Palestinians: More Human Rights Violations No One Talks About

by Bassam Tawil, GATESTONE •  May 8, 2023

Hamas security forces carry out an exercise simulating the murder of detainees, near Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip on October 13, 2022. (Photo by Said Khatib/AFP via Getty Images)

  • The failure [to report the deaths of two men in Hamas custody] underscores what appears their total lack of concern for the human rights of Palestinians living under the rule of Hamas….
  • The media seem more worried about the human rights of Palestinian terrorists than the rights of victims of Palestinian terrorists.
  • Adnan [the leader of the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad] was neither tortured nor mistreated in Israeli prison.
  • The stories of the two Palestinian men who died in Hamas custody are vastly different from that of Adnan. Al-Sufi’s family insist he died of torture while in Hamas custody.
  • Foreign journalists did not visit, or even try to contact, the families of the two men held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
  • The UN and human rights organizations — who expressed so much concern over the death of the hunger striker in an Israeli prison — have yet to comment on the suspicious deaths of the two Palestinians in Hamas detention in the Gaza Strip, which could constitute crimes against humanity.
  • No one cares about the two men who died in Hamas custody, apparently because Israel is not associated with their deaths. Had Al-Sufi and Al-Louh died in an Israeli prison, they would have made headlines in The New York Times, the BBC and CNN.
  • The newspapers and media organizations turning a blind eye to human rights violations committed by Hamas against Palestinians are implying, through their failure to cover these suspicious deaths, that there is nothing newsworthy about Palestinians reportedly being tortured to death in Palestinian prisons.
  • The media’s indifference to these deaths appears the result of the “racism of low expectations.”
  • “They treat Muslims like monkeys in a zoo,” stated Egyptian scholar Hamed Abdel Samad. It is as if journalists and so-called human rights groups assume that Muslims are such savages that it would be laughable even to expect civilized behavior from them; so why report it at all?
  • Some of these “correspondents” appear so blinded by their bigotry that, under the banner of being “pro-Palestinian,” they are ready to give Hamas a free pass to arrest, torture and kill as many of their fellow-Palestinians they wish.
  • There is much damning evidence of anti-Israel bias in the mainstream media and so-called human rights organizations in the West.
  • Those who ignore human rights violations committed by both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority against Palestinians do a massive disservice to the Palestinians whom they claim to support, but who remain horribly mistreated by their own leaders.

No one cares about the two men who died in Hamas custody in Gaza, apparently because Israel is not associated with their deaths. Had Al-Sufi and Al-Louh died in an Israeli prison, they would have made headlines in The New York Times, the BBC and CNN.<

The death on May 1 in an Israeli prison of Khader Adnan, a senior member of the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) organization, has received worldwide coverage in major media outlets, including CNN, BBC, The Guardian, Reuters, and The New York Times.

Meanwhile, two Palestinian men detained by the Islamist organization Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, died after a supposed unexpected “deterioration” in their health conditions in just the past month.

The deaths of the men in Hamas custody, however, was not given nearly the same attention by the international media and human rights organizations as the death of Adnan. The same newspapers and media organizations that highlighted the case of Adnan — who died after an 86-day hunger strike — chose to ignore the deaths of the two Palestinian detainees in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

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May 8, 2023 | Comments »

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