By Ted Belman
Jonthan Tobin wrote recently an article that mentioned Sarah Palin in which he accused her of quitting. This illicited a strong rebuff from James V. DeLong entitled Commentary and Sarah Palin
Feel free to read it but be sure to read the 760 comments and counting made since the article was published on the 21st.
The comments are overwhelmingly in her favour.
Here’s one:
Sarah Palin has stood her ground for the last 5 years against all the hate the media could throw at her or her family to fight for this country. She worked tirelessly to forward the commonsense conservative agenda she had always articulated and she continues her work to help put government back on the side of the people.
After the 2008 election Sarah Palin helped lead Republicans to the greatest congressional victory in several generations during the 2010 election with her endorsements and rallies all over the country. Sarah Palin also had a very strong hand in the party’s few successes during the 2012 election . She campaigned for constitutional conservatives resulting in 5 conservatives being elected to the Senate and 32 conservatives to the House.
Sarah Palin has offered many statements on issues such as health care, the Federal Reserve’s money printing in funding our federal deficit, Crony Capitalism, energy independence, foreign policy, etc) She was the first Republican to make a high-profile critique of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing, though even earlier she had marked the collapsing value of the dollar as one of her issues and has repeatedly been a leading voice against the dangers of ObamaCare and the risks of President Obama’s approach to energy.
Sarah Palin has been proven right on innumerable issues and yet the left refuses to give credit where credit is due. Whether Obamacare, common core, quantitative easing or IRS intimidation, Palin has been right and the left still refuses to listen.Now, it appears Sarah Palin was right once again.(Ukraine)
And another,
Sarah Palin was a sitting governor, and at that time, before the Obama campaign and their allies in the press spent months relentlessly smearing her good name, she had the highest approval ratings of any governor in the country. Sarah held progressively higher office; she has many years executive management experience at local, regional and state levels and has a history of being a reformer and taking on powerful interests for the benefit of ordinary people.
She was a fiscal conservative who made the largest veto cuts in Alaska history, reined in the reckless waste, cut her own expenses, sold the governor’s private jet, let the personal chef go, and put away billions of dollars in savings for Alaska for a rainy day.
She was a tough CEO who went toe to toe with the Big Oil companies and fought to get the best deal for Alaskans, the resource owners she represented.
Taking on corruption and crony capitalism has always been a cornerstone of Sarah Palin’s agenda; in Alaska she did take on the old-boy network — the oil companies and her own party .As oil and gas commissioner, Sarah Palin called out the unethical practices of members of her own party. As Governor, she sought to end the back room deals and improper relationships between oil companies and politicians.
And she did all of this as a woman from a modest background who was entirely self-made – without the benefit of a rich or influential father or husband. All of Sarah Palin’s success was due entirely to her own hard work and intelligence.
@ yamit82:
There’s a line from Baudelaire about how among all the devil’s deceptions, his greatest accomplishment was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist.
MOST of us are subject to possession by demons — and almost always by more than one.
I doubt that you are an exception to either rule.
What’s to ‘enjoy’?
“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.”
~ C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
dweller Said:
The question is how could a person knows when they are or not reliable before seeing results.
dweller Said:
That is why they are not dependable (can be easily manipulated). Polls reliability could be determined after seeing the results. Almost all pollsters made wrong predictions in 2012 US presidential elections.
yamit82 Said:
I hope the demons did not make you ‘laugh’, my friend!!!!
Reincarnation is the belief of the New Age Movement based on the following assumptions. I donot believe in reincarnation.
‘Assumptions: The New Age Movement contains great diversity. However, the following ideas characterize most New Agers. (1) Pantheism-God (god/goddess) is All and All is God (god/goddess). (2) Monism-All is One. (3) Reincarnation-After you die you will be reborn as a baby and live another life. (4) You are God, and must discover your divinity. (5) Good and evil do not exist, therefore, there are no absolutes in morality. (6) Separate the historical person of Jesus from the Christ Spirit. (7) A New Age of enlightenment and transformation is coming.”
