Palin is running for President already

By Ted Belman

This weekend she is off to visit cholera victims in Haiti with Franklin Graham..

The word is out that she is planning a trip to the UK and Israel next year.

She has been posting policy positions on Facebook for some time now including on Foreign policy, Bailouts, Obamacare, and Quantitative Easing to name just a few.

Now she has published a major policy position in the WSJ on cutting the deficit by reducing and reordering entitlements.

To my mind she is unbeatable. She has brains, beauty and balls.

December 10, 2010 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. BlandOatmeal writes:
    We’ll see. And if she wins, we’ll see what she’s made of. No President in recent history has stood up to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its kindred think tanks and foundations; and I think most folks here know what they have planned for us. McCain was CFR, and he is Palin’s godfather.


    The CFR is a huge joke – you will see this if you peruse the motley group of clowns on their Board and Membership. None of the serious politicians in this day and age belong to the CFR.

    hijinx writes:
    Although she has been accused of being intellectually light,

    Only by the intellectually light, never based on the facts of her actual record.

  2. As things are at present, Palin could win by a landslide. McCain wouldn’t have gotten half the votes he did were it not for Palin. She has tackled Big Oil, Democrats, and her own party while govenor. In recent weeks it seems that the nation has been reevaluating Obama and he has litterally been weighed and found wanting by his party and backers, including George Soros. Palin isn’t the typical ‘cardboard-cutout’ politician, but a real contender that can stir the crowds and have them hanging on her every word. Although she has been accused of being intellectually light, she has been a quick study and will show her worth. Those who easily dismiss her do so at their own peril.

  3. I don’t know if Sarah can win, but I love her. ANd, Arnold, strangely enough, I have been saying for months that she reminds me of Harry Truman and that, indeed, is a great compliment!

  4. Sarah is the one for me. She and Bobby Jindal are the only ones that speak to the people and have real concern for the people. I just pray that she can get past the big fat cat Republican elites. They have started the smear already on her. Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission says, “she has too many negatives said about her”. Go figure. This so called evangelical says he is speaking on behalf of ALL evangelicals. He reminds me of Pontius Pilate when he asked which one the people wanted him to release and they said, “Barabas”. Children of light need to wake up, read any and all so called Evangelical surveys, polls and reports very carefully to see if so called Evangelical big wigs are really speaking for you.

  5. Sarah Palin has my 100% vote of confidence to be president. You guys need to watch: SARAH PALIN’S ALASKA and see what kind of woman she truly is. If America has a first female president, it’s got to be her! She is able to do the job and will kick some serious butt!

  6. I think that even Truman’s opponent Thomas Dewey would have been an improvement over this present specimen. — AH

    Six of one, half a dozen of the other. When I see the Federal bureacracy shrinking, homeless people finding places to live, the jobless finding work comensurate with their skills, and children not being groped and searched in the airports, I’ll believe something has changed. All the Dems AND Reps have offered, so far, is bigger and more oppressive government. In a couple of years, things may be better in China: At least they’re moving in the other direction. We’ll see.

  7. BO,

    Sarah Palin is the most unlikely public figure in the USA to hang around with the likes of the Council of Foreign Relations and/or “its kindred think tanks and foundations”.

    As a middle-western American of Jacksonian as well as Zionist leanings, I have known people like Sarah Palin all my long life. If she actually is elected president of the United States, you will discover that she has no godfathers whatsoever, and she doesn’t really need any. She is as close as any public figure can come in our country to president Harry S Truman. Republican though I have been most of my life, I had higher regard for that man than for most other presidents, including his predecessor Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

    I didn’t think much of Senator McCain as a presidential possibility, and I might well have sat out the last election if someone exactly like Governor Palin had not been his running mate.

    On the other hand, now that I have lived through two years of the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, I think that even Truman’s opponent Thomas Dewey would have been an improvement over this present specimen.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  8. To my mind she is unbeatable.

    — Ted Bellman

    We’ll see. And if she wins, we’ll see what she’s made of. No President in recent history has stood up to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its kindred think tanks and foundations; and I think most folks here know what they have planned for us. McCain was CFR, and he is Palin’s godfather.

  9. I don’t know about the balls, Ted. But Sarah Palin certainly has brains, beauty and more than her share of spunk. Reducing and reordering US entitlement spending is long overdue in this country. I would easily vote for her to be America’s first female president. There’s more than a little Golda Meir in her, and Israel would have a true friend in the White House, with no further tightrope balancing between Israel and the oil sheikdoms. She would be strongly favored by the Evangelical right-wingers for whom the entirety of Aretz-Yisrael as a complete Jewish state are an essential element of their core religious beliefs.

    Besides. As an American gun-owner who takes these matters seriously, I have strong cultural affinities for her, her family and their lifestyle.

    Could she beat Barack Hussein Obama in the 2012 presidential election? I have no doubt whatsoever. Most of the electorate now see Obama as a phony former ward-heeler from Chicago’s south side, jacked up into the US Senate and then the presidency by a Hollywood-style public relations campaign. In tremendous contrast, Sarah Palin talks and acts direct, focused and honest. And in a sort of curious way, strongly reminds me of Harry S Truman, who had a similar personality and style. In short, the real McCoy, as they say.

    Would America’s liberal Jews vote for her? Maybe not. Probably not. But I don’t give a damn about that, because few of them support Israel in any way stronger then lukewarmness. People like me are nationalists. People like them are not.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI