PA has always reneged on Oslo

By Ted Belman

If talks fail, we will renege on Oslo accords, PA warns
“We can’t remain committed to the agreements that were signed with Israel forever,” said Yasser Abed Rabbo, a senior PLO official and an adviser to PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

“One party can’t remain committed while the other party has violated the agreements and even canceled them.”

The time could come when the Palestinians would “reconsider” their commitment to the accords, “if the Israelis continued with the same policy,” Abed Rabbo said.

Like when did they not reneg on Oslo. What a joke.

– didn’t amend their charter
– didn’t stop incitement
– didn’t stop terror
– initiated the Intafada in 2000 killing 1300 Israelis
– refused to grant Israel defensible borders

all as required by Oslo

Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu writes PA Warns It May Break Oslo Accord that It Already Has Broken

October 24, 2010 | Comments »

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