PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART DLXXIV] – Multistate Update

By Robert B. Sklaroff

First, the focus is on what is occurring in individual states; second, the focus is on one more elaborative issue that carries national import. A more generalized review pends.

In Arizona, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer presented proof against Dominion Machines; first 34 min deals with his prior presentation and clarification starts at minute 35. Catherine Engelbrecht says the cooperation with law enforcement is not working out; Gregg Phillips reinforces this conclusion (here and here). Thus, True the Vote is ditching that path while pursuing work based on pings referenced in 2000 Mules; also recommended is elimination of mail-in ballots, for all should be counted at the precinct.

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AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem Expects Arrests in Arizona: “Maricopa County Isn’t The Only County – We Are Waiting for Indictments”

Two More AZ State Legislators Receive Subpoenas from Liz Cheney’s Jan 6 Gang After Arizona Election PROVEN To Be Rigged And Stolen

Sentencing For Arizona Ballot Trafficker Pushed Forward After NEW Footage Released – New Hearing Set For July 7th

Brandon Sues Arizona To Block Law Requiring Voters to Prove US Citizenship to Vote

Strange Things Happened in the Colorado Primary Election – Part 1

Mark Zuckerberg’s Political Operative’s Unbelievable Victory in the Colorado GOP Secretary of State Primary

“Signature tag-team” occurs in Colorado, whereby matching only occurs with the most recent version; no effort is made to compare a new with an original.

VoterGA lost its first appeal regarding Fulton County, predictable based on how the lower court had interpreted the Woods case; because proving “particularity” was evasive to gain standing and, thus, I advised the filing with the Georgia Supremes challenge how the law is being invoked and/or challenge any problematic facet of the law itself [anticipating a SCOTUS filing]. Now I advised the prior conclusions in this case be cited on second appeal based on preliminary review of the ballots reviewed before the process stopped. VoterGA also filed an election challenge for the Republican primary’s Secretary of State race; it’s cleaning up voter rolls in Georgia. David Cross has petitioned all members of the State Election Board, the Georgia General Assembly, the Secretary of State, and the Governor to mandate ability to audit via paper ballots.

Missouri Governor Parsons Signs House Bill (HB) 1878; Requires Voter ID and Eliminates Drop Boxes

Oregon County Suing Voter Integrity Group to Stop Examination Of 2020 Ballots, Admits Systems Can Be Hacked

Michigan’s A.G. Dana Nessel Threatens to Indict GOP Opponent Matt DePerno

Progress Michigan sued the GOP alleging an unprecedented and racist attempt to disenfranchise Black voters in Detroit; FOIA was denied.

“2000 Mules” Investigator Gregg Phillips Announces Investigative Team Has Identified Unique Devices from Inside the TCF Center During Late Night 2020 Election Ballot Dump

Wisconsin Added 29% of Their ENTIRE VOTING POPULATION to Voter Rolls in 10 Months Prior to 2020 Election — 957,977 New Names!


The ERIC system is corrupt, but note this excerpt from the South Carolina budget:


SECTION 26.3. If the State’s continued membership in the Electronic Registration

Information Center (ERIC) requires the State Board of Elections or a local board of elections to change any of the policies or procedures related to elections in this State, the change in policy or procedure shall not occur unless approved by an act of the General Assembly.

The ERIC website says it only collects last 4 of SSN.  What is the NC prohibition?

What Data Does ERIC Collect From Member States?

Each member submits at a minimum its voter registration and motor vehicle license data. The data includes names, addresses, date-of-birth, last four digits of the social security number. Private data such as date of birth and the last four digits of the Social Security number are protected using a cryptographic one-way hash and then transmitted to ERIC. An explanation of how the hashing process works, how it is used in the ERIC data matching process, and how privacy is protected is in the Technology and Security Overview.

What this means is that governmental privacy mandates are punctured by ERIC.


July 7, 2022 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. Thanks Peloni; however, you said,

    best of luck to you!

    “Luck” (roughly, “statistics”) is on the Devil’s side — it shows Oregon continuing its downward slide, and going to hell in a handbasket. I need something far more powerful than “luck”. I need the God of Moses and Aaron.

  2. @Michael

    I am beginning to get involved … at the precinct level

    A very important endeavor. Local action leveraged towards a national network to take back the base level and force the machines, drop boxes and mail-in ballots out, while also gaining greater control and reciprocity from the elected officials. Well done, and best of luck to you!

  3. Hi, Peloni. You said,

    Regarding Oregon, correct me if I am in error, but my understanding is that Oregon has not had a legitimate election in many many election cycles now. I looked into the state’s elections last year and my recollection is that everything is done by mail, which eliminates any public control of the outcome of the elections.

    You are correct — Oregon was the FIRST state to mandate universal mail-in voting (some two decades ago), and the Democrats have had a lock on ALL major offices ever since.

    I am beginning to get involved with the local Republican Party here, at the precinct level, as my health allows. In the primary elections, I did some canvassing of voter rolls and found more irregularities than regularities.

    Decades ago, when I used to carry a “little red book” in my pocket, I learned of a saying by Mao Tse Tung:

    “If you don’t hit it, it won’t fall”

    Of course, of late I’ve been imploring God and the angels to do the hitting for me, I also join in the fray; and IT WILL FALL.