Source: 4truth dot net
Ted Belman Said:
Such constructive criticism should be appreciated.
@ honeybee:
I mean the devil DID it, and used you to his own ends.
And you LET him use you thus.
For dweller!!!
Enjoy your Demons.
@ yamit82:
No, yamit. Democrats thrive on those who BELIEVE you. (There, FIFY.)
Newsflash: Conservatives, Libertarians and Republicans have ALWAYS been in the minority. Didn’t keep them from winning with Reagan in 1980.
Unmarried ones do.
Married ones don’t.
Lotsa folks. She is EASILY the best fundraiser in either party, and always draws massive crowds. Even big donors aint blind. YOU get real.
@ yamit82:
That is the current A-1 favorite Demo Talking Point. And anybody who believes it is a prime candidate for a certain bridge I’ve got for sale, cheap. It’s made of solid gold.
@ AbbaGuutuu:
Sometimes they are reliable, sometimes not. Depends on motivation and timing.
Polls (viz., those conducted by PUBLIC polling organizations) have TWO functions, not one:
A. to ascertain public opinion.
B. to mould and create public opinion.
They make their reputation when performing function “A,” but they make their money when performing function “B.”
The more accurate their findings when they are performing their “A” function, the more money they can charge their clients when they are performing their “B” function.
At this juncture in the election cycle, the pollsters (all the ones that are interested at all) are into function “B.”
‘Nuff said. . . .
dweller Said:
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!!!!!!
@ dweller:
You mean the devil made me do it!!!!!! I like that.
@ honeybee:
I don’t believe the soul ‘reincarnates,’ if that’s what you mean. There are other rational explanations than that for the déjà vu experience
— e.g., demonic possession (wherein it is actually the demon that is doing the remembering what it originally witnessed when it was occurring (in the host person it was inhabiting at the time), and is now using the intellect, emotions, physicality, and entire physical plant of the current host to RECALL the memory.
So of course the host now (mistakenly) perceives it as his ‘own’ recollection.
yamit82 Said:
That is not true!
If Sarah decides to run, she will have a lot of independents like me voting for her. Independents and patriot americans are fed up of the status quo. I do not think you know Sarah well. Because of her discipline and courage, Sarah could do the unexpected. She is not a conventional candidate.
yamit82 Said:
honeybee Said:
Majority of Republican and Independent women according to ALL polling organizations. She lost more votes for McCain than she kept in the fold and was partly responsible for the Loss. Since then her #’s have dropped with all but the most loyal and conservative women in the Tea Party and Republican conservatives. Here is the real killer even those who like her and agree with her have stated they would never vote for her.
“We gotta get America back on the right track” If I hear that one more time I will pull my beard out. You betcha.
yamit82 Said:
Who told you that?????????
@ AbbaGuutuu:
Democrats thrive on those like you. Enough like you and the Democrats will stay in power for ever……As it is now it hardly makes much of a difference Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Conservative, Libertarians and Republicans are in the minority. Women hate Palin and so do independents the largest voting block…. Who do you think will back her to over a billion dollars? Get real!!! She has her loyal fan club of whom a large number would not be so loyal if she were a man
Not enough space here to count the ways.
Bear Klein Said:
Do you believe in polls? The mass media has its own agenda.
The polls you look at now will definitely change come 2016 and even before. Polls are subjective and are not reliable!
@ AbbaGuutuu: Take a look at this polling a whole bunch of possible GOP candidates and Palin is not considered:
Bear Klein Said:
Nobody expected for Ronald Reagan to win. Never say never!
The circumstances in 2016 would be different than what we see now.
With a decline in economy, existing corruptions, increasing frustrations and immorality, why can’t she be a person who could be supported by the majority in 2016?
dweller Said:
Her family and extended family members are very close
to each other like those in some third world countries. If so many people demand her to run (depending on the outcome of the 2014 elections), she may run. Though some like to undermine her like they did to Ronald Reagan, Sarah may surprise many come 2016!
