Palestinian Arab Aggression Will Never End

By Victor Sharpe, Family Security Matters

No, the terror will continue so long as Israel and the IDF merely retaliates against each and every separate Muslim Arab crime against the Jewish state’s civilian population. As one person, commenting on a blog, stated: “Israel’s taking out a few rocket launchers is like giving aspirin for cancer. It’s only a band aid – not a cure.”

These last few days, Israeli cities and villages have been bombarded with dozens of Grad and other missiles from Gaza; lethal weapons, many brought in from Libya. Last Wednesday, October 26, 2011, a Grad rocket brought into Gaza from one of Gaddafi’s looted weapons stockpiles, was fired into an Israeli town. This began a relentless daily barrage.

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There was no Israeli response until the following Saturday when a gang of Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists were spotted preparing to launch several more Grad missiles at Israeli civilian targets. They were killed and the Grads and their multi-barrelled launchers destroyed before they could be fired.

Predictably, the mainstream media attacked the victim, Israel. The BBC, CNN, and the New York Times all blamed Israel during this latest unprovoked Palestinian attack, giving the usual pass to the terrorists. This twisting of the truth must give great joy and comfort to the ghost of Josef Goebbels; Nazi Germany’s Minister of Propaganda.

But if the Israeli government does not inflict far, far more intensely painful responses to the terror bosses of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood, and all the human cockroaches who infest the Gaza Strip, then the missiles will continue to strike at southern and central Israel with increasing lethality and horror.

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) produces charts and graphs showing the ever increasing capabilities and destructiveness of the terrorists’ weapons caches. The deadly flow of Grad missiles entering Gaza – with Egyptian complicity – from the looted arms stores of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya exposes the real meaning of the Arab Spring. The so-called rebels, who were aided by NATO, are not the democratic loving folks who Hillary Clinton and her boss, Barack Hussein Obama, claimed them to be.

Along with all the European heads of state who gleefully joined in the lust for Libyan oil that masked their hollow claims of bringing democracy to Libya, Clinton and Obama have unleashed a Muslim Pandora’s Box, which will create in the Maghreb (North Africa) an Islamist, Jihadist and Sharia compliant wave that will eventually engulf Morocco and Algeria. It will extend west to Mauritania and its loathsome tentacles will then reach south beyond the Sahel and into equatorial Africa.

Like Hillary’s and Bill’s destruction of the Serbs, which allowed the ancient Serbian heartland of Kosovo to become a Muslim beach-head in the Balkans, so too Hillary’s and Obama’s misguided policies – under the guise of an Arab Spring – have plunged the world into an endless and perilous cycle of violence in which untold horrors will plague the entire globe.

The Islamic tide is rising. With every foreign policy misstep by the Obama Administration and the grotesque mishandling of her term as Secretary of State at the State Department, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are emboldening the Islamists in their aim of a creating a worldwide Caliphate.

Nowhere has their ideological foolishness and political ineptitude been more glaring than in their relentless obsession with what they call Israeli “settlements.” They even go as far as to denounce the construction of homes within Jerusalem’s city limits as “impediments to the peace process.” Again Palestinian Arab terror, the real impediment to peace, is cynically ignored.

Jerusalem, north, south, east and west is Israel’s capital. It was her capital city 3,000 years ago – millennia before the United States was created and Clinton and Obama came to power.

Judea and Samaria is the biblical, ancestral and aboriginal heartland of the Jewish patrimony going back to the time of Joshua’s entry into the Promised Land. Before that, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Jewish patriarchs, lived in the land some 4,000 years ago and are buried in Hebron, Judea; one of Judaism’s four holy cities.

Jews have always lived in this tiny sliver of land in whatever numbers they could maintain and the hills and valleys of Judea and Samaria are dotted with Judaism’s shrines, holy places, villages and ancient cities from time immemorial. The very ground embraces its Jewish heritage and patrimony. Ask the archaeologists. Read the Bible.

Yet here come Obama and Clinton, et al, parroting the mendacious and deceitful lies of the Arabs, those who call themselves Palestinians, that Judea and Samaria is Palestinian territory and that Jewish villages are “settlements.” Even Judaism’s holy shrines, such as the biblical Joseph’s tomb in Shechem – the city now known by its Arabic name, Nablus – are Islamized by the Palestinian Authority and attempts by Muslim Arabs to desecrate it and turn it into a mosque are all too frequent.

Clinton and Obama employ today, as so much of the world sadly does, the Jordanian Arab name of “West Bank” for the territory instead of biblical Jewish Judea and Samaria. This is the territory the Arabs want to take as a Palestinian state – a first stage before taking what is left of Israel. But it must be repeated again and again that there has never in all of recorded history existed a sovereign, independent nation called Palestine; and certainly not an Arab one.

