Big Tech’s H1B Arguments Aren’t Just FALSE… They’re Also Immoral  

Janet Levy:  This speaks to the critical role of advisors.  The people a president surrounds himself with, make decisions that affect everyone.

William Upton | National Pulse | Dec 26, 2024

A fierce debate has broken out between President-elect Donald J. Trump’s very recent tech industry supporters and his long-standing America First base. At the core of the disagreement is the subject of legal immigration—specifically, how Trump should handle so-called “high-skilled” foreign worker programs like the H1B visa.

One of the staunchest proponents of expanding the labor pool in this way is billionaire Elon Musk. In a Christmas Day post on X, Musk exclaimed America needs more than double the 160,000 semiconductor industry engineers said to be required by 2032.

“No, we need more like double that number yesterday! The number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low,” Musk wrote, adding: “Think of this like a pro sports team: if you want your TEAM to win the championship, you need to recruit top talent wherever they may be. That enables the whole TEAM to wn.”

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December 29, 2024 | 2:10 am | 6 Comments »

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Ireland versus Israel  

By Eileen F. Toplansky | Am Thinker | Dec 28, 2024

Jews first came to Ireland in 1079.  But when Britain expelled all of its Jews in 1290, the Jews of Ireland were forced to leave.  A small number returned in the late 15th century as refugees from the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal.  In the 1700s, the synagogue in Dublin was forced to close.  In fact, “contributing to the closure may have been the government’s refusal to grant citizenship to Jews, despite other bills that gave citizenship to other foreign nationals.”

In the early 1920s and 1930s, Irish sympathies lay squarely with the Zionists and drew heavily on the presumed parallels between historical Irish and Jewish suffering.

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December 28, 2024 | 12:27 pm | 14 Comments »

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Energy crisis has Iran on the brink — and hands Trump a historic opportunity  

Behnam Ben Taleblu | Dec 27, 2024

“Fools” flocking to the “scent of kebab”: That’s how Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei recently described audiences abroad who sense an opportunity to support Iran’s people against their clerical overlords in the face of his regime’s myriad challenges.

But the joke’s on Khamenei: When President Donald Trump returns to the White House next month, the United States will have a chance to end Tehran’s menace for good.

Iran is sunk in a months-long energy crisis that’s rocking the regime to its foundations.

Home to significant oil and natural gas reserves, the Islamic Republic has defied the Biden administration’s (admittedly lax) sanctions to remain involved in the global energy trade.

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December 28, 2024 | 12:06 pm | Comments »

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Raylan Givens tweeted the following

10 DAYS TO WIN A WAR: In September 2024, PM Netanyahu made 2 decisions that decided the war with Hezbollah within 10 days – the pager operation (9/17), and the assassination of Nasrallah (9/27).

In both cases, Bibi clearly stood up to then DM Gallant and IDF Chief of Staff Halevi, who opposed him on executing both of the operations. Here is the story behind the scenes of those dramatic 10 days

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December 28, 2024 | 11:08 am | Comments »

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The True Faces of the Emerging Terror Regime in Syria  

Israel Minister of Diaspora and Combating Antisemitism, Amichai Chikli, Tweeted the following:

We must not look away—these are the true faces of the emerging terror regime in Syria. These are @RTErdogan allies.

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December 28, 2024 | 10:57 am | 2 Comments »

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Israeli leaders debate whether to strike Iran to stop Houthi attacks  

Head of Mossad David Barnaea and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: flash 90, Edited by All Israel News staff).

Following an increase in attacks from Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, the Israeli government is reportedly weighing its military options for dealing with the threat.

According to reports in Israeli media, Israeli leaders are debating an escalation in strikes against the Houthi rebels in Yemen, which is said to be the strategy favored by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, or to strike against Iran directly, as the initiator of the attacks, said to be favored by Mossad Director David Barnea.

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December 28, 2024 | 10:22 am | Comments »

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The Spies Who Hate Us  

By Jeffrey A. Tucker | Dec 25, 2024

Brownstone Institute has been tracking a little-known federal agency for years. It is part of the Department of Homeland Security created after 9-11. It is called the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency or CISA. It was created in 2018 out of a 2017 executive order that seemed to make sense. It was a mandate to secure American digital infrastructure against foreign attack and infiltration.

