Wonderful monologue, as always. Keep on truckin’ Pat. It is not in vain. Disseminate, disseminate.
Quite sadly, we have been moving too slow.
If we go on at this pace we may have to have
an uprising. Well worth it, to bring our
country and other western democracies back to
what they were – once and for all.
He says IT the way it IS.
The left and far left promoting the penetration of the West by the Muslims.
@ BJK:
By then they will have the world under their feet. Just watch the speed at which they are marching ahead. If they managed to get into the WH through the door wide open, their war is nearly won. Not even a Republican administration will stop them, for the Republican politicians are not much different from their Dem counterparts when it comes to assessing the danger that Islam poses. They all think that appeasement will bring peace.
That was great!! Keep it up you are the only sane Englishman left in the UK.
Right on, Pat!!! But remember, time is on our side. World oil will be gone in 50 years. And at that point, the Muslim world will lose its last bargaining chip. I hope i live long enough to see it happen.
We already have an Islamist in the Oval Office without a peep from hardly anyone. And he might be there for another four years.G-d help us.
Another appropriate title for this video would be “The Idiocy of the West” since we shamelessly have been acquiescing to islamic barbarity.
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at- gmail.com
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Wonderful monologue, as always. Keep on truckin’ Pat. It is not in vain. Disseminate, disseminate.
Quite sadly, we have been moving too slow.
If we go on at this pace we may have to have
an uprising. Well worth it, to bring our
country and other western democracies back to
what they were – once and for all.
He says IT the way it IS.
The left and far left promoting the penetration of the West by the Muslims.
@ BJK:
By then they will have the world under their feet. Just watch the speed at which they are marching ahead. If they managed to get into the WH through the door wide open, their war is nearly won. Not even a Republican administration will stop them, for the Republican politicians are not much different from their Dem counterparts when it comes to assessing the danger that Islam poses. They all think that appeasement will bring peace.
That was great!! Keep it up you are the only sane Englishman left in the UK.
Right on, Pat!!! But remember, time is on our side. World oil will be gone in 50 years. And at that point, the Muslim world will lose its last bargaining chip. I hope i live long enough to see it happen.
We already have an Islamist in the Oval Office without a peep from hardly anyone. And he might be there for another four years.G-d help us.
Another appropriate title for this video would be “The Idiocy of the West” since we shamelessly have been acquiescing to islamic barbarity.