Overcome evil with good

Peloni: Benz:  “When you see Soros and you see NATO, it’s the same picture.  When you see the US State Dept or the UK Foreign Office and you see Soros, it’s the same picture.  When you see the CIA or British Intelligence and you see Soros, it’s the same picture.  They’re the same Blob.”

Tierney News | July 6

I’m working on a long newsletter about the importance of the latest SCOTUS rulings, Trump’s sentencing delay and the convoluted attempt to replace Biden – but while you’re waiting take ten minutes and listen to this video clip.

You’ll FINALLY understand how the Globalist uni-party NWO swamp of today actually works together and how it started during the cold war.

I’ve reported all this before but Mike Benz explains it all in a way that’s quick and easy to understand. It will also make it clear why they hate Trump so because he wants to dismantle all this.

BTW – Soros doesn’t just work for the Democrats. He works for the NWO uni-party – including guys like John McCain & Mitt Romney. How did THAT happen? Soros began as an operative for the CIA – recruited by Reagan – to create an infrastructure within other countries so the CIA could use coups and revolutions to take down the Soviets during the cold war.

Soros once said he wanted to create the United States of Soros out of the fallen Soviet Union. “Stealing” Ukraine was one of his goals (as I reported over 4 years ago) and now it’s personal. Soros funded Mitt Romney & John McCain and their ventures and they ran for President on the Republican ticket!

Soros & the CIA have two different operations – one serving the left and one serving the right. They just call them by different names and use different front groups.

Soros’ so-called humanitarian network has evolved into something else entirely since the cold war, is used in conjunction with the big hedge funds (think BlackRock) to launder OUR money and foreign money and has now been turned AGAINST US.

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July 7, 2024 | Comments »

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