Opponents of Barkat’s swap are not making sense

Barkat Plan ‘Will Turn Jerusalem into Sderot’

Coalition and Likud Knesset-faction Chairman Ze’ev Elkin expressed surprise that Jerusalem mayor Nir Bakat is trying to persuade officials to accept his plan to divide Israel’s capital.

“I regret that the mayor of Jerusalem, elected with the votes of the nationalist public, openly endorses the erosion of Jerusalem’s unity,” Elkin, who also chairs the Knesset Jerusalem Lobby, said.

“Neighborhoods Barkat wants to remove from his municipal jurisdiction are a part of the sovereign territory of Israel protected under the Basic Law… the Jerusalem law, and a referendum we enacted in this Knesset,” he added.

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According to Elkin, “excluding the areas and leaving them outside the security fence was a terrible mistake that only increases the numbers of Palestinians within the city, and harms the security situation. Who wants to add insult to injury and make some parts of Jerusalem like Gaza.”

“It will turn Jerusalem into Sderot,” Elkin said. “We cannot let this happen.”

Sderot and other Israeli communities near Gaza have been targeted with over 12,000 rockets and mortar shells by terror organizations in the Hamas-run enclave.

MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) responded to Barkat’s plan saying “Barkat is ignoring paragraph 97 of the Criminal Code of the State of Israel – that says any act which adversely impacts the sovereign territory of the country or surrenders land to a foreign state [without government approval] is an act of betrayal.”

“Barkat is attempting to fill the shoes of the Prime Minister and ignoring laws rather than imposing his authority as mayor in all parts of Jerusalem, which were entrusted into his hand.”

Eldad is sponsoring a law that would declare Jerusalem to be the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish people.

Barkat is promoting swapping some municipal lands left outside Israel’s security fence in exchange for other lands that remain within it. He says the plan would address the city’s impotence when it comes to providing services and exercising of authority in neighborhoods that remain outside the fence.

Nationalist leaders have expressed dismay at Birkat’s plan, which they say could have detrimental effects amid a struggle to maintain Jerusalem’s deep historical and cultural Jewish identity.

Arutz Sheva learned that Barkat is also lobbying Rabbi Haim Druckman and Rabbi Shlomo Aviner for their support.

Rabbi Druckman reportedly expressed support for the program saying it actually increases the overall area of the city while leaving several frequently contentious Arab enclaves outside the fence.

December 23, 2011 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. I believe that we must reserve special areas for arab islamics as they reserve reserve areas for Jews, lets say, in Saudi Arabia, the Aza area, Egypt, Ramallah… etc.
    That way the same rights apply to everyone.

  2. You will have to give all Israel, before you can pacify the Arabs. The promise of GIVE US LAND, GIVE US LAND will go on an on. It is our land, and Jerusalem must not divided. FULL STOP.

  3. Barkat wants tax revenue and the Arabs get but don’t pay up. Instead of enforcing the law like everywhere else under Israeli sovereignty they (The government, municipality and the police are afraid to enforce the laws of israel with the Arabs and not just in Jerusalem. It’s the same story in the north and here in the Negev. You want to get rid of the Arabs just enforce the Laws just like they do with the Jews with sensitivity and understanding. Sustained enforcement and revocation of their permanent residence status will drive many if not most out of here for greener pastures. If they stand and fight we have an excuse to move them all out.

    I won’t bring up again some pragmatic opinions re: Katif and Gaza evacuations.

  4. In my article. Barkat’s Jerusalem Land Swap, I made my case. I don’t wish to repeat it.
    Here is why I say the opponents don’t make sense. I consider Judea and Samaria to be Israel sovereign territory. Barkat simply wants to re-designate some land now part of Jerusalem to be outside Jerusalem but still Israel Sovereign territory.

    I was away for Shabbat and couldn’t get on the internet.

  5. Ted, you need to talk to the person doing the moderating. He or she has taken an extended coffee break. Mine has been in the waiting pattern for a few hours, maybe it’s not coffee he or she is drinking. Maybe you ought to look into it.

  6. Yamit can’t find yours and mine is still in is awaiting moderation, I think the person moderating went took a coffee break.

  7. Yamit, it’s the game plan of the anti-Semite government leaders,carve up the territory until there is no more land called Israel. To make matters worst, the Israel government officials are playing right into their hands. What fools.

    I said many times, Israel needs to continue to build communities and use bulldozers where necessary and pay no attention to anyone in the Arab world who complains or any other government.

    Watching FOX News this AM, there was Ellen Ratner (Jewish) defending Obama and his policies. I just don’t get it.

    Obama doesn’t like Israel and you can bet your ass he doesn’t like Jews, he embraces Islam and only pretends to be a Christian for political purpose, he is an anti-Semite.

    When and what will it take for liberal American Jews to wake up and realize obama and his associates are throwing Israel under the bus.

    The Israelis need to clean house and rid themselves of government officials who believe in swapping land for peace is the answer. Forget it, G-d did not provide the Holy Land for the Jewish people for some secular progressive liberals to give it away, especially to some phony Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.

  8. Our land is occupied by Arabs; Jews were given a reasonably large state by the Mandate. It was considered too much, and Britain took ¾ of our country for some Bedouins in Jordan. The rest was also too much for the Jews, and the UN halved our country for some Syrian Arabs who call themselves “Palestinian.” What plot of land larger than a cemetery is suitable for Jews?

    We must end once and for all the Arab occupation of Y&S.

  9. This creature is another slimy traitor. These traitors are lapdogs of the Obama and his Jew hating administration. The Jewish people have enough enemies and should not tolerate traitors in their midst. He should spend some time behind bars in the adjoining cells next to Livni and the vile OLMUTT who actually criticized Israel while in the lair of the Nazi beasts. OLMUTT is a true sociopath who would sell his own mother. Imagine this traitorous idiot acting like a true kapo in the country which has the blood of 6 million Jews on their hands and is strongly supporting a government (Iran) whose intention is to finish Hitler’s work.

  10. Another Moslem “no-go” area? Hey, pretty soon, Jerusalem will be just like Paris! Shimon Peres will be able to sit at sidewalk cafes, dodging rockets and chatting in French. It will be just like home!

    (No, Bland! His name’s “Peres”, not “Paris”. I’m sorry; I was wrong. He just seems so French!)

  11. Opponents of Barkat’s swap are not making sense

    No it is you and those who wish to relinquish any part of the land of Israel to the Arabs who are not making sense. You have learned nothing from our history or what has happened when we give up our sovereign Land. If the Arabs are the problwm you get rid of the Arabs period. Land swaps? How about population swaps. We give Jordan the Arabs and increase Jewish population on areas they leave?

    Tearing down the fence and getting rid of the Arabs by any means is the only policy that makes sense.

    I have always been against the fence because it fences us in not them out. It has become the De-facto international border without negotiations and the Supreme court has made it conform to Arabs sensibilities, demands and national narrative. The fence should have if at all, been placed around all Arab towns, villages and cities, not where it was placed.

    MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) responded to Barkat’s plan saying “Barkat is ignoring paragraph 97 of the Criminal Code of the State of Israel – that says any act which adversely impacts the sovereign territory of the country or surrenders land to a foreign state [without government approval] is an act of betrayal.”

    “Barkat is attempting to fill the shoes of the Prime Minister and ignoring laws rather than imposing his authority as mayor in all parts of Jerusalem, which were entrusted into his hand.”

    Eldad is sponsoring a law that would declare Jerusalem to be the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish people.

    I agree with Eldad’s minimalistic opinions.