@ Bear Klein:
True that, Sadly!!
Sarah Palin is a political force and friend of Israel. However, she will never be President of the USA.
dweller Said:
When I was a child my best friend had Downs Syndrome. He was the one who first interested me in teaching. His mother overprotected him and the best thing that happened to him was being sent to a special school. He has lived a productive life.
dweller Said:
That movie had quite the effect on me. When I grew up I turned my home into a hacienda. I collect Mexican folk art. I paint Mexican dancers. I have always loved anything Spanish or Mexican. Do you believe reincarnation?
@ dweller:
@ AbbaGuutuu:
@ AbbaGuutuu:
Unlikely that she’ll run for president in 2016. The presidency is a full-time job, and then some; and she has a special-needs child.
She may go for a SENATORIAL run, however.
@ honeybee:
I knew that; I’d seen him before, in other stuff. When I said Brando directed him, I didn’t mean Brando coached him. I meant that Brando was the DIRECTOR of One-Eyed Jacks. My mention of the lines was merely as reference to the actual scenes I’d cited. The Pickens character was a super sadistic type, and he played the part to a “T.”
It was the only film Brando actually directed. It was originally slated for Stanley Kubrick to direct, but Kubrick apparently had a conflict working with Brando, so he quit; Brando took over. (Or so goes the story.)
The signature line in the flick: ““You may be a one-eyed jack around here, but I’ve seen the other side of your face.”
honeybee Said:
I can’t agree more!!!!! The left fears and hate her because of her conservative values and rich experiences. USA is very much fed up with leftist ideology that resulted in weakest economic growth (0.1%), loss of respect internationally and division of people based on classes, gender, race etc.
The left knows that she has gained a lot of followers from time to time and if she runs in 2016 she has a great potential to win.
@ Ted Belman:
No need for surprise. He HAS called her that in the past — on I-P — several times. (Hop on the search engine, and have a look for yourself.)
@ dweller:
the accent et al wasn’t Brando’s coaching. That how the spoke. When he was in “the ring” I would get as close as allowed just listen to him. He was no dummy.
yamit82 Said:
And I thought you were an independent thinker. This is a line right out of the left. I am surprised you didn’t also her a quitter.
@ dweller:
he was NEVER Slim, not even in his rodeo days.
@ honeybee:
Nah; One-Eyed Jacks, where he played Karl Malden’s deputy sheriff. It was strictly a supporting role for Slim, but his jail-house scenes with Brando leave me in stitches every time I see it. (Brando actually directed him in it too.)
“Yeeou won’t be lookin’ so smart when that rope stretches yer neck a footertwo.”
“Git up, y’ big tubba gutz. . . .!” (Obviously, he wasn’t exactly ‘slim’ for the part.)
dweller Said:
People will say were in love. But then, Iam a bit of a Black widow spider, Sweetie.
@ honeybee:
Just don’t let it become a habit
— people will talk.
@ yamit82:
Much prefer watching Slim Pickens riding the ” A-bomb down to glory”. Love Slim Pickens, use to watch him fight bulls at the rodeos when I was a kid. He was very entertaining. Saw him and Lee Marvin Sat night in “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”. Marvin had a great voice. Pickens’s best movie was ” Rancho Deluxe”.
As for have you got a dime that won’t even keep me in chocolate and nylons , Soldier. Palin couldn’t be worst the Obama. Her husband is better looking then Michelle Obama and better behaved then Billy Boy Clinton.
honeybee Said:
In that case mankind is doomed.
Take your choice or both!!!
yamit82 Said:
Whatch talkin bout ,Cowboy. Sarah Palin is the hope of all mankind.
dweller Said:
Sucker… she’s laughing all the way to the bank, thanks to simpletons like you.
You wouldn’t know a class act in a circus.
dweller Said:
OMG Sweetie, we agree. A red rose for you!
All that, and one more thing — character.
Sarah Palin is a class act.