This “West Bank” was seized by the British officered Jordanian Arab Legion when it invaded and occupied the territory in the 1948 Arab-Israel War. The Jordanians drove out the Jewish population, including from the Old City in Jerusalem, and the subsequent illegal Jordanian occupation was recognized only by Britain and Pakistan.

Yet the thousands of years that the land was known as Judea and Samaria are forgotten and sublimated to the name, “West Bank,” which refers to the term given to the mere 19 years of Arab occupation that lasted from 1948 to June, 1967. How strange!

So many times have such slanders and falsehoods about this Jewish heartland been spewed by Arabs and their supporters that now the world cannot comprehend the immoral, unspiritual and unhistorical fabrication that they have perpetrated.

That the morally bankrupt United Nations vomits such lies endlessly is one thing, but that Hillary Clinton and United States President, Barack Obama, repeat it and hurl it at Israel is shameful. But we know by now that neither of them are true friends of the Jewish state. Anything but.

So, in the face of the villainous campaign to delegitimize and demonize the embattled Jewish state by the Arab League, the Muslim world, the Left and the execrable international and national media – with few honorable exceptions – Israel must realize that it is time to weather the storm by responding both to Hamas and terrorist crimes and aggression with a terminally painful and crushing rejoinder.

It must also decide that, if needs be, it is better to be hung for a wolf than a sheep. After all, whatever restraint Israel shows in the face of Muslim Arab terrorism and barbarism, she will still be vilified, slandered and pilloried by a hostile and unsympathetic world. And whatever concessions she makes, one truism will always remain: Palestinian Arab aggression will never end. Contributing Editor Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer, contributing editor, and author of Volumes One and Two of “Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.” Volume Three will be published shortly.

October 31, 2011 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Israel made an error after the Six Day War. I remember thinking that this was time to send out a clarion call to the young people around the world. Come and settle in this area. Fill it with Jews! Claim by numbers. If I am correct, Moshe Dayan was sending the Arabs into Jodan and the U.S. forced Israel to go and get them back. Israel then told the U.S. the Arabs in the West Bank area would become a Fifth Column. But it was to no avail.

    My question, How is Israel being forced. Why is Israel not charging for all the free help it gives to the West, especially the U.S. in the form of Intelligence (Israel delivered free, a totally intact MIG), weapons upgrades, ete. etc. etc. Netanyahu said that Israel was the U.S.’s BEST FRIEND. He should elaborate, so the American people and his own people would know.

  2. The terror will continue until it is destroyed but the false concept proportionality will make that impossible.
    Jews cannot rely on the world to defend themselves.

  3. The ones begging and crawling are unJews. Erev Rav.
    JEWS would love to take down the Oslo treason plan “partners”.
    The tragic problems we face are predicated upon us allowing said unJews to control the State of Israel and many Diaspora communities.

  4. Jews must stop pleading for fairness from the 2000 year seiral jew killers as a substitute for actionon its own behalf. It must unapologetically act decisively in its own interest. With the breach of oslo do the folowing: Annex judea samaria;deport the plo,pa and their militias to gaza(their return was due to oslo)and set up new civil admin in JS with no past terrorists; declare refugee problem solved by swap of jewish refugees who fled arab lands and declare the west bank arabs to be foreign aliens of stateless or jordanian citizenship(given in past by jordan)and allow conditional temporary residence based on behavior(any crimes being mandatory deportation); peace offered for peace only with any aggression being disproportionately answered.

  5. 1) Precisely! Is anyone in the Israeli power structure listening? What the enemy (and Europe, the cradle of the Shoah, Inquisition, etc.) wants is not peace with/for Israel but israel in pieces.

    2) If I am not mistaken:
    Gaddafi declared he was going to refuse to sell oil to the West, and would instead sell to China etc. He then made a race for Benghazi to grab the oil refineries there. It was then that the NATO attacks began, with the lie that they were going to help the democratic movement there. It mattered not that the so called rebels would make the Taliban look like Mother Theresa. P.S. The tunnels that had to be destroyed to ferret out the Taliban had been originally built by the Americans to defeat the Russians. Again it mattered not the quality of the folks being supported. The Fist Gulf War was instituted because Kuwait is where the oil is., with the lie that we were going to help the poor Kuwaitis.

    The bombing of Serbia, an ally in WWII, in support of Kosovo (Ablania was Axis) was in support of Ethnic Albanians who already had a country, it was called Albania. The underlying agenda eludes…?

    What should be clear is that Islam claims that any land EVER that has been occupied by Muslims, FOREVER belongs to Islam. So the method is to fill an area with Muslim peoples (as is happening in Europe etc.), claim persecution and special rights, build religious edifices on top of the indigenous holy places, etc., and finally demand separation. Creating a theocratic despotic regime, with the help of democratic nations. (Witness Pakistan, Gaza, etc.).

    Post Script. Is there a list of the names of supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood that are now part of the Obama advisory team, etc.?

  6. Precisely.
    But those allowed to run the oncology department in question are not professionals on that field.
    They are just inimical spin… doctors.