Paperclip PANDA-monium

B. Kalman: The Health Freedom Movement began in response to fascist government power grabs across the Western democracies

There are a couple of different groups within the movement:  one group views the SARS COV2 as a novel virus due to GoF manipulation, another group views SARS COV2 as not a novel virus, just another cold virus that had been in circulation for years but had not been previously identified.  Still another group questions that viruses actually exist since the elements needed to prove the existence of a new micro-organism have never been met (Koch’s and River’s postulates).

This article deals with the first two groups.

Why it matters:  1. Because the group that is saying that SARS COV2 wasn’t GoF is trying to save the biochemical weapons industry by doing so.

2.  It matters because it turns out that the US gave bioweapons to Iraq and started the Iraq war based upon the predicate that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

By Dr. Ah Kahn Sayed, ARKMEDIC’S BLOG                   18 February 2024

Those of you paying attention to twitter and substack over the last few weeks should have noticed a few strange things happening. Rather than going into the detail there is a common theme, which is that people in the “medical freedom movement” seem to be all fighting each other. It’s not organic of course, but simply reflects the reality that the intelligence community and its tentacle agencies run chaos agents to break up any groups gaining traction in highlighting corruption, criminal activity and war crimes committed in the biological sciences.

[Yes, war crimes. Don’t worry we’ll come to that.]

And if you think the idea that the intelligence agencies want to break up dissident groups is some sort of “conspiracy theory” look no further than these two authoritative articles:

Army’s ‘information warfare’ unit monitored Covid lockdown critics

Whistleblower reveals specialist military team spent time ‘monitoring the social media posts of ordinary, scared people.’

The 77th Brigade, a specialist unit set up to counter disinformation and other online activity deemed harmful to the UK, assisted other government units in the task. (Telegraph Reporters 1/2023)


If you have time it is worth reading the Daily Beagle’s short article on recognising “ConOps” or controlled opposition agents. But as the article above will tell you there are plenty of other acronyms used by the intelligence agencies in this area – OSINT, HUMINT, COINTELPRO, OPSEC and a whole host of other terms2.

So now we’ve established that this is happening (because you can see it playing out) the question is – Who is doing it and Why are they doing it?

This is the why:

The development of Biological weapons, or those that
 could be used as biological weapons, was made illegal
 under the Bioweapons Convention (BWC) ratified by the
 USA and USSR (Soviet Block) in 1972

The USA and Soviet block continued to develop biological
 weapons beyond 1972 in programs that were run under the
 fraudulent guise of "dual use" and were therefore war crimes.

What is dual use research you ask?

Essentially it is research into pathogens that is masquerading as “public safety” (usually in the realm of “vaccine development”) – yet results in the creation of pathogens that can then be used as biological weapons (or their mere existence can be used to threaten harm). Per the WHO:

Dual-use research of concern (DURC) describes research that is intended to provide a clear benefit, but which could easily be misapplied to do harm. It usually refers to work in the life sciences, but the principles are also applicable to other fields including engineering and information technology. It encompasses everything from information to specific products that have the potential to create negative consequences for health and safety, agriculture, the environment or national security.

Operation Paperclip

It’s essential to understand the rest of this article to understand what happened to the Nazi scientists after World War 2.

If you haven’t heard of Operation Paperclip it was the US government’s program to rehabilitate the very Nazi scientists – including those that had experimented on children – into the National Institutes of Health (the NIH, NIAID and CDC).

The scientists recruited from Operation Paperclip were then corralled into ARPA-H which was integrated into DARPA according to Annie Jacobsen’s investigation:

DARPA of course was the body that funded (or ahem, “we didn’t actually fund it”) the production of the SARS-Cov-2 virus at the Wuhan Institute of Virology – explained in detail with proof in this article from 2022 (if you haven’t read this you should):

Absolute proof: The Gp-120 sequences prove beyond all doubt that "COVID-19" was man-made

Absolute proof: The Gp-120 sequences prove beyond all doubt that “COVID-19” was man-made

APRIL 10, 2022

And no, Operation Paperclip is not a “conspiracy theory” – German Scientists were recruited to all areas of government science, including NASA.

One important aspect of the Nazi scientist recruitment program that is often overlooked however is that it had its own “Cold War” – because the USSR also wanted those scientists to make their own rockets, spaceships and of course biological weapons in the less catchily named “Operation Osoaviakhim

Of course the soviets had spies in the US side of Paperclip but that just made the US rebrand their operation and the Nazi operation eventually became DARPA. No I’m not kidding. From RFK Jr’s book “The Wuhan cover up” quoting Jacobsen:

in 1963, the FBI learned that the JIAO director, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Whalen, was a Soviet spy. The Pentagon officially disbanded the JIOA (the official Paperclip agency), tried and sentenced Whalen in secret, and rebranded operation Paperclip as the cutting-edge science agency, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), later renamed DARPA

So, now that we have established that the US science agencies have no qualms about who they recruit let’s now turn to look at just one thing that they did that will shock you.

The CDC’s Iraq Bioweapons Program

There are so many shocking things I have learnt about the NIH-CDC and their corrupt activities but none is probably as shocking as this:
In 1989 the CDC sent biological weapons to Iraq. 
The following year, the Gulf war was started which 
eventually spawned the Iraq war. The pretext for the
Iraq war was the claim that Iraq had biological 
weapons, which the CDC had sent to them. 

The US CDC had therefore set up the Iraq war 14 years
earlier. Over a million people are estimated to have 
died as a result of the Iraq war in 2003-2011

Yes of course I have the references for this amazing claim but first please take 20 seconds to read it again. The CDC provided the biological weapons that were used to start the Iraq war. Those old enough should remember this picture, which should shame every member of the US and UK military.

The picture shows the disgusting Colin Powell, who KNOWINGLY falsely claimed that Saddam Hussein had biological weapons including anthrax in order to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and as a direct consequence of the Gulf War in 1990. The vial pictured of course contained nothing innocuous. It was just for dramatic effect like OJ Simpson’s glove.

Yet how did Colin Powell know that Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction”?

Because the USA’s CDC had supplied them, that’s how.

And it wasn’t just anthrax – as if that was bad enough.

The biological weapons supplied to Iraq by the US included Aflatoxin and Mycoplasma Incognitus.

Continue reading:

February 20, 2024 | Comments »

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