PA’s Mahmoud Al-Habbash: ‘Oct. 7 can repeat itself 100 times, and perhaps even more seriously’

Hugh Fitzgerald | Jihad Watch | May 26, 2024

He is calling again for the destruction of the Jewish state. Oh, not in so many words. But the clear implication of what PA officials are saying is that Israel must be destroyed as a Jewish state, and be replaced by a 23rd Arab one. More on this veiled threat can be found here: “Abbas’ advisor threatens Israel with more massacres: ‘Oct. 7 can repeat itself 100 times, and perhaps even more seriously,’” by Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch,

In an interview two days ago, top PA official and PA Chairman Abbas’ advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash threatened Israel that “Oct. 7 can repeat itself 100 times, and perhaps even more seriously.”

Al-Habbash envisions 100 times murder of over 1,000 innocent Israeli civilians: babies, children, youth, women, men, and elderly. He vows that 100 times Israeli women will be brutally raped, 100 times Israeli men will be sadistically killed, 100 times over 200 innocent Israeli civilians will be taken captive and held hostage for months.

This will happen “if the Palestinian cause will not be justly, comprehensively, and permanently resolved… on the basis of the UN resolutions”:

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash: “If the Palestinian cause will not be justly, comprehensively, and permanently resolved, at least on the basis of international legitimacy, at least on the basis of the UN resolutions, then Oct. 7 (i.e., Hamas’ invasion and massacre in Israel) can repeat itself 100 times, and perhaps even more seriously.”

[PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Facebook page, May 18, 2024]

It’s a macabre threat by al-Habbash, a high PA official, who foretells a repetition of Hamas’ October 7 atrocities, “100 times,” unless Israel accepts certain UN Resolutions, including UN Resolution 194.

PA leaders have repeated that they “only” want a two-state solution on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, but Palestinian Media Watch has documented numerous times that they tell their own people that they really want all of the State of Israel – from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea….

Listen not to what the PA leaders say in English to international audiences eager to believe the best of them, with their messages crafted to present them as moderates, but instead to what they say to Arab audiences, to whom  they tell the truth. They want their future state to extend “from the river to the sea,” which means, of course, that Israel will have to disappear, its Jewish citizens expelled or killed, to be replaced by a 23rd Arab state of “Palestine.”

The PA insists that UN Resolution 194, passed in 1948, must be fulfilled. This is the UN Resolution that recognizes the “Right of Return,” enabling Palestinians to go back to wherever in present-day Israel their families originally lived. In December 1948, when that resolution passed, there were at most 700,000 Arabs who counted as refugees, having left Mandatory Palestine, and then, after May 14, 1948, what had become the State of Israel. They had been urged to do so by Arab broadcasts from outside: “Leave now,” those broadcasts said, “and return with our triumphant armies after we have defeated and destroyed the Jews.” Were UN Resolution 194 to be enforced today, it would mean that the 5.9 million Palestinians now recognized by UNRWA as refugees — fewer than 20,000 of them are real refugees who were alive in 1948, while the rest have inherited their refugee status — would be able to move to Israel, and together with the two million Arabs now living there as Israeli citizens, would, given the higher fertility rates of Arab women, soon overwhelm demographically the Jews. It would spell the end of the Jewish state.

Those who continue to believe that the PA is “moderate” and is prepared to live in peace with a Jewish neighbor do not understand what its insistence on the implementation of UN Resolution 194 really means: it would allow Palestinian Arabs to swamp the Jews of Israel. Israeli spokesmen have to provide to the gullible the true significance of this insistence on the Right of Return.

May 27, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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