Our World: Hamas and the Washington establishment


To date, the Republican presidential primary race has been the only place to have generated any useful contributions to America’s collective understanding of current events in the Middle East. Last month, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich became the first major political figure in more than a generation to pour cold water over the Palestinian myth of indigenous peoplehood by stating the truth, that the Palestinians are an “invented people.”

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As Gingrich explained, their invention came in response to Zionism, the Jewish national liberation movement. Since they were created somewhere around 1920, the Palestinians’ main purpose has not been the establishment of a Palestinian state but the obliteration of the Jewish state.

For his truth telling, Gingrich was attacked by fellow politicians and policy hands on both sides of the ideological divide. To his credit, Gingrich has not backed away from the truth he spoke. Rather he has repeated it in two subsequent Republican candidates’ debates.

The second important contribution that Republican presidential candidates have made to the discourse on the Middle East was undertaken by Texas Gov. Rick Perry during a candidates’ debate in South Carolina on January 17, shortly before he pulled out of the race. When asked about Turkey, Perry said that country “is being ruled by what many would perceive to be Islamic terrorists.” He went on to say that the US ought to be having a debate about whether Turkey should continue to serve as a member of NATO.

Like Gingrich, Perry was pilloried by all right thinking people in the US foreign policy elite. And like Gingrich, Perry was right. The hoopla his statement generated showed just how destructive so much of America’s received wisdom about the Middle East has become. Moreover, it demonstrated the extent to which the US has adopted Middle East policies that are inimical to its national interests.

After Hamas won the Palestinian elections in January 2006, Turkey was the first country to invite Hamas’s terror master Khaled Mashal to Ankara. Turkish Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan’s move provoked criticism from the Bush administration. But Erdogan just shrugged it off. And he was right to do so. By 2006, then secretary of state Condoleezza Rice had come to view Erdogan as the US’s indispensable ally in the Muslim world. As she saw it, he was proof that Islamist parties could be democratic and moderate.

The fact that Erdogan embraced Hamas could not get in the way of Rice’s optimistic assessment. So, too, the fact that Erdogan embarked on a systematic campaign to stifle press freedom, curb judicial independence and imprison his political critics in the media and the military could not move Rice from her view that Erdogan personified her belief that moderate jihadists exist and ought to be embraced by the US.

Rice’s starry-eyed view of Erdogan set the stage of US President Barack Obama’s even stronger embrace of the increasingly tyrannical Turkish Islamist. Since Obama took office, not only has Ankara stepped up its support of Hamas, and ended even the pretense of a continued strategic alliance with Israel that it maintained during the Bush years. Turkey began serving as Iran’s chief diplomatic protector while vastly expanding its own strategic and economic ties with Tehran.

In the face of Turkey’s openly anti-American behavior and actions, Obama clings to Erdogan even more strongly than Rice did. Obama reportedly views Erdogan as his most trusted foreign adviser. According to the media, Obama speaks with Erdogan more often than he speaks to any other foreign leader. In a recent interview with Time magazine, Obama listed Erdogan as one of the key foreign leaders with whom he has formed a friendship based on trust.

Over the past few weeks, Turkey has emerged as Hamas’s largest financier. During an official visit in Turkey, Hamas’s terror master in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh received a hero’s welcome. Erdogan pledged to finance the jihadist movement to the tune of $300 million per year.

COMMENTATORS CLAIM that Turkey’s sponsorship of Hamas was necessitated by Iran’s abandonment of the terror group. Iran, it is claimed, cut Hamas off in August due to the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood’s refusal to actively assist Iran’s other Arab client – Syrian President Bashar Assad – in massacring his domestic opponents.

These analyses are problematic for two reasons. First, it is far from clear that Iran cut Hamas off. Iran’s rulers have invited Haniyeh to Tehran for an official visit. This alone indicates that the mullahs remain committed to maintaining their relationship with the jihadist movement that controls the Gaza Strip.

