Pamela Geller banned from Facebook

Pamela Geller Video that was taken down

We strongly recommend that you listen to this message from #Patriot Pamela Geller that was taken down from Ms. Geller's site.

Posted by Jewish Patriots on Wednesday, July 26, 2017

August 10, 2017 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Pamela, I love you, and I agree with you. But I’d like to point out something. According to prophecy which appears in commentary by the Malbim, in the very last days before Moshiach, Ishmael will be in power in the world. This helps explain why the craziness is happening, It still means we must do as you suggest and raise a ruckus about the discrimination against you and others. But the fact that this is happening after being prophesied shows that Our Creator is in control and this too shall pass quickly.

  2. There is a world-wide movement, led by the Moslem-majority countries and the Muslim Brotherhood to suppress freedom of speech by criminalizing it where they can, and by getting social media and private institutions to censor criticism of Islam. Pamela Geller is one of the leading victims of this suppression of freedom of speech, but all non-Moslems are victims because we are prevented from listening to critics of Islam like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and others.