T. Belman. What a flimsy argument.. Very few people on the right have plans to overthow Abdullah. If he were overthrown, its not the beduoin who would seize power but the Palestinians under the leadership of Mudar Zahran, with the backing of the beduoin. The Palestinians, afterall make up 82% of the citizens. Also, using the words transfer, ethnic cleansing, aparthied and racism are misusing them and incendiary.
My plan, which has the best chance of succeeding, would make all Palestinians west of the Jordan R, Jordanian citizens. They are now citizens but this would remove any doubts. Israel can annex the land without being an apartheid state because there is no obligation to give residents who are citizens of another country, citizenship. They can remain as foreign residents. My plan also envisaging incentivizing Palestinians to move the Jordan. There will be no transfer. Finally, its not like Jordan wasn’t part of Palestine from the beginning. So this isn’t transfer, it is voluntary movement from one part of the original Palestine to another part.

Once again it is clear that the Israeli right has no solution to the issue of civil rights for Palestinians in the West Bank after the planned annexation, except for the overthrowing of the Hashemite monarchy in Jordan. And once again, it turns out that both the Israeli right and the ayatollahs’ Iran have a deep partnership with shared interests.
Let’s start with the second point: The Israeli right has a real need for a strong Iran, whose influence spreads through the Middle East, because this helps the right implement its strategic goals. Iran’s aggression unites the moderate Sunni nations in an alliance with Israel against Iran, at the expense of Arab solidarity with Palestinian nationalism and the Palestinian aspiration to end the occupation and establish a state.
This means that Iranian aggression weakens the Palestinians. Iran also supports, funds and directs Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, and in doing so reinforces the split between Ramallah and Gaza and weakens the Palestinian Authority – with which Israel is supposed to and can negotiate. These are clear interests of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli right.
In addition, according to Amos Harel, Tehran has for years been interested in the destabilization of Jordan. What a coincidence. The Israeli right has been interested in the destabilization of Jordan for years, too. Harel says that the partial American withdrawal from the region will aid Iran in increasing its influence in Iraq, and through it, Jordan.
This is the way U.S. President Donald Trump, who has been doing everything he can to break the Palestinians from the moment he entered office, is helping the Israeli right wing fulfill its annexation plans by pulling his troops out of Iraq. Because we should know: Overthrowing the present regime in Jordan is an essential condition to carrying out the Israeli annexation plan.
Which brings us back to the first point, which Karni Eldad wrote about in an article in the Makor Rishon newspaper (“Let the Palestinians vote in the elections for the Palestinians Authority,” January 5). According to Eldad, after “we annex Judea and Samaria … We will let the Palestinians choose: Those who want to remain peacefully, be nice and abandon their national aspirations are invited to … Those who choose to take part in terrorism and dream about Greater Palestine … will be deported with their families.” In other words, transfer. Ethnic cleansing. The successful solution from 1947, which enabled the founding of the “state of the Jews” instead of a binational state, and which gave birth to the racism that we heard recently in the words of Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef against “the non-Jewish immigrants” from the former Soviet Union.
See how openly and casually they talk about the population transfer. Its legitimacy is so obvious in the right’s eyes that there isn’t even a need to justify it. And what about “those who want to remain peacefully, be nice and abandon their national aspirations” – in Eldad’s arrogant and colonialist words? She is aware of the danger: “If we annex Judea and Samaria, we could very well find ourselves a minority in our own country!” The solution: “When the necessary revolution in Jordan comes, where the ruler is a Bedouin minority that rules over a Palestinian majority,” the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria will “vote in the elections for the parliament in Amman.”
So this is why the annexation the right plans has no chance of success without overthrowing the government in Amman and turning Jordan into Palestine. As long as King Abdullah II remains on his throne, the risk exists that the annexation will lead to a binational state, in which the Palestinians will enjoy the right to vote and be elected to the Knesset. The sole alternative will be an apartheid state.
The right assumes correctly that the world would prefer to sacrifice Abdullah than recognize the legitimacy of an Israeli apartheid state. Destabilizing the regime in Jordan can be expected to be a joint project of the settlers, the ayatollahs and the evangelists who support Trump.
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