And why would they want to cut off that relationship? By serving as Hamas’s chief sponsor since 2006, Iran has won enormous credibility in the Arab world. This credibility has bought Tehran influence with the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and beyond. Particularly now, with the Brotherhood taking over Egypt and much of the Arab world, Iran would only stand to lose by cutting off Hamas.

The second problem with these assessments is that it makes little sense to believe that Turkey has replaced Iran as Hamas’s main state sponsor since Iran and Turkey are not necessarily competing over Hamas. Given the interests shared by Tehran and Ankara, it is far more reasonable to assume that they are coordinating their moves regarding Hamas.

Iran became Hamas’s chief financier and weapons supplier the same year that Erdogan emerged as Hamas’s most important political supporter. And in the six years since then, Iran and Turkey have become strategic allies. Even with regards to Syria, the fact that Assad remains in power today is due in no small measure to the fact that Erdogan has used his influence over Obama to ensure that the US has remained on the sidelines and so effectively supported Assad’s survival.

In light of Erdogan’s enormous influence over leaders in both US parties, it is little wonder that Perry’s factual statement about the nature of the Turkish government and the need for the US to reassess its strategic alliance with Turkey provoked such an across the board outcry. Erdogan’s close relationship with Obama – like his previously close relationship with Rice – renders it well nigh impossible for US government officials and inside-the Beltway “experts” to make the kind of commonsense assessments of Turkey’s counterproductive regional role that an outsider like Perry was able to make from his perch in Austin, Texas.

CONTRARY TO what several leading commentators have argued since the onset of the Syrian popular rebellion against Assad, Hamas has not been seriously damaged by the events. True, its leaders are looking for a new place to station their headquarters. But there is no law that requires terrorist organizations to have one central office. The families of Hamas’s leadership have decamped to Jordan. Hamas leaders have close relations with the Qataris – who remain major funders – as well as with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and the Sudanese regime.

In addition to these state supporters, through its relations with Turkey and Fatah, Hamas has Washington as well. To understand how Washington acts as Hamas’s protector, it is necessary to consider the nature of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process.

Since its inception in 1993, the peace process has been predicated on Israeli concessions to the Palestinians. To the extent that Israel makes concessions, the peace process is seen as advancing. To the extent that Israel fails to make concessions, the peace process is seen as collapsing. True, at certain times, the Bush administration blamed the Palestinians for the failure of the peace process, but the blame owed to the fact that Palestinian terrorism made Israel less amenable to concession making.

Palestinian terrorism was not in and of itself blamed for the demise of the peace process. Rather it was perceived as the means through which Israel avoided making more concessions. And at certain times, the US supported Israel’s avoidance of concession making.

Since Israeli concessions to the Palestinians are the only tangible component of the peace process, the US, as the chief sponsor of the peace process, requires the Palestinian Authority – run by Fatah – to be accepted as a credible repository for Israeli concessions regardless of its actual nature. Consequently, despite Fatah’s two unity deals with Hamas, its sponsorship of terrorism, its incitement of terrorism, its refusal to accept Israel’s right to exist, its adoption of negotiating positions that presuppose Israel’s demise, and its conduct of political warfare against Israel, neither the Bush administration nor the Obama administration ever showed the slightest willingness to consider ending their support for the PA. If Israel has no peace partner, then it can’t make concessions. And if it can’t make concessions, there is no peace process. And that is something that neither the Bush administration nor the Obama administration was willing to countenance.

It is true that under Obama the US has become far more hostile towards Israel than it was under Bush. The most important distinction between the two is that whereas George W. Bush sought to broker a compromise deal between the two sides, Obama has adopted Fatah’s negotiating positions against Israel. As a consequence of Obama’s actions, the peace process has been derailed completely. Fatah has no reason to compromise since the US will blame Israel no matter what. And Israel has no reason to make concessions since the US will deem them insufficient.

Noting this distinction, Washington Post commentator Jennifer Rubin wrote this week that for the benefit of the peace process, it is important for a Republican administration to be elected to replace Obama in November. As she put it, “If history is any guide, progress is made in the ‘peace process’ when the Israeli prime minister operates from a position of strength and has the full support of the US president. We might get there, albeit not until 2013.”