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December 28, 2024 | 10:19 am | Comments »

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Ringolevio and Exploding Pagers  

By Walter E. Block

When I was a child growing up in Brooklyn, New York, we kids used to play a game. It was called Ringolevio. I was born in 1941, so this must have been around 1948-1951 or so. According to the rules, there were two equally sized teams (if there were an odd number of players, one team with the better players would have fewer of them; we wanted to equalize things, so as to have a good competition). Each player would try to “capture” the members of the opposite teams. The way to do this was to grab him (no girls played this game, at least not in my neighborhood), and yell Ringolevio 123, 123, 123. If the victim were not able to break free by then, he was placed in a “jail,” or “safe house.” When the entire opposing army was located there, the other team had won. However, you could break your team-mate out of the safe house by touching him and saying “Ollie, Ollie, Oxen Free” (don’t ask; these rules were passed down generation after generation). Of course, this was not easy, since the capturing team would leave one or two members there to stand guard and prevent such outbreaks. When you were captured, and in one of these jails or safe houses, the rules specified you could not be further “molested” in any manner, shape or form. No more grabbing at you by the other side.

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December 28, 2024 | 9:11 am | 1 Comment »

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Putin’s Remarks About Jews, Ukraine, And The Russian Orthodox Church Aren’t Anti-Semitic  

Peloni:  This was a very interesting read.  While I completely reject the notion made by Putin’s remark that “They are ethnic Jews” as there are far more than just Jews who are responsible for the repulsively repressive policies against the Russian Orthodox Christian Church to which Putin is addressing, but the explanation argued by Korybko is completely reasonable, beyond the objection I make here.

Andrew Korybko | Dec 25, 2024

His intent was actually to absolve Jews of the collective responsibility for Zelensky’s crimes and his radical ideological crusade against the Russian Orthodox Church that anti-Semites attribute to them solely due to their ethno-national and religious association with him.

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December 28, 2024 | 8:51 am | Comments »

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Did WHO Officials In the Intel Comm Suppress FBI COVID Lab Leak Theory?  

Having a consultant from a foreign organization controlling intelligence is a threat to national security.


The COVID era was an Orwellian nightmare in which official narratives ruled and suppressing ‘disinformation’ was seen as the only means to save lives. Dubious claims that even those distributing them did not believe, like the supreme power of surgical masks or the natural origins of the Wuhan Virus, became dominant under the guise of a national and global emergency.

The idea that the Wuhan Virus emerging into a worldwide pandemic was unrelated to the Wuhan biolab working on gain of function research on those same viruses was implausible. It violated Occam’s Razor and yet the intelligence community, among others, took a lead in shutting it down.

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December 27, 2024 | 11:50 am | 4 Comments »

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“America’s Transition: Working to Make America Great Again”  

By Paul E Vallely, MG – US Army (Ret) | December 26, 2024

There was a time when differing political opinions meant an excellent discussion at the dinner table or workplace. In those days, political business conducted itself through compromise. After all, they all believed in the fundamental values of America: freedom, love of God, country, family, and hard work through private enterprise. We were all in it together. No longer. After all, the Left controls most of the media, education, Hollywood, Big Tech, Big Pharma, big business, and much of the federal government through their deep state. If you try to computer research a political question, your answer will come from the New York Times, NPR, the Boston Globe, Time, The Washington Post, Rolling Stone, CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and The Daily Beast. You will have to scroll way down to get anything approaching objectivity.

You would think the Left was the majority. The Left in America has co-opted loyalty to America for allegiance to the tribe. And this tribe is anti-America, pro-democratic socialism (whatever that is), pro-censorship, transgenderism, open homosexuality, open borders, a universal basic income, and faith in science, not God. And their science has no room for diverse opinions, including God’s. Secretly, to them, all science has a political objective. Climate change will require massive societal change as long as one can change one’s gender. Climate change has become the outing of natural gas: the introduction of digital ID, central bank digital currency, 15-minute cities, no private transportation, lab-grown meat, no dairy, no private property, no privacy. The elimination of billions of people. Did they tell you that? Yes, they did, but you weren’t listening. It will be to your detriment if you don’t believe this.

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December 27, 2024 | 11:37 am | 1 Comment »

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What about the Houthies?  

By Walter E. Block

The worst possible affront in the lexicon of the wokesters is racism (sorry, sexism has to still sit in the back of the bus; it is only the second worst sin in their view). Both, seemingly, are worse than mass murder, rape, slavery (unless aimed at a downtrodden racial group).

I was almost ready to accuse Israel of racism! Racism against whom? Why, the Houthies of course. Israel cannot be accused of racism against Hamas. As of October 8, 2023, the IDF was paying full attention to that group. Belatedly, only a week or so ago, has the Israeli military heavily focused on Hezbollah. The only civilized country in the Middle East can no longer be accused of ignoring that particular terrorist group. But what about the Houthies? Until just a few days ago, the IDF was guilty of overlooking and disregarding that organization. If that is not racism, woke style, then nothing is racism, woke style.

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December 27, 2024 | 8:16 am | 1 Comment »

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Israel Is Doing Everyone a Favor By Hitting the Houthis Harder  

Seth Mandel | Commentary | Dec 26, 2024

The fundamental problem with the Western way of war strategy in the 21st century is on display in Yemen.