  4. @Michael
    None of this is remotely possible to handle at the state level, as the corruption is too deep and the interstate connections of the corruption is too palpably present. Hence, we are left to deal with the SCOTUS, which has so far failed to fulfil their duties on this topic. Still they will have to deal with it, as the mounting inconsistent rulings will require their input, this in addition to the fact that it rested with them to have prevented all this chaos from ever being permitted.

    The rulings in favor of election transparency and accountability place an extra onus upon the SCOTUS. It presents a contrary ruling to those rulings supporting the corruption. The lack of a solidified support of the fraudulent practices, such as drop boxes, will force the SCOTUS to actually overrule those courts supporting election accountability. Rephrasing this, for the SCOTUS to support drop boxes, they will have to overrule the WI State Supreme Court, making their complicity in the fraud quite clear. They did not rule in 2020 because they did not want to be seen to support the fraud, and so they kicked it til it was mooted, but they do not have this ability in the current cases. They will have to rule. Their hesitency to openly support the fraud in the 2020 election, suggests to me that there is still reason to suspect that they may not rule in support of the fraud, for it would have been far easier to do so when there were not multiple cases fairly ruling against the continued support of the fraud.

    Regarding Oregon, correct me if I am in error, but my understanding is that Oregon has not had a legitimate election in many many election cycles now. I looked into the state’s elections last year and my recollection is that everything is done by mail, which eliminates any public control of the outcome of the elections. With the shenanigans such as you shared being beyond the public’s input, the elected class will do just as they please until some authority, such as a SCOTUS ruling which will affect the whole nation or Oregon specifically (unlikely), returns some level of control over the elected class back within the grasp of the public.

  5. Peloni,

    My appeal to God is that something good will come of all the shenanigans in Wisconsin, the state I was born and raised in; but don’t hold your breath. We left that place some 30 years ago, for the “clean political air” of Oregon, where we now have:

    In a stunning revelation, legal documents show Oregon elections officials have inadvertently admitted that voting systems are vulnerable to attacks even when not connected to networks. This comes via the confusing legal mess that voter integrity organization Clean Voter Rolls has found themselves in, thanks to their simple request to examine the ballots from the 2020 election.

    Clean Voter Rolls made a public records request of Washington County elections, led by Elections Manager, Mickie Kawai. The county, just west of Portland, initially denied the request, but the district attorney overturned the denial and ordered the disclosure of the ballots.

    Then the county sued the individual requestor, Tim Sippel, to stop the disclosure of the ballots. Soon the Secretary Of State’s office and Department Of Justice intervened on behalf of the county. Countless dollars are now being spent by government entities to stop the public from seeing the ballots. One man is now dealing with the full brunt of the state government coming after him.

    Secretary of State Shemia Fagan sought a restraining order against Sippel to forbid him from sharing the data he already has. The order was granted and has been extended.

    This is no ordinary battle: We are fighting a legion of demons (and with God, we will win!)

  6. State Supreme Court rules unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes illegal

    A split Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled unmanned drop boxes are illegal and voters must deliver their absentee ballots by mail or in-person to their clerks.

    The 4-3 ruling found the Wisconsin Elections Commission gave inappropriate advice to local clerks that they could use the drop boxes as the COVID-19 pandemic swept across Wisconsin and the nation.

    “WEC’s staff may have been trying to make voting as easy as possible during the pandemic, but whatever their motivations, WEC must follow Wisconsin statutes. Good intentions never override the law,” Justice Rebecca Bradley wrote for the majority.

    Bradley was joined in the majority by fellow conservatives Brian Hagedorn, Pat Roggensack and Annette Ziegler.

    Writing for the minority, Justice Ann Walsh Bradley wrote drop boxes are a “simple and perfectly legal solution to making voting easier, particularly in the midst of a global pandemic.” She lamented the ruling wasn’t a surprise from the court.

    “It has seemingly taken the opportunity to make it harder to vote or to inject confusion into the process whenever it has been presented with the opportunity,” Bradley wrote.

    She was joined by fellow liberals Rebecca Dallet and Jill Karofsky.

    Read the decision here:

  7. Catherine Engelbrecht says the cooperation with law enforcement is not working out; Gregg Phillips reinforces this conclusion

    The point that seems to have been overlooked here in this report is that Engelbrecht and Phillips are now advocating to use local sheriffs to prosecute the fraud, both in 2020 and in 2022 challenges. The potential of working with the Sheriffs was always a source of untapped strength, but the prior organization of Sheriffs refused to intercede in the election contest. True the Vote has been working with Sheriff Mark Lamb and together they have created an organization of over 2500 Sheriffs, representing about 2/3 of the Sheriffs around the country. The organization which is called is “an organization dedicated to supporting sheriffs around the country to serve and protect our citizens”. Together they are working to educate citizens while also equipping sheriffs with the knowledge of their authority as well as the tools to protect the election process.

    Among the tools that have been developed to aid the sheriffs in this fight, is an online database that, in real time, collects and charts the incoming vote updates on all races as the updates are reported. This tool was developed by Jeff O’Donnell and demonstrates obvious vote tampering such as when the incoming vote is consistently demonstrated to be reported at a given ratio, eg 50-50, 70-30, etc. The ability to access this information in real time affords a real time ability of the sheriffs to investigate and gather evidence as needed. It also provides immediate input to the ‘defeated’ candidate and the nature of their defeat. Once a candidate has conceded their race, the ability to contest the outcome of a rigged election is greatly downgraded.