The problem with her analysis is that it is of a piece with the insiders’ attacks on Gingrich and Romney alike. That is, it is based on the false assumptions of the peace process and the generally accepted wisdom embraced by the American foreign policy elite on both sides of the aisle that the PA is a reasonable repository for Israeli concessions.

Here it is worth noting that this week Fatah-controlled PA TV aired a sequence venerating the murderers of the Fogel family. Udi and Ruth Fogel and their children Yoav, Elad and Hadas were brutally murdered in their home last March.

Fatah’s glorification of their murderers is yet further proof that the foundations of the peace process are false. Peace cannot be based on appeasing societies that uphold mass murderers as role models. It can only be based on empowering free societies to defeat societies that embrace murder, terror and in the case of Hamas, genocide.

And this brings us back to the Republican primaries and Gingrich’s and Perry’s statements. For the US to secure its interests in the Middle East, it requires leaders who are willing to reassess what passes for common wisdom on both sides of the aisle.

January 31, 2012 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. Laura- Time for a reality check. Gingrich is dead in the water. His personal life disgusts the social conservatives in republican party. He has more baggage than an airline. And perhaps most importantly, polls show that he would fare much worse against Obama than Mitt.. And the Florida results bear this out. Mitt won by a wide margin.

    It ain’t over till the Fat lady sings

  2. Mr. Brand, I truly appreciate your comments and your interest in these issues.
    I also welcome your pertinent obervation about Prof. Arnold Toynbee with regard to the Balfour Declaration.

    It is true, as you said, that Toynbee initially considered that the Balfour Declaration implied ultimately the establishment of a Jewish state. I did not mention Toynbee in my book because it would have taken a long development to explain why, in later years, his views changed drastically. As you know, starting in the 1950s, Toynbee espoused the Arab position with regard to Balfour and the Mandate; he considered that a “Jewish national home” never meant a “state”; he labeled the Jews a “fossil” people; he compared the Iraeli treatment of Arabs to the Nazi persecution of the Jews; and he became more and more opposed to the concept of the nation-state.

    To do justice to Toynbee’s ideas and their evolution in time would have required a lengthy exposé. And that would detract from the scope of the book, which I wanted to be concise, easily readable and a starting point to further debates.

    Indirectly, I posted my comments to some of Toynbee’s critiques of the Balfour Declaration – which are widely shared in some circles – in my response to the FresnoZionism review of my book.

    I would also like to point out an interesting debate at McGill University in Montreal between Prof. Toynbee and Ambassador Yaacov Herzog in 1961. The issues discussed half a century ago remain very much current.

  3. He was always a louse, and as his use of the name “Saul Alinsky” shows – a virulent anti-Semite.

    So in an American context if one were to use any of the names and persona’s below in a derogatory manner they would be considered by you and the stupid kapo court Jews you mentioned as being an antisemite?

    Jacob “Little Augie” Orgen…….Gus Greenbaum…..Ludwig “Tarzan” Fainberg
    Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal…..Harry Rosen…..Louis “Pretty” Amberg…..Louis “Lepke” Buchalter
    Evsei Agron…..Mickey Cohen…..Monya Elson…..Otto “Abbadabba” Berman
    Samuel “Nails” Morton…..Dutch Schultz…..Charles “King” Solomon…..Benjamin “Dopey Benny” Fein
    Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel…..Arnold “The Brain” Rothstein……Andrei Katz……Alex “Shondor” Birns
    Albert “Tick tock” Tannenbaum…..Abner “Longy” Zwillman…..Abe “Kid Twist” Reles…..Jacob “Gurrah” Shapiro
    Jack “Big Jack” Zelig….Isadore “Kid Cann” Blumenfeld…..Hyman “Pittsburgh Hymie” Martin…..Harry “Pittsburgh Phil” Strauss
    Harry “Doc Jasper” Sagansky…..Marat Balagula…..Samuel “Red” Levine…..Seymour Magoon…..Monk Eastman…..Vach “Cyclone Louie” Lewis
    Meyer Lansky

  4. Those of us who study economics, history, political science, etc. know exactly who Saul Alinsky is.TO the best of my knowledge (and the many contacts over the years) I have not found a single trace of anti-Semitism in Gingrich. Fair criticism of Gingrich and Romney may be useful. However, the bulk of criticism on both is misleading and unwarranted.