The Houthis, an Iranian proxy militia, are everyone’s problem. In their current siege of the Red Sea shipping route and the waterways around Yemen, they have killed innocent crew members, sank ships, targeted U.S. Navy vessels with missile attacks, held global trade hostage, and expanded regional war.

They are also, by the way, deliberately starving the Yemeni civilian population—an act that is facilitated by the above-noted warmongering. “Being in constant conflict is actually strengthening their domestic cohesion,” Wolf-Christian Paes, senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, told the Times of Israel. “Because people are not asking so much about service delivery and the economy and all of that when you’re in war.”

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December 27, 2024 | 5:02 am | Comments »

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Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy and the Silicon Valley Tech Millionaire Group Continue Lambasting Americans While Advocating for Expanded Foreign Worker Visas  

Peloni: Is the return of American exceptionalism really to be based upon H-1b visas?   Is this really how Americans make America Great Again?  With an immigration injection of the right stuff, so to speak?  The problem with the likes of Ramaswamy, who owes his success to funds from the Soros family and the promotion of a failed Alzheimer drug which was known to fail before Ram promoted its successes, is that he is not “Trumpier than Trump”, as he once sardonically claimed.  In fact, Ram has no appreciation of the American people, and in fact has a great disdain for them, their acumen, and the culture which initiated the concept of American exceptionalism in the first place.  Indeed, the hallmark of American exceptionalism is not based on personal academic marks nor on personal academic acceptance, both of which the H-1b program would focus upon.  Instead, I think that Eric Weinstein explains this point best in the following 2min video [LINK

Arguably, American exceptionalism is, at least in part, based on accepting and promoting unconventional thought as often expressed by unconventional individuals, for if convention is to be the height of what is viewed as exceptional in America, we would be lowering the bar of potential success considerably, exposing an enormous Achilles Heal in Ram’s erroneously short sighted claim that a return of American exceptionalism must come thru the cultural change which will be led by foreign immigration forced thru the H-1b program.  Indeed, the number of H-1b candidates which Ram would be injecting into American society would be woefully short of being capable of making any such cultural change possible as Ram is suggesting?  Instead it might be better argued that one would be better situated to Make America Great Again by unleashing the American born initiative which would come from unburdening American individuality, American ingenuity, and American advancement.  By doing so America will, without any need of foreign competition, lead the world towards greater heights than Ram’s plan to ram thru his cheap labor sourcing of compliant, conventional, and cost effective H-1b candidates.

Sundance | Dec 26, 2024

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December 27, 2024 | 2:47 am | 24 Comments »

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The terrorist who shattered the Oslo myth  

Fuad Shubaki devoted his life to financing the bombers, snipers, grenade-hurlers, stabbers and rock-throwers waging nonstop jihad against Israel.

Moshe Phillips – national chairman of Americans For A Safe Israel, a leading pro-Israel advocacy and education group

Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas with Fuad Shubaki, March 2023 Source: “Wafa” News Agency via MEMRI.

If there was one terrorist whose life epitomized the Arab war against Israel and shattered the illusions fostered by the Oslo Accords, it was Fuad Shubaki, who died this week at the age of 83.

Shubaki was born in Gaza in 1940. Note that the Jews didn’t rule Gaza in those days (the British did), so Gazans didn’t demand a Palestinian state and didn’t organize any movement for independence. The next occupier was Egypt. The Egyptians illegally occupied Gaza in 1948 and ruled it for the next 19 years—yet still, there was no uprising against an occupation.

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December 27, 2024 | 1:12 am | 3 Comments »

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Khamenei’s Brilliant Failure  

His strategy against Israel and the United States was working—until Hamas attacked Israel.

By Reuel Marc Gerecht | December 23, 2024

On October 6, 2023, the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, could have done a tour d’horizon of the Middle East and been proud. His anti-Israeli/anti-American battle plan was working. An array of Shiite and Palestinian Sunni Islamist militias—the Houthis in Yemen, Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and a smorgasbord of militant groups in Iraq—had effectively given Iran imperial reach at relatively little cost.

Through this “Axis of Resistance,” the clerical regime could harass Americans in Iraq and Syria. Ever fearful of escalation, Washington never took the fight back to Iran directly—with the exception of President Donald Trump’s decision in 2020 to kill in Baghdad Qassem Suleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force and the operational mastermind behind Iranian strategy. The axis was designed to keep America fatigued in the Middle East, to keep it leery of deeper intervention. Similarly, the alliance intended to complicate Israeli calculations, to keep Jerusalem from “mowing the lawn”—the routine pummeling of Israel’s nearest foes—for fear that military escalation against one party might trigger a wider conflict. With time, the axis would only get stronger; the Zionists and Americans weaker. For years, this approach worked.

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December 27, 2024 | 12:10 am | 3 Comments »

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