Grift Meets Reality – Repubs Out Voted 2 1/2 To 1 in Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots
Peloni: Pennsylvania was a must win for Kamala, and base upon the results of Quantum computing, it looks like she is going to win it handily, even while the Republicans are somewhere between pretending and honestly blind as to what is coming.
This was always the problem with the notion that Republicans should simply join the ballot harvesting game and out do the Democrats at their own game. Indeed, the folly in this premise is that ballot harvesting is the Democrats’ game, and they have the expertise in this legitimized game of cheating. When the Republican claims of potential victory finally catch up with the reality that they have lost Pennsylvania, how much campaign cash will have passed thru and to the hands of the relevant players, and regardless of every excuse which might be mustered, it appears pretty certain that Kamala will not be stopped in Pennsylvania.
Numbers do not lie. Republican grifters do. Total collapse of the numbers for GOP in Pennsylvania
Omega4America | Oct 23, 2024
The StopBogusBallots team, led by Peter Bernegger is not only tracking every BS ballot cast in Pennsylvania, it is tracking every ballot.
No good news here for the Trumpsters!
As of 10/18 at 8:00 AM, the Democrats had 1,017,055 ballots approved to be mailed out.
The Republicans – 502,805