to gain the entire world’s sympathy, they became poor little “Palestinian” nation fighting against the Israeli Goliath in a war for national liberation against the colonial power.

    That’s how we have lost the propaganda war.

    Between 1954 and 1962, the Soviets have successfully tested this strategy in Algieria.