  5. Mr. Benzimira, I’ve just learned of your highly praised book on Israeli sovereignty over Palestine from the Fresno, California zionists. I am looking forward to getting a copy of it. I’ve been very interested in the same subject. I have a number of questions about whether you have included some interesting materials I have found that give further support to that proposition. These include the Memo of Arnold Toynbee, et al in the British Foreign Office of December 19, 1917 suggesting that the exclusive political rights to Palestine be given to the Jews in trust to avoid the argument by US President Wilson and others that immediate Jewish sovereignty by a population minority would be antidemocratic — that they were intended to have sovereignty when the Diaspora Jews returned to give the Jews a population majority. That the Mandate was intended to be a trust agreement with this intent is shown in his memo. The Mandate was not explicit so as to avoid stirring up the Arabs during wartime. But the Arabs knew of it. That can be found in their arguments against Partition. Those arguments are reprinted in a book by Musa Alami entitled “The Future of Palestine”. When Netanyahu replied to the arguments of Mahmoud Abbas to the UN seeking Palestinian statehood, he should have said, there are no such Arab inalienable rights, in fact no rights, inalienable or not.
    See: Salubrius-HiddenTruth.blogspot.com Scroll down to Arab Extortion of Jewish National Rights to Palestine. The League of Nation’s grant to the Jews was preserved by Article 80 of the UN Charter. The UN had no authority to abrogate the grant of 1922.

  6. Wallace Brand is right about the origin of the “Palestinian people” in the 1964 PLO Covenant. However, the PLO received international imprimatur of this charade in 1974, ten days after Arafat made his speech at the United Nations. On November 22, 1974, the UN passed the General Assembly Resolution 3236 which established:

    – the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine,
    – their right to self-determination,
    – their right to national independence and sovereignty.

    The noxious effects of this Resolution are being felt to this day. In the same way that the 1975 “Zionism = Racism” Resolution was eventually rescinded (in 1991), a strong campaign should be launched for the abrogation of Resolution 3236.

    Unless, of course, factual evidence plays no role in international politics.

  7. Almost two generations of Israeli and “Palestinian” Arabs have grown to adulthood on the myth that Arabs who lived in Palestine during the British Mandate (and their descendants) are Palestinians, descended from biblical Philistines; and that their land, Palestine, was robbed from them by Jews in’48. The world, the US included, refuses to read modern history: to read that the Arab world declared – way before ’48 – that it would never tolerate a Jewish state in the Middle East. They have never veered from their intention. They refused to accept a two-state solution in 1948, and they still do today.
    Modern Arabs are not even lying when they tell us of their ancient homeland and their Palestinian identity because that’s what they’ve been brought up on. It’s what their parents told them, what they learned in school. Their history books have been rewritten, and what they were told,is what they believe – and what they’ve spread around the world.
    In fact, Palestine was the Roman name for 10 Jewish tribes living in Israel during biblical times. There is no relationship whatsoever between Palestine and the Philistines, other than that the Philistines were enemies of Israel in the days of the Bible, much as the Arabs are today. It was the British, in W.W.11, during their mandate over the region, who dubbed the country “Palestine” probably because of their knowledge of the Bible. The country was “Palestine” when there was a Jewish majority there, and when refugees returned there as the only place the countries of the western world could grant them when they no longer wanted Jews in their midst(Palestine was mostly arid desert at that time. It was also universally recognized as the homeland of Jews since Biblical times)
    Under the current US administration, America has tried to promote the Palestinian myth by seeking to remove “Palestinian” from the passports of Jews born in Israel before 1948. With their independence in 1948, the Jews named Palestine “Israel.” In 1948, 1956,and 1967, the entire Arab world united in war against Israel. When, as a result, it lost the West Bank to Jordan (land Jordan had captured from Israel in ’48) its disenfranchised people (Jordanians) chose to call themselves “Palestine,” deliberately suggesting that they were the indigenous people of Palestine. The world has bought their lie. US has bought their lie. American congressmen have to be pretty courageous today to tell the truth about the Israel/Palestine issue.

  8. An excellent post Mr. Brand and quite accurate. It should be said often and loudly that the only real legitimate Palestinians are Zionist Jews and Arab Muslims have absolutely no legitimate claim to the name.

  9. Much though I admire Caroline Glick, she is wrong to state that Palestinian nationalism commenced in 1920. This is a myth promoted by Professor Porath when he was still in the left wing. It is rumored that he became a neocon when the UN declared that Rachel’s tomb was a mosque.
    In fact, the invention of the Palestinian People commenced in 1964 and they were invented by the Soviet dezinformatsia to reframe the murder of Jews that had been ongoing since the 20s as the “liberation” of the fake “Palestinian Arab People”, who they alleged wanted “self government” Both of these claims were invented. The claims were made for the first time in the preamble of the first PLO Charter drafted in Moscow. It was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, formed contemporaneously, each hand picked by the KGB. Brand, Soviet Russia, the Creators of the PLO and the Palestinian People. http://www.think-israel.org/brand.russiatheenemy.html . Brand, Was there a Palestine Arab National Movement at the End of the Ottoman Period? Brand, Soviet Russia, the Creators of the PLO and the Palestinian People. http://www.think-israel.org/brand.russiatheenemy.html

    Many have been misled by Professor Porath’s book to believe Palestinian Nationalism commenced in 1920 (The Emergence Of The Palestinian Arab National Movement, 1918-1929) In fact all that emerged then was an anti-Zionist movement of Arabs local to Palestine. Haj Amin al Husseini couldn’t get them interested in an abstract subject such as self government. In order to get members, in 1928 he started a rumour about the Jews attacking al Aqsa mosque and there were massacres of Jews in Hebron and Safed but not much interest in self government.

  10. …his use of the name “Saul Alinsky” shows – a virulent anti-Semite…

    Hell, I’m disgusted with Saul Alinsky and his “philosophy” – and I’m a card-carrying semite!

  11. Laura- Time for a reality check. Gingrich is dead in the water. His personal life disgusts the social conservatives in republican party. He has more baggage than an airline. And perhaps most importantly, polls show that he would fare much worse against Obama than Mitt.. And the Florida results bear this out. Mitt won by a wide margin.

  12. Gingrich is the only one who truthfully said the “palestinians” are an invented people and Romney criticized him for that. Newt is also the only one who speaks truthfully about the threat of islam. Caroline is right in embracing Newt.

    those Jewish voters who may have been supporters are revulsed by him.

    Speak for yourself.

    The fact is that Gingrich has hurt the cause of Israel simply by being himself. He was always a louse, and as his use of the name “Saul Alinsky” shows – a virulent anti-Semite.

    You clearly reveal yourself as a leftist and supporter of obama. Use of the name of communist agitator saul alinsky is appropriate. Obama learned from his “Rules for Radicals”. That is why Newt brought up his name. Your attempt at trying to portray Newt as antisemitic because he mentioned alinsky is exposed for the obvious ploy that it is. I’ve heard that before. Your accusation comes right from the democrat party playbook. Newt is the furthest thing from an antisemite. However your friends on the left are the real antisemites.

  13. Glick’s embrace of Gingrich is foolish. Now, that this sure and sore loser has exploited the Holocaust in his concocted story about how Romney took kosher food out of the mouths of Massachusetts Jewish seniors – those Jewish voters who may have been supporters are revulsed by him. Commentary Magazine has condemned him, as has the Simon Wiesenthal Center. After tonight, nobody will be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. The fact is that Gingrich has hurt the cause of Israel simply by being himself. He was always a louse, and as his use of the name “Saul Alinsky” shows – a virulent anti-Semite.